Review: ShaveKit | Shaving Subscription Service
I need to shave. I have two young daughters and being a generally ‘cuddly father’, I often kiss and cuddle them only to leave sandpaper-like burns on their skin. They are soft and delicate and i’m… We’ll i’m a man who is also soft an delicate but I get pretty rough stubble. As such I […]
The Top 4 Cool Cars For Dads
We almost convince ourselves that a Jaguar sports car is a good idea. You begin to convince yourself that you can fit the kids in the back of a Ferrari. Trust us, you can’t! And you’ll get the silent treatment from your wife for the next two months. When it comes to your next car, […]
5 Things That’ll Make Your New House a Home
Moving into a new home is an exciting prospect. But your new house doesn’t become a home overnight, it takes time and effort to reach that point. But if you work at it and give your family time to settle in, it’ll be a home in no time. Here are the top 5 things you […]
Are Your Kids Ready To Learn A Musical Instrument?
After recently enjoying the CBeebies Proms, my daughter decided that she would like to play the violin. This filled me with dread. Out of all the instruments in an orchestra, the violin must be the worst when it comes to ‘practicing’. I am currently pushing the flute as this might be a little more bearable. […]
No Gym Subscription? No Problem! How To Stay Fit At Home
Staying fit and healthy when you have children can feel like mission impossible. If, before you had children, you used to hit the gym every week, you will find adjusting to parenthood quite tricky. Now, you need to try to fit your workout regime to your current schedule. It is not easy, but it is […]
How To Capture Memories As Your Family Grows Up
As you grow up, you always wish you had captured more memories. Whether it’s photos of the children, notes and journals or video footage, there’s never enough! As a parent, you’d record every last day if you could. (Except the ones where all they do is scream and cry!) So, why not make it your […]
What You Need to Know About Finding the Perfect Family Home
You may have bought a home before, but buying a family home is entirely different. It might be the first time you’ve had to think about other people’s needs, as well as your own, when hunting for the perfect property. That’s why you should make sure you do your research and are well prepared before […]
5 Fascinating Places to Take Your Kids This Summer
This summer wow your kids by taking them to sites of cultural and historical significance. Here are five of the most fascinating places to take your kids. These are places that are sure to change your kids lives and enrich their imaginations. The Millennium Wheel The Millennium Wheel, also known as the London Eye […]
Best Hobbies For Keeping Your Child Healthy
To make sure that your child grows up understanding the importance of fitness, it is crucial that you incorporate healthy activities into your lifestyle. But what is the best way to go about this? One of the best ways to make yours and your child’s lifestyle more active is with hobbies. As well as being […]
Dinner Time Battles: Helpful Hints For Getting Your Kids to Eat Properly
Your kids may love the idea of living on pizza for the rest of their lives. Who can blame them? Pizza is delicious. But, you need to make sure that your kids are eating properly. No one is saying that the odd ice cream or burger is not okay. On the contrary, having a little […]
Rainy Day Activities for the Easter Holidays
With the Easter holidays fast approaching many parents are already in a mild state of panic with how to keep their little ones entertained over the holidays. Daddy geek has already given you a few ideas to get out and about for free. But what if the weather means that you are stuck in with […]
How To Take A Holiday With Your Kids Instead Of For Your Kids
As your kids start to get a little older, it can actually be tougher to book a good holiday that will suit you all. Now they are at school and working their way toward their teens, your kids want to be a little more independent of you and a whole lot more adventurous. Part of […]
Are Today’s Roads Too Dangerous For Your Children?
Anyone who passed their test more than ten years ago will have seen a drastic increase in risk on the roads since that time. There are now more vehicles than ever before, and all of them are trying to reach their destinations in the fasted time possible. Today we’re asking if modern roads are too […]
Awesome European Destinations For Family Holidays
Have you started thinking about your summer family holiday already? Good for you! It’s nice to have something to look forward to, and it’s always wise to be organised when it comes to family vacations. Also, by planning ahead, you will have plenty of time to select the perfect destination for you and your flock. […]
Fantastic Ideas For Hosting A Kids’ Party On A Budget
Unless you work as a party planner, you probably get a little stressed out at the idea of organising a kid’s party. Where will you host the party? How many children should you invite? How will you keep the kids entertained? With the biggest worry being, how much will it all cost? But, there is […]
Why You Should Keep Your Kids Away From Fizzy Drinks
Most adults will understand that fizzy drinks are not suitable for small children. There are many reasons for that, some of which we’re going to mention in just a moment. With the amount of alternatives on the market today, there is no reason your children should consume products from the likes of Coca-Cola. You only […]
Top Tips For Getting Your Kids Out In The Fresh Air
If your kids are like the millions around the globe who love nothing more than slouching around playing video games, you may be wondering what you can do to get them more active. While there are hundreds of great games that have a lot of educational value, nothing beats a good dose of fresh air […]
6 Natural Remedies For Treating A Cold
The family and I took a pre-christmas break to Centre Parcs. We enjoyed seeing it all covered in snow, meeting Father Christmas and his reindeer in his grotto and taking in a panto. The holiday was great and just what you need to relax yourself before the main event. However, on the last day, the […]
Healthy And Fun Family Living
Health and fun. These are two words that we want to ensure that our children understand. Ensuring that our children grow up as healthily as possible and have lots of fun in the process is every parent’s goal. I’ll be the first to admit that I am a soft touch, my children get a chocolate […]
New Year’s Resolutions: Things Every Dad Should Do In 2015
As Christmas is over, it is time to start looking ahead to what 2015 has in store. If you have yet to make some resolutions, it is time to start right now. Sometimes, time seems to slip through your fingers. If you don’t take a moment to stop and think about what you want from […]
Fussy Eaters? How To Make Mealtimes Simple For You And Your Kids
We all know that kids can be a handful from time to time. One of the hardest parts of the day tends to be mealtimes. When children don’t want to eat something, it can be an absolute nightmare. When you are trying to settle your kids down so that they will eat, you might find […]
How To Fit In Exercise When You Have A Young Family
When caring for your young children it is often difficult to find the time to take care of yourself. One of the first things that many people push aside in order to make time with their family is exercise. Many justify this by explaining that with all the running after their kids that they do, […]
Easy Ways To Make Your Kids Love Science
It is hard to make kids take an interest in science. Many think that everything science-related is boring and difficult to understand. It doesn’t have to be. Science is all around us. If you want, you can help your kids to learn to love science. There are many cool things that you can do at home […]
3 of the Best Theme Parks That Thrill Seekers Will Love
Dad’s love to thrill seek. When it comes to amusements and theme parks, you need to make sure that you are maximising your thrills. The great thing about the UK is that it has some of the world’s best theme parks. Whether you take the kids with you or not, you are sure to find […]
7 Awesome Things To Do With Your Kids During The Holidays
December is one of the best months of the entire year. Kids go crazy in December, because there are loads of fun holiday things to do. As a parent, you are going to struggle to keep up with your kids this season. If you feel like it is about time to get into the holiday […]