4 Steps You Need to Take in the Aftermath of a Workplace Accident
If you’re ever unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident at work, then you should know that there are a few all-important steps that you need to take in the aftermath of the event. By taking them, you will protect your health, your finances, and maybe even your job in the long run. To […]
6 Practicalities To Keep Your SME Safe
It is vital that every entrepreneur knows how to keep their SME safe. It is easy to think that an SME will not be targeted by a criminal because it is a small operation, but this is not the case as small businesses are frequently targeted by criminals because they assume that there will not […]
How to Successfully Run a Business from Home
Starting your home-based business is a massive hurdle in itself, so congratulations if you’ve already jumped over it. You shouldn’t rest on your laurels, though, as actually running your business is an even tougher task. Running it successfully is an even harder job still, but it’s a job you must take on if you want […]
How to Improve Supplier Communication
It’s well-worn business advice that communication is vital for your success. But this tip, when applied to your supply chain in particular, makes perfect sense. If you lack smart, swift and sensible communication with your suppliers, then you’ll be sacrificing a certain amount of fluidity and efficiency in your output. Meanwhile, those companies with the […]
5 Productivity Tips For Freelancers
Going freelance can be liberating, but it does come with some inherent risks. Not having that guaranteed monthly income, continually searching for new clients, and dealing with the absence of security, can all make freelancing a challenge. One of the main areas of concern for new freelancers is finding ways to stay productive. When you […]
5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Office
When you think about it – a lot of people actually spend more time in their office (when awake) than their own home. As a result of this, it is important that you treat this as such. Some office managers go way out and include PS4’s to allow their team to get motivated during lunch […]
How To Chill Out As A Parent
Everyone needs to be alone sometimes, and when you’re a parent that alone time is even more important (and even more precious) than ever before. Spending some time alone, away from the stresses and strains of normal life, means that when we return to that normal life, we return refreshed and happier, and more able […]
How You Can Effectively Work From Home
For many, it is the dream. Working from home allows for flexibility, easier working hours, and is a particularly helpful lifestyle choice if you have a family. If you have the opportunity to work from home, there will be some considerations to make to ensure your output and productivity is as good, if not better, […]
Making Your Office More Eco-Friendly
In an age where everyone is concerned about their carbon footprint, office managers and business owners are looking for ways to be more sustainable. Although a greener office is a worthy goal, committing to a more eco-friendly workspace can also have the added bonus of lowering your business bills too. Reduce your energy use, […]
Top Three Manufacturing Trends Of 2018
The manufacturing sector is usually a frontrunner when it comes to making use of emerging technologies and trends. Keeping an eye on this business sector is often a good way of keeping ahead of the curve and looking at the technologies and trends that may be applicable to your own needs. For any business, keeping […]
How to Utilise Reselling to Boost Your Business
Reselling is the act of buying products or services with the anticipation of selling them to someone else before you use them. It’s been called many things over the years, from entrepreneurial purchasing all the way through to ‘wheeler dealing.’ The truth is that it takes some savviness to pull off, and so it’s […]
How to Start a Home Business Easily
Have a good business idea and dislike working for someone else? It’s a position that many employees find themselves in, which is why starting your own online business is becoming an increasingly popular option. There are many ways you can take advantage of online platforms to make your entrepreneurial dream come true, and here are […]
5 Tips on Expanding Your Business Using Virtual Offices
If you happen to be a small start-up business or even a small to medium enterprise (SME), you have not completely grown to your full potential yet. While growth is on every business owners mind, you have to be smart about the decisions you make now as they can affect your future profits and revenue. […]