The Best Hobbies For Dads And Kids To Do Together
A hobby gives us a break from the ‘daily grind’ and allows us to do something we really enjoy. After all, the thing that puts food on the table and pays the bills might not be as much fun as we’d like; so there has to be something else. Sometimes, though, the choice between enjoying […]
Rainy Day Activities for the Easter Holidays
With the Easter holidays fast approaching many parents are already in a mild state of panic with how to keep their little ones entertained over the holidays. Daddy geek has already given you a few ideas to get out and about for free. But what if the weather means that you are stuck in with […]
Having a Baby: The Mans Checklist for Surviving the First Few Weeks
Having a baby is an amazing thing and you’ll be surprised at how much you love that little bundle considering all the hell it is about to put you through. When people say things like ‘it puts things in perspective’ you nod with a a sense of understanding but you don’t really understand… But you […]
January Diet | Top Five Food Fantasies
u [dropcap size=big]D[/dropcap]iets do strange things to you. Food used to be something that was just there, ready to be eaten, enjoyed and created. Nowadays, it seems to permeate my thoughts and take over my mind. I seem to check the calorie count of everything I touch, pizza menus catch my eyes, and the crinkle […]
Toy Review: Duplo Cake Makers Kit
[dropcap size=big]M[/dropcap]aking pretend cakes is actually pretty cool and the fact its Duplo means the pieces can be used for so much more. The set comes with two variations of cakes, the traditional corner slice and the smaller cupcake style, as well as a handful of candles should you wish to make it a birthday […]