4 Top Tips For Raising Cash For Your Children’s Club
When you’ve finally convinced your son or daughter to take up that extra activity or sport, you probably feel a huge sense of relief. You’ve signed them up. They’ve got the kit, and they’re ready to leave your side to learn something new. You leave them at the club with a big smile on your […]
Simple and Healthy Desserts the Whole Family Will Enjoy
Creating food that the whole family enjoys can be a struggle. However, the following desserts are guaranteed crowd pleasers. They are also healthy, meaning you don’t have to feel guilty when you set to work preparing them. Fruit dipped in sugar-free chocolate One fantastic option is to prepare fruit dipped in sugar-free chocolate. Sugar free […]
Simple Ways to Cut the Risk of Sports Injuries
One of the depressing things about getting older is the fact that you can’t throw yourself across a squash court or hurtle around a football pitch with the same careless abandon you had as a teenager. If you want to stay out of A&E, you have to be more careful when it comes to your […]
The Only Way to Cook an Exquisite Pork Fillet
Pork fillet is one of the most delicious cuts of meat out there. It isn’t always cheap either, which means you need to do it justice when you cook it. You don’t want your money to go to waste, and you probably want the people you’re feeding to enjoy themselves too. Let’s take a look […]
Crafting Ideas to Keep Kids and Dads Out of Trouble
Mum has left the building, and it’s time for daddy day care. In these situations, you never quite know who is going to get into the most trouble. It’s great to spend time with the kids on your own. When you get these moments with your kids, you want to make it as fun as […]
The Best Places To Take Your Kids On The Holiday Of A Lifetime
If you’re looking for some perfect family vacation ideas for 2015, you’ve come to the right place. Presuming your children are around the age of ten or older, they will be mature enough to enjoy your next break. Also, they’ll also have the brain capacity to remember it for the rest of their lives. That […]
Awesome Travel Accessories For Getting Out And About With Kids
Getting about when you have children is often something of a challenge. Especially if you have several infants or toddlers. It seems as if they have to take supplies for every eventuality. And, on top of that, you have to struggle with pushchairs, car seats and stopping your little ones from running off. Somehow you […]
The Best Gadgets for Kids Birthday Parties
Every occasion is an opportunity to try out new tech and gadgets. Even at children’s birthday parties you can try out new toys, from simple things like balloon pumps to disco lights and karaoke machines. You can get gadgets that will make food and drink more fun, liven up your party games and activities and […]
Get Out In The Garden With Our Top 5 Paddling Pools Under £30
The British summer time is here. The murky skies are now giving way, on Occasion to blue sky and some glorious weather. Every Brit loves to enjoy the summer to the full, and when there is a family involved nothing gives quite as much joy and fun as a splash in the water in the […]
Peppa Pig World | The New Forest | UK
This Year was the year of our first family holiday to a theme park. Well, a holiday with a couple of visits to a theme park anyway. Our girls as with many other thousands of toddlers are in love with Peppa Pig. As part of our morning viewing, the little 5 minute programmes are now […]
100 Days of Dieting
It has now been over three months since I started my diet. Over the past 100 days I have spent weeks on Slimfast shakes, weight watchers soups, and even been electrocuted by a slender tone belt. The Bad There has been many times that my resolve has weakened and I delved into the children’s chocolates, […]
The Best Easter Eggs This Easter
Easter eggs have been in the shops for several weeks now. The shops are always ten steps ahead of the buyer when it comes to making purchases for the next celebration available. As soon as we bid farewell to valentines day, Easter eggs began to line the shelves all ready to tempt the more organised […]
Review: Upbeat High Protein Dairy Drink
Diets are really tough and keeping track of what you eat and drink can be difficult. I have been dieting since January and since then I have tried both Weight Watchers and Slimfast. Slimfast brought me out in an itchy rash and Weight Watchers always seemed to leave me hungry. I needed something new. Then, […]
February Diet week 8/9 | Time To Quit The Booze
So it turns out I’m allergic to Slimfast. All the weeks of itching all over was not due to using biological washing powder, but to the delicious diet shakes I was having on a daily basis. As I quit Slimfast mid-week I treated myself on Thursday and Friday to a Subway sandwich. Tasty as it […]
February Diet | Week 7 | Temptation Strikes
The thought of a night out in London with friends set off alarm bells in the calorie-counting part of my brain. With each Gin and Tonic weighing in at around 100 calories each I knew Saturday would not be good for my diet. As such I told myself that after that after lunch I would […]
February Diet | Week 6 | Getting Bored
My resolve is weakening and the whole diet thing is getting very boring, very quickly…. Six pounds lost in six weeks meaning in order to reach my target weight of 11st 3lb I will need to be on this diet for yet another six weeks at least. My motivation is waining and whilst I am […]
February Diet | Week 5 | Teeny Tiny Titbits
[dropcap size=big] T[/dropcap]his week was pretty uneventful as I kept to my Slimfast shakes and indulged a little at the weekend with a large roast dinner. My wife has been more supportive at the weekend by getting me a couple of Weight Watchers soups to eat, so not to ‘diet’ in front of the girls. […]
January Diet | Week 4 | Now With Added Slendertone
[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he first month of dieting is finally coming to a close and amazingly my results are finally positive. After last weeks ‘slip up’ I was back on track and working hard. I managed to drag myself to the gym three times and I stuck to my Slimfast lunches. In the evening the temptation was […]
January Diet | Top Five Food Fantasies
u [dropcap size=big]D[/dropcap]iets do strange things to you. Food used to be something that was just there, ready to be eaten, enjoyed and created. Nowadays, it seems to permeate my thoughts and take over my mind. I seem to check the calorie count of everything I touch, pizza menus catch my eyes, and the crinkle […]
January Diet | Week 3
[dropcap size=big]C[/dropcap]risps, pizza and a burger are not the meals one expects to see on the menu of anyone supposedly on a diet and yet each and every one passed my lips. As you can assume, the mini break to Aldeburgh did nothing for my diet. The weekdays seemed to go OK as I went […]
Family Holiday to Center Parcs Elvedon
[dropcap size=big]S[/dropcap]quirrels at your door, deer in your back garden and all the comforts of home with none of the chores; these are the ingredients of a great family holiday when small children are involved. Sometimes luxury is having all those home comforts close at hand. I was lucky enough to enjoy a sun […]
January Diet | Week 2
[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he weigh in wasn’t good. I put it down to new shoes and a change in clothes. Starting with excuses is not the best way to begin a blog post so lets start with the numbers [column size=one_half position=first ]Weight: BMI: Body Fat: [/column] [column size=one_half position=last ]12st 4lb +4lb 26.4 -0.6 28.9 -4.3% […]
January Diet | The Beginning
[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]t is such a cliche to diet in January. I feel ashamed to be jumping on the band wagon and following the crowd as we fight the flab through the winter months in the faint hope that this year will be the year of the ‘beach body’. But what the heck, I am bordering […]