
100 Days of Dieting

It has now been over three months since I started my diet. Over the past 100 days I have spent weeks on Slimfast shakes, weight watchers soups, and even been electrocuted by a slender tone belt. The...

January Diet | Week 3

Crisps, pizza and a burger are not the meals one expects to see on the menu of anyone supposedly on a diet and yet each and every one passed my lips. As you can assume, the mini break to Aldeburgh did nothing...

January Diet | Week 2

The weigh in wasn't good. I put it down to new shoes and a change in clothes. Starting with excuses is not the best way to begin a blog post so lets start with the numbers Weight: BMI: Body...

January Diet | The Beginning

It is such a cliche to diet in January. I feel ashamed to be jumping on the band wagon and following the crowd as we fight the flab through the winter months in the faint hope that this year will be the year...