Should You Let Kids Go Online?
Should you let your kids go online? The simple answer to this question is yes, and you should. While the Internet is filled with dangers, it can be an educational tool that is simply too good not to use. So perhaps a better question is whether you should let your children online, unsupervised. At a […]
Top Tips For Keeping Your Children Cosy All Winter
Winter brings a drop in temperatures and more extreme conditions for us to deal with. Being a parent means it’s your responsibility to protect your children and keep them warm and cosy all winter long. Protecting them from the elements and keeping them safe and well at home will stop them catching a chill and […]
Fantastic Tech Ideas That Will Help Your Driving Experience
Driving is such a fantastic experience and can prove so important in your life. So you need to make sure you make the best of your driving experience. There are so many different facets to driving, and you need to address these. For example, you’ve got to look after your car when you’re out on […]
Top 5 Practical & Fun Gifts For Car-Lovers
Now that we’re in November, we’ll be thinking about what gifts to get people for Christmas. In particular, many of us will be wondering what could make perfect presents for our dads, brothers or husbands. The thing about guys is that we are a strange species. We might tell our loved ones not to get […]
Tech Review: The Sprializer | Food Tech
I was sat in the office one day, when a colleague sat down eating what I thought was pesto pasta with baby tomatoes. It looked delicious. Then she dropped the bomb by telling me that the spaghetti was ‘spiralized’ courgette. She then went on to say that vegetable spaghetti was her secret weapon for getting her […]
Your Games Room is Boring! Spice it up with these Must-Have Items
I’m sure all of the other Daddy-Geeks out there have great aspirations for ways to create an awesome games room. There are so many fun things you can get to kit out your games room. I know exactly how I want to make the best games room for my family and me and here are […]
Everything A Dad Needs for a Family Day Out
Family days out are a staple among many of our lives. They can be frantic, fun or chaotic, but they are always necessary. So, here are my suggestions for things you’ll need to remember to help you have an excellent family day out. Snacks Picture the scene: you’re stuck in traffic, it’s boiling hot, and […]
Home Tech That Has Made My Life A Lot Easier
My readers know how much I love tech. I think the name of the blog gives it away to be honest. But, perhaps what they don’t know is how useful I find technology when dealing with common problems at home. It certainly makes my life easier. On a daily basis I use the latest tech […]
Five Things You Need To Know About Camping With Kids
So, you’re planning on taking your kids camping are you? The amount of fun and misery ahead for you are unmeasurable. In all seriousness, camping is a great activity to get into with your kids at the weekend. There are just a few lessons you should probably learn before you head out into the wilderness. […]
Great Gift Ideas For The Women In Your Life!
Men, we often think too much about ourselves and not enough about the other people in our lives. To be honest, everyone is culpable for being a little bit selfish every now and again. So, although it is amazing to buy gifts for ourselves for every occasion, it is also nice to buy gifts […]
Why Cycling Could be the Best Way for You to Get Fit
Don’t waste your money on a gym membership. If you want to get fit, you should consider cycling instead. Here’s why! Cycling is the Best Way to Burn Fat Fast Cycling is a great form of cardio exercise, so it burns fat. But research has also shown that cycling also helps burn fat faster than […]
Dad Fashion: Dressing for Autumn
Modern dads have style and fashion sense. They don’t shuffle around in their slippers or need their wives to dress them (no matter what she says). They’re not just modern men, however; they’re also fathers. Usually, that means that they have to not only dress well but also dress practically. Dads need somewhere to put […]
Great Tips for Family Gaming
As a parent, you have a difficult challenge to take on with regards to gaming. You want your kids to stay safe and have fun. Here are some great tips for family gaming. Set Up Parental Controls There is a lot of offensive and dangerous content on games that isn’t suitable for children. To make […]
Day Out At The Beach? Try Out These Top Kids Entertainment Ideas!
I don’t know about you, but I count myself very luck that I live by the beach! As a youngster, I spent my youth on the north-west coast before moving to the south-east coast, taking part in all kinds of water-based outdoors activities. The weather will start to turn colder soon. It’s important you take […]
How to Make Your Man’s Birthday a Special One
It’s my birthday next month. I thought I should give you a little time to prepare. Men might not seem like they appreciate your efforts much of the time, but trust me – they do! These tips will help you to make your man’s birthday a special one. Enjoy: Ask for a list Whilst it’s […]
Is it possible to explore the Middle East with children?
Home to ancient civilisations and history, the Middle East offers enriching travel experiences. However, its ongoing sociopolitical unrest can discourage you from visiting, especially with children. Many misconceptions surround this part of the world; examples being that its locals oppress women, show hostility towards outsiders, and do not speak English. Such notions are exaggerated; and […]
Greatest cities around the world to explore with children
When planning a holiday with your children, ideal destinations are those where you can stay safe and still get a sense of adventure, and where there is plenty to amuse the whole family. It’s also helpful if local people have a positive attitude to children and the destinations are reasonably accessible so that your travel […]
Simple Health & Fitness Tips for the Working Dad
You need to understand the value and importance of staying fit and healthy. As a working father, you might think this is difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Of course, you’re going to need a balanced and healthy diet. But there are plenty of other ways as well. Here is a list of a […]
Awesome Gifts Ideas For Dads
If you’re struggling to figure out what to get your dad for a special occasion, you’ve come to the right place. As a parent myself, I know what fathers want. Here’s a hint – it’s not socks. Men like all manner of things, and so there’s a whole host of cool gifts we would love. […]
Dad’s Guide To Healthier Eating
The ‘Dad’ body might be in right now, but it’s not healthy. Shedding those extra pounds could be the key to feeling like you did in your prime. Even if you aren’t overly bothered by your physique, aiming to eat a healthy balanced diet should still be a priority. It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy […]
The Dad’s Guide To Building The Perfect Home Cinema
After a hard day’s work, nothing beats sitting down and watching the latest films, live sports match or video game from the comfort of your living room. Correction, one thing beats it: doing it from the luxury of a home cinema. A home cinema is the ultimate form of relaxation and will also make your […]
Why Do Women Spend Hours In The Bathroom?
It’s the question that baffles men across the world. I know that my husband doesn’t fully understand it! But to us women it is just part and parcel of life as a modern girl. If you ask any women, and I mean any women, they will be able to come up with five or six […]
Awesome Garden Party Tips For Summer
Planning an awesome garden party for your friends and family is an excellent way to get everyone together this summer. Making sure you plan everything well in advance should help to ensure you don’t overlook any of the essentials. At the end of the day, the way in which your party comes together will depend […]
Travel Apps Every Daddy Needs
Travelling with the kids in tow is not an easy task, especially when you are travelling solo. Many dads swear by using their iPads to keep kids calm when travelling, especially when going on long journeys. And, why not? As well as being a godsend for plane rides and car journeys, tablets and iPads are […]
Incredible Long-haul Family Holiday Destinations That Are Worth the Journey
Any journey with the kids that lasts longer than five minutes has the potential to turn into a nightmare. So if you’re going to trapped inside a metal box with them for several hours, the end destination had better be worth it. A long-distance holiday isn’t something to take lightly when you have young kids […]