Finding The Time To Perfect Your Golf
The idea of golfing is fun – the idea of actually being good at something is fun, but if you’re a parent you don’t have much time to get good at, well, anything except being a parent. You’ve got a lot on your plate and a lot to do – one day you’ll need to […]
5 Key Components For A Killer Games Room
Whether you’re currently renovating your home, or you’re just looking for a space to create for your kids or the whole family to have fun in, a games room can be a really great addition. With the summer break coming up, you may be worrying about how you’re going to keep your kids entertained for […]
Planning The Perfect Family Holiday
Even just the thought of planning a vacation when you’re a parent can be exhausting. It’s hard to pick up on the excitement when you are mainly thinking about the cost of it all, plus a whole host of other things. If you are planning on going abroad, this in many cases is something that […]
Getting Your House And Kids Ready To Welcome A New Baby
Bringing home a newborn baby is a major upheaval for any household, life for every family member changes as soon as the little one has arrived. You’ll have nearly 9 months (give or take) to prepare everybody and everything as much as possible before the due date, so consider the information and ideas in this […]
Fun Youth Sports Confer Long Term Psychological Benefits
Many parents expect and encourage their children to excel in academics. This emphasis may be so great that these children find no time for sporting activities. While the expectations of the parents and society might be realized in the short term, the pressure piled upon these children might have long-term psychological effects. Studies have shown […]
Never Take Your Children On Holiday Without These Things!
Going on holiday with children can be a fantastic experience. It’s often far more exciting and fun than many other kinds of vacations. While you might not get to spend as much time chilling out by the pool, you instead will have the chance to find more interesting things to do every day. However, there […]
How to Manage a Business and Still Have Time for the Kids
Trying to balance your working life and family life can be tricky. There are times when you’ll be presented with the difficult decision of attending an extremely important business meeting or watching your child play their first soccer game of the season. These choices are always unpleasant and now matter how much we try to […]
Does Your Family Home Have These Essentials?
As a parent, something that you want to be sure of is that your children have everything that they need. Actually being able to provide all that, however, is another matter altogether. In this article, we are going to look at certain things which your children might love to have around the home, but which […]
Can You Spare Sixty Minutes?
Nowadays, health experts recommend that all children get around sixty minutes, or an hour of exercise daily so by dad taking time out of his day to do these activities with your kids you’ll all be happy, healthier and having fun! Hot Wheels Credit: Rhian Remember when you were a kid and spent hours skateboarding? […]
Turn The Play Room Into A Teenage Hangout
No one wants to see their children grow up, do they? However, they do grow up, and that means something cool happens. You can turn your kid’s playroom into an awesome teenage hangout. This is good for a couple of reasons; firstly you can reclaim your living room. If they have a cool space to […]
Robots That Will Compete With Our Children
Without even realizing it, we have seen robots come into play in our everyday lives. They may not look like the ones in Will Smith’s I, Robot or Spielberg’s A.I. – not yet anyway – but robots have become part of our daily life. We all have a form of Siri on our smartphones, or […]
Man Cave Rules: How You Can Justify Yours
There comes a time in every man’s life when he needs to create his own space away from the rest of his pack. It’s not because he doesn’t love spending time with his kids or his partner, it’s just that men need a little time to focus, to create, to unwind. If you are […]
Flexible Design Ideas for Your Growing Child’s Bedroom
After spending a significant amount of money to build that beautiful Disney themed bedroom your four year old wanted, you will probably be hoping to not spend more money in redesigning it for a few years. However, children are constantly growing both physically and mentally. It is okay for them to be curious and interested […]
The Future of Fashion – Five Ethical Clothing Companies That Make a Difference
We’ve all heard the horror stories when it comes to the fashion industry. Sweatshops, child labour, illegal furs and damaging ecological footprints, have plagued the news. Whilst many of us say that it upsets us, we soon forget about it as it feels a world away. In most cases, this is true. Only around 10% […]
Five Famous Escapes For Fathers: Regular Activities for Dads to get Some Space
In a world full of children’s parties, kids clubs, lessons, groups and camps getting some space becoming increasingly difficult in the modern world. Many people are struggling with privacy in an age where people can be reached all day and everyday thanks to technology. All vacations have become working vacations in the modern world. However, […]
Could Your Kid Be A Jukebox Hero?
When your child reaches a certain age, between ten and thirteen, you might notice some of their classmates start taking up musical instruments. Have they decided to do this themselves? In most cases no. Instead, their parents have encouraged them to pursue something like this, and there are numerous reasons why you should do the […]
How the Latest Online Technologies Can Help Your Career
Are you looking for a new job or would you like to change from your current career path? The internet has helped many people with this area of their lives and you should be aware of all the ways the latest internet technologies can help your career, too. Below are some of the ways you […]
Everything You Can Discover In A Land Down Under
Australia isn’t a place that many people visit for one fairly obvious reason. Depending on where you live, it might well be on the other side of the world. That’s probably why it’s so popular with teenagers heading off on their gap year. Short of taking a rocket ship to the moon, it’s about as […]
Daddy Geek Challenge – Talking to Your Kids about Career Options
One aspect of parenting that is not discussed regularly is the preparation of your children for their future careers. Now, plenty of parents have a long-term plan to help their kids attend college, but for the most part, children choose the career paths they want to go into on their own. However, talking to your […]
Look Like A Boss, Not An Out Of Date Daddy
You might notice a few extra wrinkles and maybe some bags around the eyes. Nothing to worry about, you say, it’s to be expected because you’re not getting as much sleep as you used to. But then things get worse because you notice more hair is falling out. What’s left on your head seems to […]
How to Balance Parenting with Study
Are you a parent who also wants to learn a new skill or return to education? Many people in this position worry about starting a new course because they are afraid they won’t have the time and energy required to look after their family properly. However, although this is a dilemma many parents face, they […]
Top 3 Master’s Degrees for Parents Looking To Go Into Education
Aside from healthcare, education is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. We’re seeing a huge increase in the number of students and education institutions available. That rise in demand has led to more jobs being created on a regular basis. Pursuing a master’s degree in the field of education can help you start […]
Could You Have A Smartphone Problem?
The smartphone, as I’m sure you’ll agree, is a truly incredible invention. Just imagine being able to hop in your DeLorean and visit yourself twenty years ago to show off such an amazing device! Now, while I absolutely love technology, I’m sure you’ll agree that some of us spend way too much time on our […]
Daddy Geek Christmas Gift Guide 2016
With Halloween now well behind us, Christmas has come screaming into the forefront with the annual heart wrenching adverts, the landslide of toy commercials and they have already let Michael Bubble out of his box to sing in the festive season. It’s about now, I turn my technological wizardry to Christmas shopping to find out […]
4 Tactics Every IT Manager Needs to Oversee Staff
When you think about all of the different items that need to be done when managing your operation effectively, then you also need to consider what happens when you have to actively make changes, criticisms, and encouraging tips as well. Management isn’t just sitting back and waiting for fires to start so that you can […]