Fund Friendly Tech: Making Your Addiction Affordable
When you’re really into all things tech, you might start to realize that it’s starting to cost you a pretty penny. From the latest games console to the coolest new gadget, this kind of interest can start to shred your savings account. But, that doesn’t have to be the case. Not if you’re tech savvy anyway. Because you should be able to use those same smarts to save yourself a few dollars here and there. Not every hobby has to be expensive. But you just have to be able to work out how you’re going to cut the cost. If you’re not used to being frugal, here are a few tips to get you started and you’ll soon find that you can save a little (or have more to spend on) your tech habit!
Shop Around
The first thing that you’re going to want to do here is to shop around. You probably have your favorite stores. You may even shop at one set store that’s based in your neighborhood, but if you’re serious about saving money, you’re going to want to shop around a little. You need to be able to find the cheapest options, for both equipment and service provision. That means you might want your iPhone 7 unlocked, visit this great site to find out how and then you can use the cheapest provider. But if you don’t shop around, you may not discover that you could be saving money in the first place.
Get Cashback
Another thing you need to be doing pretty much all of the time – any time you shop anyway, is look to get cashback. By working with key cashback sites such as TopCashBack, you can get money back for the purchases you make online. If you’re going to shop for a certain piece of tech, check out the main cashback sites first. You could find that you can get 10% or even more back on whatever you buy – and that’s a lot when the item comes with a heavy price tag in the first place.
Wait For The Sales
You could also wait for items to be discounted. All throughout the year, there are so many different sale periods where items will come with a promotional price tag, like Black Friday that’s about to come up. So don’t buy before a big period, as you may find that you can make savings by timing your purchases right.
Strike A Deal
From here, you’re also going to want to have a go at working on your negotiating skills. This is more relevant if you’re used to buying in a physical store. You may not think it will work, but if you want to get the best price, haggle a little – especially if you’ve seen a cheaper option elsewhere!
Be Strict
Finally, you’re also going to want to think about being strict on yourself. Don’t always buy for the sake of it. Instead, if you want your purchases to count, then don’t shop frivolously – save for the things you really want instead. That way, your money will always go further.