Getting Set Up With Twitch Streaming
Twitch. You’ve likely heard of it. It’s one of the most popular streaming services on the internet. Owned by Amazon, the site has exploded in popularity over the last two years, thanks to massive e-celebs taking part in it. The site allows you to stream yourself playing video games, as it captures raw source video and audio from your computer or capture card. Placing a webcam over the top and launching your channel allows for people to naturally find you, and potentially form a community with you. It’s a popular option for those looking to monetize their playtime, as viewers are given the option to donate to your page or ‘subscribe’ with monthly payment options.
This might sound appealing to you. As a gamer, why wouldn’t it? There are a few things to keep in mind when Twitch streaming and the following mini-guide should help you:
Use OBS Studio
There are many programs that can help you go live. Many programs such as GeForce Shadowplay, XSplit and even home console options letting you go live straight from your game can all get you started. However, OBS Studio and the Streamlabs OBS beta are free options that afford you the largest degree of creative control. In these programs, you can manage your inputs, scenes, transitions, edit live, change audio levels and generally stay compatible with the widest-ranging number of devices possible. You might need to adjust some of the settings as per those shown on a YouTube guide, so we’d recommend knowing how to take a screenshot on a mac and comparing those settings side by side.
Use Streamlabs
It’s important to use the Streamlabs service. This connects to your Twitch account for free and can help you create custom notifications for when you gain followers, subscribers or donations. This is a great way to track the goings on of your channel, and to thank people for their contributions, attendance or support. You can also feature games on your channel, such as rewarding frequent watchers with loyalty points or allowing them the chance to play games with you online.
Craft A Discord
It’s important to build a community as a streamer. One of the best methods of doing this is to open a Discord server. This is a free program and functions as a text chatroom for dedicated gamers. You can also voice chat here, and this is why the program is taking over both Discord and Skype. It also allows you to manage tiers of donations, subscribers or other contributions with different flairs, incentivizing people to either stay in your community or become more vocal within it.
These are the core underpinnings of Streamlabs. Using these methods, you will be able to stream games and enjoy yourself. Remember to have fun, expect nothing, and don’t try to force its profitability. Then you’ll truly be streaming at your best.