10 Best Apps to Keep a Dad Organised
Every daddy geek has responsibilities. Responsibilities to family, to friends and to work and it’s hard to find time to fit everything in. Being organised is key to using your time efficiently. For me, my smartphone is an essential bit of kit for the running of my day-to-day life. I write on it, socialise on it, […]
The Essential Guide to Teaching Your Kids About the Internet
The newest generation of parents is those who grew up with the internet. It’s been a constant presence in their lives since they were young, even if they started using the web in the age of dial-up. And even slightly older parents usually feel like they’re comfortable and familiar with the internet. Although they might […]
LeapTV Party – My Children’s First Games Console
Games not only have the power to entertain but to educate. Despite the press saying the contrary, I believe playing video games have an array of benefits such as improved motor control, awareness of 3D space, increased problem solving ability, and improved reaction times to name but a few. Whilst many mainstream games have not […]
Tech Review: Elgato Game Capture HD
If you plan on pursuing a career in video game journalism or like me you just want to share your love of video games with the world then you will need a game capture device to do it properly. The new Xbox One and PS4 does have video recording and editing functionality which is great […]
Totlol: A Kid-Safe Alternative To YouTube Online & Mobile Devices
[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]otlol is not a new idea, in fact it actually started back in 2008. The idea was to offer parents a child friendly collection of video clips that exist on YouTube in one safe environment. However, being only a one man operation at the time, the project hit a rocky patch and soon disappeared. […]