So Very Tired
Hours of sleep: 7
Number of wake ups: 3
Caffeine units: 4
As usual the Monday morning mayhem greeted us again with the welcome you would expect from a very unwelcome old friend. Despite the weekend being a predictable two days each week, we always feel like we have been cheated of time and left feeling we deserved more.
Our morning began with the pitter-patter of little feet into our bedroom at 5am, after a night of waking up a few times to settle both girls.
The added stress of the fact that this was a morning when Lucy now went to nursery piled on the pressure to our already bleary eyed family. The day started well with cheery happy children, but by dinner time my two sweet red-headed daughters had been replaced by something only seen in the worst cases of Supper Nanny. The perfect tag team, Lucy screamed at three minute intervals that she was “tiiiiiiired” with a whine worthy enough to test the sanity of any mother whilst making dinner.
Livvy followed the rear whilst clearing away the pots demanding in a series of grunts to be let loose from her high chair. The text from Ian to say he was to be later than usual added to my already disintegrating patience. Bath time was met with writhing and fuss. But the 2 minutes of glee when daddy returned brought a smile to their faces and allowed us reprieve from the madness. Now all tucked in bed, I look forward to tomorrow as we are all celebrating Shrove Tuesday with a pancake breakfast. although I am under no illusions that it will be a Walton’s type affair, I know it will result in a happy family with chocolate covered faces sat in a kitchen with batter covered walls.
Bring it on…