Dad’s Birthday Wishlist
Okay folks, here’s the deal. Every year we open our new pair of socks, and we put on our best smile and say thank you. But, that’s not what we really wanted. So, to save you the trouble (and my fake smile), I’ve written up a killer list of present ideas. Obviously, this is my […]
What To Buy Video Game Loving Children This Christmas
With Christmas just around the corner, the kids will want to stock up on their gaming gear. Maybe they’re a first timer and they want to use Christmas to get started. Perhaps they’re an experienced gamer and they just want to add to the collection. Whatever the reason, Christmas is the time for games. It […]
Gaming Party With The LeapTV
Games not only have the power to entertain but to educate. Despite the press saying the contrary, I believe playing video games have an array of benefits such as improved motor control, awareness of 3D space, increased problem solving ability, and improved reaction times to name but a few. Whilst many mainstream games have not […]
Tracking Technology for Children & Toddlers
We all know parenting is tough and whilst we can keep track of them when in the home, it’s when they are out and about we worry. With all the horror stories in the news, I’m sure we have all thought about tracking our children. I have outlined a few devices below that allow parents […]
Next Generation Apple TV With Gaming Support On The Horizon
In an exciting turn of events it seems that there is a fresh crop of rumors that suggest the next version of Apple TV is planned for release in the first half of this year. The Apple TV version 3 is said to be the same style set top box but with a complete OS […]
My 2014 Tech and Gadget Wishlist
[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]here is a lot of fantastic technology around at the moment and if I was to write about the unfiltered list of gadgets I am after it would be a very long post. Instead, I wanted to look at the technology I am after that is within the realms of reality. Obviously, I would […]
Tech Review: Mobile Internet from 3
If you don’t know already, my children are terrible sleepers and in the early hours of the morning when you have tried everything I use the TV to distract them and calm them down. In the UK there isn’t much in the way of quality viewing for kids at the time and it’s handy to […]