Camping Tips Everybody Can Use!
Camping is a brilliant activity that can be done any time of year, but is especially fun during the summertime. Whether you want to camp with family, friends, or both these helpful tips can make the difference when it comes to having a wonderful time. Take a look and see what you think! Stay At […]
10 Reasons Why Your Family Should Be Going Vegetarian
If you’re a family of meat eaters, becoming vegetarian might be something of an alien concept to you all! After all, who can imagine life without burgers, steaks and bacon in it? But, here’s the thing. Going vegetarian isn’t just some weird fad or diet idea that other people are trying out. It’s a practical […]
Making Your Lifestyle A Little Healthier As A Parent
When you’re a parent, your health is not just about you; it’s also about your family. If you are not fit and healthy, they could be the ones that suffer. So, here are some top ways to make your lifestyle a little healthier when you’re a parent. Cook the Family Meals When you are responsible […]
Work from Home Dads – A New and Growing Trend
Over the past several decades, society has done some radical flip-flopping so that customs that were once prevalent are no longer the norm and those that were on the fringes have become the new norm. Today no one thinks anything of moms going out to the office every day while dads stay at home to […]
Great Car Gadgets Every Dad Needs
Let’s face it. When you’ve got one or more children in tow, you won’t have much time to devote to “geeking up” your car. Especially if you’ve got babies or toddlers to look after! The thing is, some geeky gadgets could help both you and your offspring have a better time on the road. The […]
Clever Ways To Get Your Kids More Active
When you’re younger, it’s important to not waste the summer season. It’s the best time of year to get outdoors and get active, and this is key to a healthy lifestyle. For parents, this means encouraging our children to head outdoors, and play in the sunshine. Sadly, with the rise of the gaming scene and […]
Awesome Ideas to Keep Your Kids Entertained
Keeping your kids amused and entertained is an important task for any dad. And, it can sometimes be a stressful one as well. So, what you need to do is make sure you do what’s necessary to keep them amused. Here are a few excellent ideas that will help you keep the children stimulated this […]
Tech In Sport: Gadgets That Help You Up Your Game
Technology is changing everything these days, from the way we work to the way we entertain ourselves. And, it’s also the way we train ourselves and get fitter, stronger, and better at a sport. No matter what your game is, or how old you are, you can use gadgets to up your game. Here are […]
Easy Ways to Prevent Sleep Problems in Kids
Getting rest is extremely important, whether you’re a child or an adult. That’s why parents need to make sure that their kids are given the opportunity to rest through the night in comfort and security. If your kids are unable to get adequate amounts of sleep, their health and focus could suffer, so check out […]
Get the Perfect Home Cinema Setup Today
There’s little else out there that will make your kids think you’re any cooler. Getting a great home cinema is the best way to experience today’s entertainment. Whether you and your kids are playing the latest video games or watching films both new and classic, this is the best way to do it. A “home […]
Why an RV Might be the Perfect Investment for Your Family
Vacations can be priced these days, and you might not be able to afford to fly abroad every year. So, it becomes necessary to look for vacation alternatives. And there are loads of ways you can do this, but one of the best ones is to go for an RV. Check out some reasons why […]
Five Different Ways To Get A Yes To That Very Important Question
Will you marry me? No, that wasn’t me asking you. It’s the question that most guys have on their mind at some point in their life. That question that could send your life spiralling in a whole new direction or make you quite sad for quite a while. Depending on the answer. And the answer […]
Take the Family Out on the Road This Summer
This summer you will have a lot of decisions to make about your family vacation. A lot of people like to fly off to Europe. But, instead, you might want to consider hitting the open road as a family. If that is part of your plan, then you’ll need to ensure you have everything planned […]
Amazing Days Out For The Kids
The Easter holidays are on the horizon and that can only mean one thing: lots of time with the kids. But keeping the kids happy and entertained over the Easter break is no walk in the park. Kids can be demanding. So it’s time to don your cap, gentleman, buckle up for the ride and […]
Awesome Tech-Based Family Activities
It’s 2016, and the height of technological advancement. And, that means the variety of things we can do with our families has never been greater. Modern technology affords us a great many opportunities for our leisure time, and there’s even more that work well for families. So, here are some of the best tech-based activities […]
What You Want from a Car as a Father
As a father, buying a car is not a straightforward task. There is a lot that has to be taken into consideration. Here are the key things that you should look for in a car. Good Style You might be a father, but you’re still a man. And that means that you are probably going […]
Enjoy The Golf Holiday Of A Lifetime With These Tips
If you are a golf enthusiast, you need to enjoy a golf holiday at some point in your life. Normal holidays are great, and there is nothing like enjoying the sun, sea and sand with the family. But, sometimes you need to take a break from family life. When you get the time, you need […]
Amazing Places for a Family Holiday
If you’re working and have kids, you know how important those two weeks off in the middle of summer can be. That’s why it’s worth taking some time to think about the amazing places you could take your family this year. Do something that will create memories that last a lifetime. If my family is […]
13 Ways Of Getting Your Kids To Try New Things
If you are anything like our family, it can be a real struggle getting your children to try new things. It’s fine until they reach a certain age. Most toddlers, for example, will try anything as long as it involves making a mess. There’s a certain point in their lives that they retreat into their […]
Have More Mobile Fun With The Kids
As a busy Dad, you just can’t wait to get time to jump on the bike and hit the trail. Maybe you like to run, surf, swim, or kayak? Whatever you enjoy doing, it’s probably something to do with getting outside and feeling the wind on your face. It makes you feel more alive! It […]
Dad’s Birthday? Why Not Get Him One of These Gifts
Let’s be honest, we all know that trying to buy gifts can be a nightmare sometimes. Buying for parents can be particularly difficult! If your dad’s birthday is on the horizon, you need to start considering gift ideas. The problem is that you might not have a clear idea of what you want to get […]
Great Cars for All Type of Dads
As a dad, having the perfect car to drive your family around in is essential. It needs to be safe, reliable and spacious enough to carry everyone inside. Here are the cars to consider if you’re a parent looking for an auto upgrade. Country Dad: Land Rover Discovery Sport Space is often a problem if […]
Everything the Modern Dad Needs for an Epic Holiday
So it’s up to you to do what you can to make sure everyone has an excellent time of things. The way to do this is to plan and execute the perfect holiday experience for everyone. This is going to involve plenty of planning and ensuring you have all the right stuff. So, you need […]
Taking Your Kids To A Cold Country: Here’s Everything You Need To Know
So you’ve decided to treat the kids to a winter trip away, and the whole family is incredibly excited. The only problem is that you’ve never been to such a cold country before, and don’t know how to keep yourself and your kids safe and warm. Trust me, it’s crucial that you get this right. […]
Modern Movie Nights As Family Time
Movie nights in the Garstang household have two variations. The first is family movie night and the second is for parents only. After a recent movie night when the family and I snuggled in for a early evening showing of the new ‘Minions’ film, it got me thinking about how modern movie nights have changed […]