The thought of a night out in London with friends set off alarm bells in the calorie-counting part of my brain. With each Gin and Tonic weighing in at around 100 calories each I knew Saturday would not be good for my diet. As such I told myself that after that after lunch I would have a temporary diet break. There was no point panicking all evening about it, so after my slim fast I thought I would let the proverbial chips fall where they may.
Upon arrival at Lots of beers and Gin and tonic’s later I was happily drunk and looking forward to getting one of my food fantasies; a kebab, on the way home.
Fate however, had a different plan as I left ample time for my kebab before the last train home I stopped in the station just to check my times. As it turns out I was early enough to get the earlier train but only if I hurried. I tried to queue at the pasty shop for something but the couple ahead of me took too long and I had to run… Foiled!
No matter, I thought to myself, as there is always the other end… Sadly this was not to be either as the limited number of taxi’s mixed with the swathe of people behind me prompted me tI stopped in the station just to check my times. As it turns out I was early enough to seize the opportunity and jump in a cab home. So despite having both a slim fast AND a bucket of Chinese food for lunch I begrudgingly missed dinner.
[column size=one_half position=first ]Weight:
Body Fat:
[column size=one_half position=last ]11st 13lb no change
25.9 -0.1
19.2% +3.2
Most of the week went to plan as I went to the gym, drank my slim fast and used the slender tone belt.
A concern that did surface though is the fact that for weeks I had been itching constantly to the point of broken skin on my arms. I had previously attributed this to using biological washing powder and despite changing it, we were still in the cross over phase. What I was about to find out, however was very different…