5 Skills Every Child Should Have the Chance to Learn
Children need to have their eyes opened to all the possibilities out there. Here are 5 skills every child should have the chance to learn! Looking After a Pet The chance to look after a pet is something most children want. So, why not let them? It might not be such a bad thing to […]
Unusual and Extravagant Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Kids
All kids look forward to their birthdays, and it’s often because of the presents. Now, your child might have a good idea in mind of the sort of gift they’d like. But do you really want to get them another games console? Or that toy that every other kid has? Of course you don’t! You […]
Planning Your Child’s Birthday Bash? Use These Tips To Make It Fantastic
Every dad in the world knows how difficult it can be to plan a kids’ party. Aside from the fact that you have to look after twenty to thirty children for the day, you need to make sure that everybody has loads of fun too. If you want to make sure that the party is […]
Mind-Blowing Ways to Prepare the Best Ever Birthday Party For Your Kids
A birthday party is an exciting time for any child. They get to spend time with their friends and have fun, and this is the essence of being a child. As the parent, it’s going to be your responsibility to help plan your child’s birthday party. Sure, they might have clear ideas about what they […]
Rainy Day Activities for the Easter Holidays
With the Easter holidays fast approaching many parents are already in a mild state of panic with how to keep their little ones entertained over the holidays. Daddy geek has already given you a few ideas to get out and about for free. But what if the weather means that you are stuck in with […]
7 Awesome Kids Birthday Party Themes
Throwing the perfect children’s party is a tough job. You’ve got the responsibility of any number of children. You’ve got the difficult task of keeping them entertained for an afternoon. And you need to provide all the food and decorations. It’s got the be the best birthday ever! Most of all, you need an awesome […]
7 Amazing (And Scary) Things You Will Learn When You Have A Newborn Baby
When you become a daddy for the first time, it can be terrifying. Loads of guys find the idea of having to look after a child scary. No matter how much you think you have prepared yourself, there will be some aspects of the job (and it is a full-time job) you didn’t expect. If […]
Why You Should Keep Your Kids Away From Fizzy Drinks
Most adults will understand that fizzy drinks are not suitable for small children. There are many reasons for that, some of which we’re going to mention in just a moment. With the amount of alternatives on the market today, there is no reason your children should consume products from the likes of Coca-Cola. You only […]
The Essential Guide to Teaching Your Kids About the Internet
The newest generation of parents is those who grew up with the internet. It’s been a constant presence in their lives since they were young, even if they started using the web in the age of dial-up. And even slightly older parents usually feel like they’re comfortable and familiar with the internet. Although they might […]
7 Awesome Things To Do With Your Kids During The Holidays
December is one of the best months of the entire year. Kids go crazy in December, because there are loads of fun holiday things to do. As a parent, you are going to struggle to keep up with your kids this season. If you feel like it is about time to get into the holiday […]
4 Top Tips For Raising Cash For Your Children’s Club
When you’ve finally convinced your son or daughter to take up that extra activity or sport, you probably feel a huge sense of relief. You’ve signed them up. They’ve got the kit, and they’re ready to leave your side to learn something new. You leave them at the club with a big smile on your […]
Have Fun and Stay Busy: Teach Your Kids to Draw
Teaching kids to draw is so much fun for everybody involved. It also gives you something productive to do when you’re feeling a little bored. Drawing will help your child to develop their creative skills, motor skills, and imagination. Drawing goes great along with subjects such as English, Maths, and Science. Teaching them this skill […]
The World of Double Buggies
Our daughters were born eighteen months apart. Our eldest is now 3, but when we were expecting our second daughter a double buggy suddenly became a necessity, and it turns out it is still one of the best buys and most used items in the house. When we began looking for a double buggy our […]
Spring forward: Sleep Aids For Children
For many, the thought of the clocks going forward brings a mixed bag of feelings. Many are happy that finally we are out of the clutches of winter and the days are getting longer. This is coupled with the feeling of loss of an hours sleep which is quickly forgotten and once summer is here […]
Our Lovely Lucy is Turning Three
It is quite unbelievable how fast the last three years of my life have moved. It seems only a moment ago that I was working full time as teacher and yet here I find myself preparing for Lucy’s 3rd birthday. We decided that this year would be the year to throw her a small family […]
Potty Training: Our Experience And Gadgets That Could Help
As a family, we dreaded potty training our eldest daughter. The thought of having to surrender our carpets, sofas and selves to a repeated drenching did not fill us with joy or excitement. After consulting many friends about how they did it we felt none the wiser as we were told; ‘she’ll do it when […]
Having a Baby: The Mans Checklist for Surviving the First Few Weeks
Having a baby is an amazing thing and you’ll be surprised at how much you love that little bundle considering all the hell it is about to put you through. When people say things like ‘it puts things in perspective’ you nod with a a sense of understanding but you don’t really understand… But you […]
So Very Tired
Hours of sleep: 7 Number of wake ups: 3 Caffeine units: 4 As usual the Monday morning mayhem greeted us again with the welcome you would expect from a very unwelcome old friend. Despite the weekend being a predictable two days each week, we always feel like we have been cheated of time and left […]
Spring has Almost Sprung
Hours of sleep: 7 Number of wake ups in house: 2 Number of cups of tea coffee drunk to keep functioning: 5 Today has been a rarity in any parents weekly routine, both girls napped together and we actually managed to get some quality time together and get some things straight. The brighter the days […]
3 Fantastic Free Toddler Apps
[dropcap size=big]W[/dropcap]e rely on apps to enable our family to function a daily basis. As anyone with two children will know it is not always possible to provide them both with stimulating activities and messy play opportunities. Sometimes you just need five minutes peace and this is when the use of apps comes into its […]