Tech Review: The Lumi Potti
Having looked into the different pieces if tech that could aid potty training our daughter we decided that the most useable product to meet our needs would be the Lumi Potti. Our daughter was now more or less dry during the day and it seemed that she needed little encouragement to use the toilet now. […]
100 Days of Dieting
It has now been over three months since I started my diet. Over the past 100 days I have spent weeks on Slimfast shakes, weight watchers soups, and even been electrocuted by a slender tone belt. The Bad There has been many times that my resolve has weakened and I delved into the children’s chocolates, […]
Review: Shoeps – The Future of Shoe Laces
Being a reviewer of both technology and innovation I am lucky to be able to sample the latest gizmos and gadgets. I see the new ways designers solve problems and make life easier. However, it is not always tablets and smart watches, every so often I get a high-tech solution to low tech problem. I […]
The World of Double Buggies
Our daughters were born eighteen months apart. Our eldest is now 3, but when we were expecting our second daughter a double buggy suddenly became a necessity, and it turns out it is still one of the best buys and most used items in the house. When we began looking for a double buggy our […]
Spring forward: Sleep Aids For Children
For many, the thought of the clocks going forward brings a mixed bag of feelings. Many are happy that finally we are out of the clutches of winter and the days are getting longer. This is coupled with the feeling of loss of an hours sleep which is quickly forgotten and once summer is here […]
Our Lovely Lucy is Turning Three
It is quite unbelievable how fast the last three years of my life have moved. It seems only a moment ago that I was working full time as teacher and yet here I find myself preparing for Lucy’s 3rd birthday. We decided that this year would be the year to throw her a small family […]
App Review: Tesco Shopping App | iPhone | iPad
I have spent many years walking up and down supermarket aisles hunting down bargains, getting the necessities for our weekly life and grabbing the odd bottle of wine, chosen purely by the the fact that it was under a fiver. As soon as I had my first daughter, however, the idea of dragging her round […]
The Best and Worse Inventions For Parenting | Part 1
The Daddy Geek and I thought important to look at the most fantastic and the most impractical inventions for new parents. The market is swamped with ideas that are supposed to make exhausted parents’ lives easier. So we have selected our top best and worst inventions for you to look at and see if you […]
Having a Baby: The Mans Checklist for Surviving the First Few Weeks
Having a baby is an amazing thing and you’ll be surprised at how much you love that little bundle considering all the hell it is about to put you through. When people say things like ‘it puts things in perspective’ you nod with a a sense of understanding but you don’t really understand… But you […]
Product Review: Happi Feet Shoe Fresheners
By March, most of the fair-weather January dieters have turned their back of their New Years resolutions and that gym membership is just a monthly waste of money… Again! But for those of us who are struggling on being constantly hungry and dragging ourselves to the gym on a regular basis have additional problems. Amazingly […]
Spring has Almost Sprung
Hours of sleep: 7 Number of wake ups in house: 2 Number of cups of tea coffee drunk to keep functioning: 5 Today has been a rarity in any parents weekly routine, both girls napped together and we actually managed to get some quality time together and get some things straight. The brighter the days […]
February Diet | Week 6 | Getting Bored
My resolve is weakening and the whole diet thing is getting very boring, very quickly…. Six pounds lost in six weeks meaning in order to reach my target weight of 11st 3lb I will need to be on this diet for yet another six weeks at least. My motivation is waining and whilst I am […]
February Diet | Week 5 | Teeny Tiny Titbits
[dropcap size=big] T[/dropcap]his week was pretty uneventful as I kept to my Slimfast shakes and indulged a little at the weekend with a large roast dinner. My wife has been more supportive at the weekend by getting me a couple of Weight Watchers soups to eat, so not to ‘diet’ in front of the girls. […]
Oculus Rift lets you train the England rugby team
O2 have teamed up with the England rugby team and announced their new ‘game’ called ‘Wear the Rose’. This “360-degree virtual reality sports experience” is available for the Oculus Rift that places the wearer within a training session with the English team. The video shows that players will be asked to jump, tackle and catch […]
January Diet | Week 4 | Now With Added Slendertone
[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he first month of dieting is finally coming to a close and amazingly my results are finally positive. After last weeks ‘slip up’ I was back on track and working hard. I managed to drag myself to the gym three times and I stuck to my Slimfast lunches. In the evening the temptation was […]
Toy Review: Duplo Cake Makers Kit
[dropcap size=big]M[/dropcap]aking pretend cakes is actually pretty cool and the fact its Duplo means the pieces can be used for so much more. The set comes with two variations of cakes, the traditional corner slice and the smaller cupcake style, as well as a handful of candles should you wish to make it a birthday […]
January Diet | The Beginning
[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]t is such a cliche to diet in January. I feel ashamed to be jumping on the band wagon and following the crowd as we fight the flab through the winter months in the faint hope that this year will be the year of the ‘beach body’. But what the heck, I am bordering […]