The Impact of Social Media on Teens: A Parental Perspective
Social media has undeniably become an integral part of teenagers’ lives, shaping their interactions, perceptions, and behaviours. As parents, understanding and navigating the influence of these platforms on our teens is crucial. Here, we delve into the complexities of social media’s impact and explore how parents can approach it from a supportive and informed perspective. […]
Your Kids Got a Laptop for Christmas – Now What?
The festive season often sees the gifting of tech goodies, and if your kids found a brand-new laptop under the tree, it’s time to ensure they step into the digital world safely and responsibly. Whether it’s a PC or a Mac, setting up the device and implementing essential security and parental controls is paramount. General […]
How Horse Riding Can Boost a Child’s Confidence
Horse riding is not just a fun and exhilarating activity; it can also have a profound impact on a child’s confidence. Coming from the UK, there were many opportunities to experience horseback riding from simply enjoying a hack or learning the skills of dressage. Having three kids that have all experienced riding in some form […]
Are Army Toys Still OK for Children?
As a father, gamer, and former army cadet (many years ago), I have always been concerned about the impact of toys on children’s development. One of the most contentious issues in recent years has been the use of toy guns, particularly army toys. While some argue that these toys promote aggression and violence in children, […]
5 Most Common Types of Child Care
Are you a mom or dad looking for childcare options while you’re at work? Studies show that using licensed child care can help your kid have a successful future. Licensed care centers provide learning opportunities and social skills to your child. When searching for the right care for your kid, you may be overwhelmed by […]
A Guide For First-Time Parents
Being a parent is a challenging job and can be even more difficult when you’ve never been in this position before. Avoid panicking if you’re a first-time parent and instead educate yourself on what you need to know using the guide below. It’s important to do your best and not get down on yourself when […]
Tips For Working Parents
While it’s not easy to be a parent and have a full-time job, it can be done when you’re committed to succeeding in your role. It’s important to keep a positive attitude and be willing to rearrange your life a bit so you can better manage all you’re responsible for. There are a few specific […]
How to Balance Your Social Life as a Parent
Being a parent is undeniably one of the best things to experience in the world, especially when you live with your loving family and a partner you adore. However, that isn’t to say it comes without its drawbacks. Many parents may see their social life suffer when they must commit much of their time to […]
The Best Hobbies For Dads And Kids To Do Together
A hobby gives us a break from the ‘daily grind’ and allows us to do something we really enjoy. After all, the thing that puts food on the table and pays the bills might not be as much fun as we’d like; so there has to be something else. Sometimes, though, the choice between enjoying […]
Why It Can Be a Good Idea to Let Your Child Write for Your Blog
Creating good blog content can involve a lot of approaches. Some find that making their blog posts very personal can have a big impact – for instance, showing themselves and their families using products they are reviewing can add greater value to their descriptions of their experiences. If you have a successful blog and work […]
Is It Time To Add Another Baby To Your Family?
Having a baby and growing your family is one of the single best things in life. A new baby brings so much joy and promise to a family, and whether this will be your first baby or you already have your own little tribe, you might be thinking about bringing another little one into the […]
Getting Your House And Kids Ready To Welcome A New Baby
Bringing home a newborn baby is a major upheaval for any household, life for every family member changes as soon as the little one has arrived. You’ll have nearly 9 months (give or take) to prepare everybody and everything as much as possible before the due date, so consider the information and ideas in this […]
The Best Apps to Stop Dads Going Crazy
Being a dad makes for a busy life, but it’s all worth it in the end. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some tough times along the way. When you’re extremely busy, and the kids are demanding your attention, it can be hard to keep your head on straight. All dads need a bit […]
Daddy Cool: Three Ways To Impress Your Kids
All dads should want to make their kids feel like they’re the coolest person in the world. If you don’t manage that; you aren’t doing your job properly. So, you need to think of some ideas that are going to win your children around and improve your standing. There are a million and one ways […]
Could Your Kid Be A Jukebox Hero?
When your child reaches a certain age, between ten and thirteen, you might notice some of their classmates start taking up musical instruments. Have they decided to do this themselves? In most cases no. Instead, their parents have encouraged them to pursue something like this, and there are numerous reasons why you should do the […]
How to Juggle Getting an MBA with Being a Parent
If you’re a mum or dad who’s studying for your MBA, you probably have your work cut out for you right now. Juggling work, a degree, and looking after little ones is a lot of hard work, and in order to make it work out, there’s a lot of planning and preparation that needs to be […]
Every Dad’s Challenge: Growing Old Disgracefully, While Being A Positive Role Model
According to a recent report, the average man doesn’t fully mature until they are 43 years old. My wife was furious when she heard this news. And I have to admit, so was I. Admittedly, there is a difference in focus. She was concerned that I still have a few years of youthful exuberance […]
Dads Day Out? What You Can Do And Why It’s Important
Being a father is one of the best things any man can do, in my opinion. But I do think that the welfare of fathers can be a little forgotten. There can be a lot of press discussing how mothers can feel isolated. The importance of time for themselves and remembering who they were before […]
How to Get Your Kids Enjoying the Great Outdoors
Do we want our kids growing up to be couch potatoes? I imagine not. Do we want them to hang out indoors and play video games all day? I’m sure we don’t. (Besides, if they’re playing video games all day then we’ll hardly ever get a turn to do the same ourselves!) It’s important to […]
Father’s Day Gift Guide
I’ll never forget the summer of 2013… As an new father with two baby girls it was father’s day, MY day and my gift was a small box, just bigger than a pack of matches. My imagination thought it might be a USB stick, watch, memory card, or possibly cuff links. However, upon opening I […]
Awesome Activities That Will Get Your Kids To Sleep Like A Dream
Are your little bundles of joy so full of energy that bedtimes are more of a nightmare and then dream? Then why not try some super energy consuming activities to wear them out. Roller skating You can go rollerskating in a purpose built park, or you can try it out on your street beforehand. If […]
Top Tips For Keeping Your Children Cosy All Winter
Winter brings a drop in temperatures and more extreme conditions for us to deal with. Being a parent means it’s your responsibility to protect your children and keep them warm and cosy all winter long. Protecting them from the elements and keeping them safe and well at home will stop them catching a chill and […]
Lazing Around: How To Make Sure Your Kids Are Active
The youngest generation has a real problem. Fewer and fewer children are active these days. It is a sorry state of affairs. As a father, you have a mission to make sure that your little ones are as healthy as they can be. That means that you need to encourage them to get active on […]
How To Help Your Children With Their Driving Test
So, your children are starting to grow up and turn into young adults? It’s often one of the scariest moments in a parent’s life when their bundle of joy gets behind the wheel. We all know how dangerous the roads are today, and we’re more than aware of the risks involved. However, your children will […]
Essential Safety Tips For Kids In The Home
Your home should be the safest place on Earth for you and your family. When it comes to your children, it can be a dangerous place. Children are young and naïve, which are just two of their main, amazing traits. But, these traits can lead them to do things that put them in danger. For […]