How Social Media Can Help When You’re a Dad
If you’re not already a user of social media, you really should be. There are so many reasons for dads to be active on Twitter and Facebook. Read on to find out more about those reasons.
Parenting Tips Can be Shared
On Twitter, there are lots of accounts that help parents with tips and advice. No parent is perfect, and we can all do with a little help now and then, so having that support there on social media helps a lot. There are accounts that provide recipes for young children, ones that help with child safety online, and some that are a little more humorous. They all help in different ways, so check them out.
There’s also a strong community of dads on twitter, and they can offer you support as well. Whether you’re struggling to adjust to parenthood or you’re a new parent looking for support, having people to talk to on social on media is a big help. You could also join forums for parents that add another layer of valuable support. All in all, the internet is a great tool for dads to use.
It Allows You to Keep an Eye on the Kids
Understandably, many parents are concerned about what their children are getting up to online. There are so many things for parents to worry about nowadays. For a start, you have to think about who they’re talking to and whether they should be talking to them or not. Then you have to think about how to stop them gaining access to inappropriate material. And finally, there’s the growing problem of internet bullying.
If you’re on social media, you’ll be able to keep a close eye on what they’re doing. Without being on social media, it can be pretty difficult to do this. For me, this is a good enough reason to use social media. As a parent, I’m sure you’ll agree that there’s nothing more important than your children’s safety. Your children might not like it to begin with, but they’ll get used to you following them on Twitter!
It Connects You to Old Friends
As you grow older, and life becomes more busy and hectic than ever before, it can become hard to maintain relationships with people. Who has the time to spend time with friends in the evening when you have the children to look after? Well, this is why being on social media is so great. It allows you to stay in contact with people without having to leave the home. You won’t have to see your relationships fall apart just because you have children now.
It’s also a great way to reconnect with old friends who you haven’t seen or spoken to for years or even decades. Before the days of social media, you’d have to go to one of those high school reunions that are often awkward and depressing. Nowadays though, you can chat with people on social media without any of that terrible awkwardness.
You Can Stay on Trend
Are you the kind of dad that likes to stay on trend and up to date? You don’t want to be one of those dads that’s stuck in the past and doesn’t know anything about what your children’s generation are interested in. Well, social media will help you a lot with this. Being on Twitter and Facebook allows you to stay in touch with what your children are talking about and what they like. You never know, it could even help you be a better father!
You could even get down with the kids and start creating some memes. To make things easier for you, you can use the Social Meme Generator. These are the main ways that children send quick jokes to each other on social media sites, so you need to get up to speed with what makes a good meme and start using them!
You Can Embarrass the Kids
Last, but not least, being on social media is a great way to embarrass your children. As every dad knows, there are few things that are more fun than embarrassing your kids in front of their friends. There are lots of ways to do this, and you probably don’t need me to give you any further ideas.
Don’t worry, embarrassing your children isn’t cruel. It’s your duty as a father to try to embarrass them wherever and whenever you can. Try not to do it too much though. Otherwise, you might yourself blocked by your own son or daughter!
Now you know how helpful social media can be for dads, you should set up profiles on Twitter and Facebook as soon as possible.
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Social media is the best way to keep in touch these days, I spend more time on it than on the phone x
I’m addicted to my social channels, but when you are a blogger you have to be 🙂