Top IoT Security Issues and How to Overcome Them
The global Internet of Things market is likely to be valued at $1.11 trillion by 2026. The CAGR percentage for this growth is likely to be 25.4% in the 2021-2028 period. By 2021, 35 billion IoT devices will be installed around the world. By 2030, this number is expected to reach around 50 billion IoT […]
Cybersecurity and Staying Safe on the Internet
These days you can access all information from the comfort of your home via the internet. Similarly, you can conveniently do mobile-money transactions or access your bank account with your phone from anywhere. Such platforms have created room for online fraudsters to trick vulnerable people like seniors, especially by luring them into giving away personal […]
5 Reasons Why Your Business Keeps Losing Its Data
Data loss can be incredibly devastating for any business. Not only can it lead to downtime, but it can severely damage your reputation. If it’s something that is happening to you regularly, it’s crucial to identify the cause as soon as possible. The last thing you want is to end up closing down because your […]
Quality Improvement and the Importance of AI
Quality can mean so many things to so many people. It can be the craftsmanship of a product, it can be the simplicity of a design or it can be the cleanliness of a codebase to name a few. Quality can come in levels from high to low, or simply define the process of making […]
Review: Bitdefender Antivirus For Mac
Gone are the days when viruses were just for PCs. As Macs grew in popularity and took the top spot for most used home computers, the virus creators turned their focus to Apple. There is a wide variety of antivirus software for Mac to choose from from the big name brands to new emerging companies. […]
Free Primary Resources For Teaching From Home
Home learning has become much more commonplace, as the pandemic forces families to stay at home and teach at home. Whilst some schools have online learning all sorted with Microsoft Teams, digital classrooms, recorded lectures and automated homework, not everyone has the infrastructure for resources to roll this out effectively. If you have found your […]
What Is the Best Paying Online Casino?
People try to have fun and entertain as differently as they can. Thanks to the Internet, it has become much easier to spend time with pleasure. For example, many people prefer casino slot games. These games give the spirit of competition, bring pleasure, and allow for earning money. Therefore, when you play online casino slots, […]
Cleared for Landing: Four Design Guidelines for an Accessible Business Website
A business website can play a significant role in a company’s success. A well-built site will perform various functions for a particular business or industry. The most basic site might provide information about the company, including contact and team-member information. At the other end of the spectrum lies the fully interactive portal that encompasses buying […]
Food Games For Kids at
The coronavirus pandemic has made recent months very strange indeed. In the UK, the government offered to pay 80% of the salaries of workers who have been furloughed (removed from active duty). I myself was furloughed, which has allowed me to take some time to help homeschool my two children. Some schools have digital classrooms […]
How AI Is Changing the Way We Work
The world is rapidly changing, and one of the things that stands out the most is how technology is transforming our daily lives. Nowadays, you will see children and adults alike glued to gadgets and using them to perform just about every function. Technology has also influenced the way that businesses operate in many ways […]
How To Choose Circuit Design Software
There have been so many advances in design software in relation to design software specifically for circuit design that for ease and simplicity it is important that designers have the very best in the market. Circuit boards can do a lot more things nowadays and even although this is the case, they are a lot […]
How to Start a Home Business Easily
Have a good business idea and dislike working for someone else? It’s a position that many employees find themselves in, which is why starting your own online business is becoming an increasingly popular option. There are many ways you can take advantage of online platforms to make your entrepreneurial dream come true, and here are […]
Online Activities You Can Share with Your Kids
The internet has changed everything in our world, and that includes parenting. The fundamentals remain the same of course, in that we have to ensure that we provide all the support and love our children need, while at the same time giving them the lessons and skills that will prove invaluable in their later life. […]
Four Puzzle Games on the PC Worth Playing
The puzzle genre is not as popular on the PC as the shooters, racers, and RPGs are, so it does not see as many big titles. But over the years, various developers have created and released some masterpieces for gamers who don’t mind exercising their brain a bit more on occasions. In case you were […]
7 of the Most Innovative Apps in the World
If you’re a big technophile, you’re probably well-acquainted with the most popular apps in the world. WhatsApp, Airbnb, Uber – you’re a seasoned user. In which case, some of the lists that claim to boast ‘the most innovative apps in the world’ certainly fail you. It’s 2018; stop telling us to book holidays on Airbnb! […]
Want Your Kid To Ace Those Exams? Get On Board With This Technology
When you leave school, you may think that you have seen the last of exam season stresses. However, this isn’t always the case. The majority of people go through it all again when they have children of their own, helping them with revision, learning the syllabus and waiting anxiously for those all important results. In […]
Bonding Over Apps
There’s probably not a kid in the land who hasn’t been on a tablet, smartphone or computer of some sort which has apps on offer for you to be able to utilise to your heart’s content. Whether it’s using the apps to watch videos, playing games or researching facts for school, we are using apps […]
Best Video Conferencing Features and Tools for SMBs
When you’re running an SMB, figuring out what kind of technology platform will give you the most bang for your buck is essential to your business’s success. Given that communication technology can be some of the most expensive services out there, finding a solution that’s both scalable, but also flexible, is of the utmost importance. […]
Papa DO Preach!
The thing about being a dad in the age of the internet means that there are many places you can go to for advice, but the fact is that by randomly typing into Google “why is my baby puking” doesn’t throw up a lot of help, but mainly thousands of pages of forums, none of […]
Kids That Code: Should You Get Yours Interested In Programming?
There’s no denying that children these days are very much interested in gadgets and technology. It’s not uncommon to see kids as young as eight walking around with smartphones and tablets! At home, they probably outsmart their parents when it comes to technology! It’s also not unusual to see youngsters learning about stuff on computers, […]
The Best Apps to Stop Dads Going Crazy
Being a dad makes for a busy life, but it’s all worth it in the end. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some tough times along the way. When you’re extremely busy, and the kids are demanding your attention, it can be hard to keep your head on straight. All dads need a bit […]
Must-Have Features Of Exemplary Blogs
If you are thinking about starting your own blog, then you will want to know what it is that makes them successful. As with anything else, there has to be something that sets apart the best from the rest, and knowing what that something is is likely to help you profoundly in building up your […]
Tips for Taking Amazing Photos On Your Phone
These days there’s no need to lug around a big DSLR or even a digital camera when the device we always have with us can do just as good a job. I’m talking about the iPhone of course! After all, when were you last really without your humble companion? I bet you’d struggle to name […]
Choosing The Right Software For Your Business
Having worked in various types of company from freelancing out of a bedroom, to small businesses, to large multinationals. I have seen various software applications used for all manner of activities, be it deciding who makes the next round to tea, to strategic conversion rate optimisation tools. New technologies are giving businesses a huge boost and […]
An Introduction to the IT Sector
The IT sector is one of the most important and quickly growing industries out there. If you’re curious about the history and current applications of IT, you’ll want to read on for an introduction to and history of the IT sector. Some Basic Definitions You Should Know According to About Tech, the words “information technology” […]