How To Get Your Kids Involved In Sport
Getting your kids more involved in sport is a great way to keep them physically active. It will give them new skills, develop their confidence, and also increase their social circle. However, it’s important to go about things the right way. In this guide, I’m going to go through a few ways that you can […]
Travel Apps Every Daddy Needs
Travelling with the kids in tow is not an easy task, especially when you are travelling solo. Many dads swear by using their iPads to keep kids calm when travelling, especially when going on long journeys. And, why not? As well as being a godsend for plane rides and car journeys, tablets and iPads are […]
Fantastic Ways to Help Your Kid’s Sports Club
When your child joins their first sports club, you’re likely to feel a mixture of emotions. You’ll be proud that they’re finally getting out and doing something active. You’ll be pleased that they’re going to improve their social and team working skills. But you might be a little sad that you won’t get to spend […]
Five Ways to Unlock your Child’s Creativity
Kids are naturally inquisitive, forever trying to explore and make sense of the world around them. As a parent, we want to encourage this creative spark, but it can be tough to keep on coming up with fresh ideas. Children all have different strengths, with some abler musically and others eager to learn other languages. […]
Unusual and Extravagant Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Kids
All kids look forward to their birthdays, and it’s often because of the presents. Now, your child might have a good idea in mind of the sort of gift they’d like. But do you really want to get them another games console? Or that toy that every other kid has? Of course you don’t! You […]
Tech Review: The Lumi Potti
Having looked into the different pieces if tech that could aid potty training our daughter we decided that the most useable product to meet our needs would be the Lumi Potti. Our daughter was now more or less dry during the day and it seemed that she needed little encouragement to use the toilet now. […]
The World of Double Buggies
Our daughters were born eighteen months apart. Our eldest is now 3, but when we were expecting our second daughter a double buggy suddenly became a necessity, and it turns out it is still one of the best buys and most used items in the house. When we began looking for a double buggy our […]
Spring forward: Sleep Aids For Children
For many, the thought of the clocks going forward brings a mixed bag of feelings. Many are happy that finally we are out of the clutches of winter and the days are getting longer. This is coupled with the feeling of loss of an hours sleep which is quickly forgotten and once summer is here […]
Our Lovely Lucy is Turning Three
It is quite unbelievable how fast the last three years of my life have moved. It seems only a moment ago that I was working full time as teacher and yet here I find myself preparing for Lucy’s 3rd birthday. We decided that this year would be the year to throw her a small family […]
Message Your Children With Toymail
Kickstarter really is the most popular and successful way for budding inventors to get their new ideas for gadgets and gizmos onto people’s radar. Any new invention can gain traction, publicity and eventually backing. Those lucky enough to back the more popular projects can not only be the first to get one of the new […]
Tracking Technology for Children & Toddlers
We all know parenting is tough and whilst we can keep track of them when in the home, it’s when they are out and about we worry. With all the horror stories in the news, I’m sure we have all thought about tracking our children. I have outlined a few devices below that allow parents […]
The Best and Worse Inventions For Parenting | Part 1
The Daddy Geek and I thought important to look at the most fantastic and the most impractical inventions for new parents. The market is swamped with ideas that are supposed to make exhausted parents’ lives easier. So we have selected our top best and worst inventions for you to look at and see if you […]
Potty Training: Our Experience And Gadgets That Could Help
As a family, we dreaded potty training our eldest daughter. The thought of having to surrender our carpets, sofas and selves to a repeated drenching did not fill us with joy or excitement. After consulting many friends about how they did it we felt none the wiser as we were told; ‘she’ll do it when […]
Having a Baby: The Mans Checklist for Surviving the First Few Weeks
Having a baby is an amazing thing and you’ll be surprised at how much you love that little bundle considering all the hell it is about to put you through. When people say things like ‘it puts things in perspective’ you nod with a a sense of understanding but you don’t really understand… But you […]