How to Prepare Your Home for Summer
Summer is coming, and while it’s likely you’re looking ahead to days on the beach, barbeques with friends, family vacations and some much-needed time off work, there is something you may not have thought about. Is your home prepared to cope with all the summer weather can throw at you? Obviously the sunshine and the intense heat are bound to make an appearance, but that’s not all the summer can bring. Hot weather can also bring rain, storms or even more extreme events which, as a responsible parent, we need to make sure we’re ready for.
Get ahead of the summer with these 5 great tips.
Get Your Air Conditioner Serviced
Make sure your home air conditioning unit is working before the heat gets here. The air filter may need replacing, and the unit itself is likely to need a clean. If you feel that it isn’t working as well as it could be it’s best to contact a central air conditioning system company as soon as possible. They will get the unit back to full working order so you can rest assured your family will be cool and comfortable when it’s really needed.
Prepare for Rain
Heat is almost always accompanied by rainstorms which can sometimes be both dangerous and damaging to your home. Check your home’s foundations and the basement to see if there are any holes, gaps, or cracks which water can seep through. Your gutters should be clear of blockages and the roof intact with no damaged tiles or potential leaks. Again, if you are concerned that your roof is not in good condition, contact a local professional who can check your roof and provide a quote for any repairs needed.
Bug Protection
Summer also bring with it some not so welcome little friends called insects which will enter your home trying to escape the heat, eat your food and, most disgustingly of all, lay their eggs. Insects are also often greater in number at this time of year because they are dormant throughout the winter, and summer is their opportunity to breed. Your windows and doors should be sealed to prevent unwanted visitors making their way inside. You can also spray the exterior of your home with natural insect repellent to deter them from even trying.
Wash Your Ceiling Fans
When your fans have not been in use for a while, they are likely to have collected a lot of dust so you should dust and wash them while they’re not in use. You may also want to switch the direction in which they turn as ceiling fans can work in both directions depending on the season. Counterclockwise is best in summer to encourage the movement of air when it’s stuffy and humid.
Storm Emergency Kit
Severe weather can strike almost anywhere in America, and summer is often a prime time for storms. It’s a very good idea to have a storm emergency kit ready should you need it. It can be as simple as a bag with bottles of water, a flashlight, non-perishable food, cellphone chargers, tape, and a first aid kit.