Children with Toothaches: How You Can Help
Tooth pain and discomfort is something that is commonly seen in little children. This can be associated with the growing years and the transition from milk teeth to permanent teeth. However, as parents, it is important that you are able to differentiate between pain that is normal and something that needs immediate attention. If you […]
Doing More with Less Space in a Tiny House
When you’re all about being minimalist by making use of a smaller living space, it doesn’t mean you will never want to own anything. Certainly, you will have embraced the idea that less is more, but it’s also the quality of the items rather than how many you own that is what matters. Quality over […]
How to Get Your PC Game Ready!
Having been usurped from the living room by family members wanting to watch the television, you may be wondering just how you can continue your gaming in the comfort that you have become accustomed to. Rather than continuing the argument as to why you should have control of the TV, you need to retreat and […]
Five Amazing Dad Breaks To Escape the Winter Chill
Christmas is exhausting. The shopping, the planning and the travelling are enough to turn a person atheist, just to escape the craziness of the festive season. Yet, there are so many happy moments and memories made, that despite the drain of your physical and mental well-being, it all seems worth it. But once all the […]
How to Help Your Child Buy Their First Home
The housing market in the UK is one that has been quite volatile for many. To top it off, as we near the end of the year, the house prices only seem to be rising and demand is increasing, causing a shortage in homes. While there was a momentary slowdown last year, thanks to Brexit, […]
Christmas Gift Ideas for Those on a Budget
It’s that time of year again! Christmas is looming nearer, you’re still as broke as you were last year and you have no idea what to get your mum, brother, great-uncle or Secret Santa. There’s huge pressure to buy people expensive gifts intricately wrapped in tissue and glittery paper with a bow on top, but […]
Geeky Tricks to Help You Sleep Better At Night
Are you having problems sleeping at night? Well, I also went through the same. Interestingly, for something we spend almost our entire lives doing, we still can’t seem to get a good night’s rest. Luckily, I found that you only need to follow some few tips for you to enjoy quality rest, sleep faster and […]
The Benefits of Theatre for Children
Theatre is wonderful, but it’s just for the grown-ups, right? Who in their right mind would take a child – especially a pre-school age child – to the theatre where they have to sit still and quiet and concentrate for possibly hours at a time? If that’s what you’re thinking, it’s time to think again. […]
5 Smart Tips for Your Child’s Bedroom Makeover
So, the time has come to update your child’s bedroom. Given the rate that kids grow and adapt, it’s inevitable that they will outgrow their surroundings and need an update once in a while, but redecorating an entire room is something that most parents dread. In the age of smartphones, tablets, and round-the-clock entertainment, keeping […]
Dads: There’s No Reason Not To Look Your Best
The health and beauty side of things is often taken to be a primarily female pursuit. But there is nothing that says that men should not seek the same kind of values from time to time. The truth is that men need to pay attention to their looks a little as well, and none so […]
Brushing Up In The Looks Department
Get it? It’s because a lot of the time men take a lot of pride in how their hair looks, both on top of their head and anywhere else. Everyone likes to look good, and your personal style is going to differ from person to person, so don’t be worried if you don’t fit the […]
How to Capture Your Childrens’ Childhoods
Being a father is a wonderful thing. You get to watch your children laugh and grow, and hopefully become great adults who achieve all their dreams. The problem is, though, that you blink and they’re all grown up! That’s why you need to document their childhood while parenting. It’s not enough to just take too […]
3 Special Present Ideas for Your Child this Christmas
It’s coming to that time of year when you can feel the money in your wallet is not going to be there that long. You can feel that inner panic stirring as you think about what to get your children for Christmas. You want them to love the gifts that you choose, but equally, you […]
Three Tough Realities About Gaining Muscle
When it comes to getting rid of your “Dad bod”, muscle gain is an obvious goal. With your weight under control, you can turn your attention to improving your overall physique, and enjoying the benefits of feeling stronger and healthier. There are, however, a few potential flies in the ointment. Despite the claims of a […]
How to Look Like a Cool Dad
Taking your kids out to the park or to parties is always tough. Girls and boys under 18 will always be your greatest critics when it comes to your dressing style and hair. If you want to impress your offspring, as well as their friends, you need to look the part. Unfortunately, the definition of […]
The Rise of Smart Lighting
Thanks to smart lighting, you can now turn your lights on before you get home from work, turn the kids’ bedroom lights off while you’re watching a film in the living room, or pre-set your lights to a welcoming hue when your dinner party guests arrive. Smart lighting systems connect all the lights in your […]
Gaming With Your Kids: Benefits And Caveats
Most of today’s Dads love video games. In fact, they’re how most of today’s Dads spent all of the ‘90s. They are to us, what home video was to our parents. Gen X and millennial Dads were on the cusp of a revolution in consumer technology where the vaunted arcade machines like Pong, Pac Man, […]
Some Wheely Good Parenting Advice
Want to be a better parent and encourage your kids to enjoy a healthy and incredibly active lifestyle? Then look no further than your local bike store. Seriously – research has shown that cycling could be the answer to the growing child obesity crises that are occurring all over the world, and it’s vital that […]
Dad Health Hacks That Don’t Require Exercise
Life as a father is hard work. The kids never do as you say, work is a struggle, and the wife always wants more. There is never a dull moment in a dad’s life, which means there is never a quiet one, either. So, finding time to work out is not simple. Let’s face it […]
Cult Trends You Need To Introduce To Your Kids
Back in the day, you were quite limited in what you could watch on TV and films had to be seen in the cinema or rented on video to be able to be enjoyed. Today, we’re spoiled with all the different channels available, on-demand viewing and of course Netflix and other subscription services that have […]
Is It Time To Add Another Baby To Your Family?
Having a baby and growing your family is one of the single best things in life. A new baby brings so much joy and promise to a family, and whether this will be your first baby or you already have your own little tribe, you might be thinking about bringing another little one into the […]
5 Fantastic Experiences To Celebrate Your 40th
With my 40th birthday fast approaching, I am becoming acutely aware that friends who have already hit the forty mark are celebrating in bigger and more extravagant ways. Forty is fast becoming another milestone similar to 16, 21, 50 or retirement (the actual age is currently under debate). With this milestone comes the responsibility to […]
How To Make Sure Your Kids Are Safe Drivers
For every parent, the thought of the child they once taught to ride a bike getting behind the wheel of a car is a frightening one. Whether you have sons or daughters, or a combination, trusting that they will be sensible on the roads and take the responsibility of being in control of a […]
Lunchbox Rescue: Calsway Snack Boxes
The Calsway concept is a simple one, create great tasting snacks that are packed according to calories and not weight, so those weight conscience snackers can keep tabs on what they eat without using crazy charts or apps. Calsway boasts that they hand-pick the highest quality products for your ‘in-between’ meals and mix them according […]
5 Bits Of Tech For Every Travelling Businessman
When you first started your job, you probably believed your employee when he or she looked you in the eye and told you that frequent travel was a perk of the job. However, a few months down the line and you’ll be convinced that they confused the word ‘perk’ with ‘flaw’. Okay, maybe that is […]