Review: ShaveKit | Shaving Subscription Service
I need to shave. I have two young daughters and being a generally ‘cuddly father’, I often kiss and cuddle them only to leave sandpaper-like burns on their skin. They are soft and delicate and i’m… We’ll i’m a man who is also soft an delicate but I get pretty rough stubble. As such I […]
Radio Speaker Docks Review: AZATOM HOME HUB Vs KITSOUND XDOCK2
Apple’s decision to change the connection in the iPhone 5 and 6 annoyed a lot of people. Having finally replaced all the CD players in my house with docking stations I was all set for the digital music revolution. The advent of the lighting connector meant that I needed to replace all these docks. Sure, […]
Tech Review: STM Skinny Pro iPad Mini Cover
Prevention is better than a cure… I have a trail of smashed and cracked iPhones and tables in my wake and despite having gadget insurance; this is used only in an emergency. The best way to keep your precious gadget in perfect working order is to cover it. I was lucky enough to be sent […]
Tech Review: Mu-so by Naim | Simple Design, Stunning Sound
The Mu-so is the first tentative step by the illustrious Naim into the wireless speaker market. Naim, who have a long standing history in the Hi-Fi world, is also the stereo of choice for the luxury car company Bentley and have been crafting in-car music systems for them since 2008. The wireless speaker market has […]
Tech Review: Honestech VIDBOX for Mac
[Video Review For the Vidbox For Mac at the bottom of this page] A million years ago I went through a phase of trying to get on game shows and TV shows. I think it all stemmed from when I was 8 years old and my class was filmed starting a popcorn-making company from our […]
Tech Review: Watchbot IP Camera
Temper tantrums, comedy falls and insect chasing dogs, don’t sound like moments that bring you closer to your family but they do, and for that I have to thank The Watchbot. Webcams sounded like a good idea back in the nineties, but they failed to make an impact. More recently, the likes of Skype, FaceTime […]
Tech Review: Elgato Game Capture HD
If you plan on pursuing a career in video game journalism or like me you just want to share your love of video games with the world then you will need a game capture device to do it properly. The new Xbox One and PS4 does have video recording and editing functionality which is great […]
Bikes, Trains & Automobiles | The latest in Toddler Travel Toys
Spring is definitely making an appearance and now is the time when parents begin to think of ways to keep their little ones entertained outside. Our children love being outside and on a recent trip to a Toys r Us my two children seemed to the most exciting part of our visit, not the toys within […]
Review: Shoeps – The Future of Shoe Laces
Being a reviewer of both technology and innovation I am lucky to be able to sample the latest gizmos and gadgets. I see the new ways designers solve problems and make life easier. However, it is not always tablets and smart watches, every so often I get a high-tech solution to low tech problem. I […]
Spring forward: Sleep Aids For Children
For many, the thought of the clocks going forward brings a mixed bag of feelings. Many are happy that finally we are out of the clutches of winter and the days are getting longer. This is coupled with the feeling of loss of an hours sleep which is quickly forgotten and once summer is here […]
Review: Upbeat High Protein Dairy Drink
Diets are really tough and keeping track of what you eat and drink can be difficult. I have been dieting since January and since then I have tried both Weight Watchers and Slimfast. Slimfast brought me out in an itchy rash and Weight Watchers always seemed to leave me hungry. I needed something new. Then, […]
App Review: Tesco Shopping App | iPhone | iPad
I have spent many years walking up and down supermarket aisles hunting down bargains, getting the necessities for our weekly life and grabbing the odd bottle of wine, chosen purely by the the fact that it was under a fiver. As soon as I had my first daughter, however, the idea of dragging her round […]
Product Review: Happi Feet Shoe Fresheners
By March, most of the fair-weather January dieters have turned their back of their New Years resolutions and that gym membership is just a monthly waste of money… Again! But for those of us who are struggling on being constantly hungry and dragging ourselves to the gym on a regular basis have additional problems. Amazingly […]
Tech Review: The Logitech Harmony Touch Remote
[dropcap size=big]G[/dropcap]adgets litter my house, in a vain attempt to bring the future promised to me in the movies, that little bit closer. From the latest consoles to thermostats that learn your routine, I have embraced this technological future and I drag my wife kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Some tech, however, sometimes […]
3 Fantastic Free Toddler Apps
[dropcap size=big]W[/dropcap]e rely on apps to enable our family to function a daily basis. As anyone with two children will know it is not always possible to provide them both with stimulating activities and messy play opportunities. Sometimes you just need five minutes peace and this is when the use of apps comes into its […]
Book Review: Brave New World | Aldous Huxley
[dropcap size=big]I[/dropcap]t’s been an astounding 75 years since this book was written and yet it is still compelling, relevant and above all visionary. It tells the tale of a not too distant future where babies are not born, but manufactured. Each child is conditioned throughout their lives into their particular role in society and nothing […]
Toy Review: Duplo Cake Makers Kit
[dropcap size=big]M[/dropcap]aking pretend cakes is actually pretty cool and the fact its Duplo means the pieces can be used for so much more. The set comes with two variations of cakes, the traditional corner slice and the smaller cupcake style, as well as a handful of candles should you wish to make it a birthday […]
Movie Review: Disney’s Cinderella Trilogy
[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he title is going to leave a lot of you a little confused. First is the confusion that there was even a sequel to Cinderella in the first place. Surely ‘happily ever after’ doesn’t need a sequel, and to be honest, that is what I originally thought but over time I came to enjoy […]
Tech Review: Mobile Internet from 3
If you don’t know already, my children are terrible sleepers and in the early hours of the morning when you have tried everything I use the TV to distract them and calm them down. In the UK there isn’t much in the way of quality viewing for kids at the time and it’s handy to […]