When it comes to helping our kids at school, many of us settle for assisting with homework. That’s all there is too, after all. Right? Perhaps not. Homework is the most apparent way to support their school lives. But, it’s far from the only thing they may need advice on. Even once the school books are away, their days may continue to play on their minds for a variety of reasons.

That makes sense when you consider that school teaches children more than sums. In truth, the real benefit of education is the wealth of lessons involved. From socialization to competition, your children will learn about it all. So, help with their homework is only the start of what they may need you for. To ensure you’re covering all bases, we’re going to look at a few of the other ways you can help.


Physical training

As our kids aren’t given physical education homework, sports often fall by the wayside. But, the competitive nature of sporting activities can weigh heavy on any child. If they have a big race, or a sports day event coming up, it can be a significant source of stress. They may even attempt to head out and practice alone. But, removing the competitive nature ensures practice won’t be half as effective. Which is where you come in. If your child specializes in running, get yourself some track singlets so you can join in. If basketball is their speciality, stock up on a kit for yourself. Either way, get out and help. If they repeat the same thing over and over, you can be pretty sure they’re practicing. So, don’t take this easy. If you’re going to help, you need to prove yourself a significant competitor.

Friendship advice

Socialization is one of the most crucial school lessons. This is where your kids will learn about how to make friendships work. It’s also where they’ll learn about getting things wrong. And, that can be a difficult thing for a child to get their heads around. What’s more, this isn’t something their teachers will tell them. So, if they’ve upset someone, or fallen out with a friend, they may struggle to understand why. If you notice your little one seems quiet, or thoughtful, this may be the reason. Encourage them to talk to you about it, and give them the best advice you can for moving forward.


Teacher trouble

Let’s not forget that your child may also struggle with teacher trouble. This can take root in a number of ways. It may be that a teacher isn’t teaching your kids in a way they understand. In that case, attempt to help them come around to their teacher’s way of thinking. Or, explain the lessons in a way which makes sense. In other cases, it may be that they feel excluded or picked on by a teacher. In this case, you may have no choice but to book an appointment to discuss this with a senior member of staff.


About The Author

Gadget lover, gamer, tech obsessed daddy blogger - Loving husband, father of two girls and dog owner