Gadget Emergency: How to Repair Your Broken Laptop
We’ve all been there: you’re using your laptop and it gets knocked or a glass spills and suddenly, it’s game over. You dry it off and try to turn it back on, but to no avail. If you have insurance or a warranty, you could get them fixed, but what if you don’t have any […]
Drones – Are they for the big kids or little kids?
There is no doubt that drones are one of the fastest growing tech markets across the globe with annual sales expected to triple by the time we reach 2021 – so we are asking who is driving this trend and are drones designed for the big kids (of which I wholeheartedly class myself in that […]
The Boys Toys and Gadgets Every Man Needs
If you’re a lover of boys and toys and gadgets, you’ve probably already got some in your possession. They help you to have fun each day and waste time when you’re bored and have nothing else to do. As technology develops and improves, there are more of them that are worth your time and your […]
Electric Express: Digital Vehicles For Digital Dads
For a lot of dads, being on the cutting edge of entertainment technology is simply a fact of life. Your interests will probably see you getting excited at the idea of owning the latest gadgets and electronic toys, making it hard to ignore everything hitting the market. At the moment, one of the biggest trends […]
5 Gadgets that Will Change the Way You View Cleaning
Cleaning the house and everything in it is not something that people usually look forward to, but it’s something that has to be done nonetheless. However, we live in the age of technology now, so it only makes sense to utilise such tech and use it as a means to help us tidy our homes. […]
Tech Investments For Your Teenagers
The festive period is here in full force, and, hopefully, you’re kids have already got their presents awaiting them under the tree (or in Santa’s sack). Whether you’ve got young children, pre-teens, or teenagers; their Christmas lists seem to get longer each year, and it can be difficult to keep up with what to buy […]
5 Unusual Ways GPS Is Being Used
For most of us, the image above symbolizes what we use GPS for: navigating a journey. However, the technology used to prevent us from getting lost also has a huge number of other applications. Some of the most interesting are discussed below, allowing you to appreciate GPS in a whole new set of ways. Geocaching […]
The iPhone is Ten Years Old
Around 15 years ago I was a PC user, happy to mock Mac users for paying over the odds for machines that were simply a lower spec than PC’s of a similar price. I laughed at the fact they thought they were arty and niche and continued with my Windows XP beast. A few years […]
5 Bits Of Tech For Every Travelling Businessman
When you first started your job, you probably believed your employee when he or she looked you in the eye and told you that frequent travel was a perk of the job. However, a few months down the line and you’ll be convinced that they confused the word ‘perk’ with ‘flaw’. Okay, maybe that is […]
3-D printing: What is it used for?
You may or may not have noticed that 3-D printing is everywhere at the moment. From car parts to phone cases, fashion accessories and even essential medical equipment, it’s safe to say is has taken the technology market by storm and is definitely a new favourite in the gadget world. Although the first 3-D printer […]
Tech Review: WD 8TB My Book
I have a growing collection of Western Digital ‘My Books’ around my house. The small black monoliths are packed full of everything from half-finished games to a near day-by-day photo record of my daughters’ lives. Outside of that, I store my channel videos, game capture footage, and clips that might just be useful one day. […]
Snazzy Accessories To Help Improve Your Kids’ Photography
Lots of parents try and coax their kids outside to enjoy the fresh air as often as possible. They do this as they believe it is a much healthier way for them to spend their free time compared to sitting in front of the TV or computer! However, getting your kids to go outside is […]
Protecting Your Children When You’re Not Around
As a parent, you can probably attest to the fact that you worry about your children when you’re not with them. This is normal. Even when you are positive that they are in safe hands, it’s easy to start fearing the worst. It’s easy to start imagining everything that could possibly go wrong, going wrong. […]
Protective Tech for Sport Loving Children
We would all like to wrap our children in cotton wool and protect them from the world, however, the urge to explore, taste and try everything is a magical gift that parents can’t help but nurture. Over the past few years, I have seen my children express interests in martial arts, sports, dancing and gymnastics. […]
Robots That Will Compete With Our Children
Without even realizing it, we have seen robots come into play in our everyday lives. They may not look like the ones in Will Smith’s I, Robot or Spielberg’s A.I. – not yet anyway – but robots have become part of our daily life. We all have a form of Siri on our smartphones, or […]
Tech Review: August Smart Wristband
Being the type of man who enjoys all the food and drinks we are told to avoid, I attempt to combat my unhealthy diet with regular exercise… or at least as regular as I can manage. I’m a keen runner, I try and cycle to the office and my children and dog keep me pacing […]
Daddy Geek Christmas Gift Guide 2016
With Halloween now well behind us, Christmas has come screaming into the forefront with the annual heart wrenching adverts, the landslide of toy commercials and they have already let Michael Bubble out of his box to sing in the festive season. It’s about now, I turn my technological wizardry to Christmas shopping to find out […]
Pitch Up With These Gadgets For A Tech-Savvy Tent
While going camping with the kids for the first time is a great event that you’ll never forget. But the stress is something that will stay with you for a long time too! The mud and rain might form a part of your experience too! Luckily there are ways to get by while being tech-savvy […]
Still A Big Kid: One Dad’s Worries About Monopolising His Children’s Toys
Now let me first get an important disclaimer out of the way. I love my kids more than words can say. They, along with my wife, are my world. I would do anything for them, and would never let them come to any harm. With that said, I am a geek, which largely means I’m […]
Tech Inventions From ‘Back To The Future’ That Came True…
I don’t suppose you’ve watched the ‘Back To The Future’ series of films lately? I have. You know what I noticed? There are so many inventions from that series that actually came true in the real world. Many of them have only started to spring up in recent years, so who knows what else is […]
The Top 3 VR Headsets On the Market Right Now
The era of virtual and augmented reality is about to emerge. Like a butterfly from a chrysalis, it will spread its wings to become the new big thing – not only in entertainment, but in healthcare, education, tourism, military training and much more. It’s hard to describe just how immersive and impressive it feels, even […]
Are The Apple AirPods The Company’s Worst Invention Yet?
Apple has long been one of the most valuable brands in the world. This is in large part due to their range of gadgets and devices aimed at the everyday consumer. Over a billion Apple products are used worldwide, thanks to their ease of use for even the least technologically savvy people. That’s why their […]
How To Completely Obliterate Your iPhone
iPhones don’t come cheap, and yet many people take risks with them daily. These risks lead to a completely obliterated iPhone, and an expensive repair bill. That’s even if it can be fixed! Here’s how most people completely obliterate their iPhones… Drop Your iPhone On The Floor Sometimes, you can drop your phone on the […]
Tech Review: Vizor Virtual Reality Headset
Being a gadget-loving father, I have seen many gizmos come and go. I was around during the last two Virtual Reality booms and sadly, they both fizzled into oblivion. In 1989, the term ‘Virtual Reality’ was coined, and by the early nineties there was a handful of VR terminals and a hit movie (The Lawnmower […]
Tech Review: Olixar 3-in-1 Lens Kit
I’m becoming a camera ponce… As a fan of both photography and video production it can be a little frustrating only having a mobile phone camera when something epic happens. Whether is something magical such as your daughter’s first experience toasting marshmallows, or something scary, like finding a giant spider in the garage, the shots […]