Get Active With The Best Sporting Apparel And Accessories
Just because winter is closing in, doesn’t mean you have an excuse not to be active! In fact, breaking a sweat is the best way to combat the cold weather. Even if you don’t want to get outside and run, there are also plenty of indoor sports you could try out. But before you get […]
How To Alleviate Pain When Driving
If you suffer from pain-related issues, you’re going to suffer when you’re behind the wheel. The two go hand-in-hand, with you being forced to sit in one position for extended amounts of time. It can affect everything from your feet to your neck, and the solutions aren’t always obvious. Let’s discuss a few ways to […]
10 Reasons Why Your Family Should Be Going Vegetarian
If you’re a family of meat eaters, becoming vegetarian might be something of an alien concept to you all! After all, who can imagine life without burgers, steaks and bacon in it? But, here’s the thing. Going vegetarian isn’t just some weird fad or diet idea that other people are trying out. It’s a practical […]
Making Your Lifestyle A Little Healthier As A Parent
When you’re a parent, your health is not just about you; it’s also about your family. If you are not fit and healthy, they could be the ones that suffer. So, here are some top ways to make your lifestyle a little healthier when you’re a parent. Cook the Family Meals When you are responsible […]
Easy Ways to Prevent Sleep Problems in Kids
Getting rest is extremely important, whether you’re a child or an adult. That’s why parents need to make sure that their kids are given the opportunity to rest through the night in comfort and security. If your kids are unable to get adequate amounts of sleep, their health and focus could suffer, so check out […]
Have More Mobile Fun With The Kids
As a busy Dad, you just can’t wait to get time to jump on the bike and hit the trail. Maybe you like to run, surf, swim, or kayak? Whatever you enjoy doing, it’s probably something to do with getting outside and feeling the wind on your face. It makes you feel more alive! It […]
Why Cycling Could be the Best Way for You to Get Fit
Don’t waste your money on a gym membership. If you want to get fit, you should consider cycling instead. Here’s why! Cycling is the Best Way to Burn Fat Fast Cycling is a great form of cardio exercise, so it burns fat. But research has also shown that cycling also helps burn fat faster than […]
Simple Health & Fitness Tips for the Working Dad
You need to understand the value and importance of staying fit and healthy. As a working father, you might think this is difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Of course, you’re going to need a balanced and healthy diet. But there are plenty of other ways as well. Here is a list of a […]
Dad’s Guide To Healthier Eating
The ‘Dad’ body might be in right now, but it’s not healthy. Shedding those extra pounds could be the key to feeling like you did in your prime. Even if you aren’t overly bothered by your physique, aiming to eat a healthy balanced diet should still be a priority. It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy […]
Why Do Women Spend Hours In The Bathroom?
It’s the question that baffles men across the world. I know that my husband doesn’t fully understand it! But to us women it is just part and parcel of life as a modern girl. If you ask any women, and I mean any women, they will be able to come up with five or six […]
Review: ShaveKit | Shaving Subscription Service
I need to shave. I have two young daughters and being a generally ‘cuddly father’, I often kiss and cuddle them only to leave sandpaper-like burns on their skin. They are soft and delicate and i’m… We’ll i’m a man who is also soft an delicate but I get pretty rough stubble. As such I […]
No Gym Subscription? No Problem! How To Stay Fit At Home
Staying fit and healthy when you have children can feel like mission impossible. If, before you had children, you used to hit the gym every week, you will find adjusting to parenthood quite tricky. Now, you need to try to fit your workout regime to your current schedule. It is not easy, but it is […]
Best Hobbies For Keeping Your Child Healthy
To make sure that your child grows up understanding the importance of fitness, it is crucial that you incorporate healthy activities into your lifestyle. But what is the best way to go about this? One of the best ways to make yours and your child’s lifestyle more active is with hobbies. As well as being […]
Top Tips For Getting Your Kids Out In The Fresh Air
If your kids are like the millions around the globe who love nothing more than slouching around playing video games, you may be wondering what you can do to get them more active. While there are hundreds of great games that have a lot of educational value, nothing beats a good dose of fresh air […]
6 Natural Remedies For Treating A Cold
The family and I took a pre-christmas break to Centre Parcs. We enjoyed seeing it all covered in snow, meeting Father Christmas and his reindeer in his grotto and taking in a panto. The holiday was great and just what you need to relax yourself before the main event. However, on the last day, the […]
Healthy And Fun Family Living
Health and fun. These are two words that we want to ensure that our children understand. Ensuring that our children grow up as healthily as possible and have lots of fun in the process is every parent’s goal. I’ll be the first to admit that I am a soft touch, my children get a chocolate […]
How To Fit In Exercise When You Have A Young Family
When caring for your young children it is often difficult to find the time to take care of yourself. One of the first things that many people push aside in order to make time with their family is exercise. Many justify this by explaining that with all the running after their kids that they do, […]
4 Top Tips For Raising Cash For Your Children’s Club
When you’ve finally convinced your son or daughter to take up that extra activity or sport, you probably feel a huge sense of relief. You’ve signed them up. They’ve got the kit, and they’re ready to leave your side to learn something new. You leave them at the club with a big smile on your […]
Simple Ways to Cut the Risk of Sports Injuries
One of the depressing things about getting older is the fact that you can’t throw yourself across a squash court or hurtle around a football pitch with the same careless abandon you had as a teenager. If you want to stay out of A&E, you have to be more careful when it comes to your […]
100 Days of Dieting
It has now been over three months since I started my diet. Over the past 100 days I have spent weeks on Slimfast shakes, weight watchers soups, and even been electrocuted by a slender tone belt. The Bad There has been many times that my resolve has weakened and I delved into the children’s chocolates, […]
February Diet week 8/9 | Time To Quit The Booze
So it turns out I’m allergic to Slimfast. All the weeks of itching all over was not due to using biological washing powder, but to the delicious diet shakes I was having on a daily basis. As I quit Slimfast mid-week I treated myself on Thursday and Friday to a Subway sandwich. Tasty as it […]
February Diet | Week 7 | Temptation Strikes
The thought of a night out in London with friends set off alarm bells in the calorie-counting part of my brain. With each Gin and Tonic weighing in at around 100 calories each I knew Saturday would not be good for my diet. As such I told myself that after that after lunch I would […]
February Diet | Week 5 | Teeny Tiny Titbits
[dropcap size=big] T[/dropcap]his week was pretty uneventful as I kept to my Slimfast shakes and indulged a little at the weekend with a large roast dinner. My wife has been more supportive at the weekend by getting me a couple of Weight Watchers soups to eat, so not to ‘diet’ in front of the girls. […]
January Diet | Week 4 | Now With Added Slendertone
[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he first month of dieting is finally coming to a close and amazingly my results are finally positive. After last weeks ‘slip up’ I was back on track and working hard. I managed to drag myself to the gym three times and I stuck to my Slimfast lunches. In the evening the temptation was […]
January Diet | Week 3
[dropcap size=big]C[/dropcap]risps, pizza and a burger are not the meals one expects to see on the menu of anyone supposedly on a diet and yet each and every one passed my lips. As you can assume, the mini break to Aldeburgh did nothing for my diet. The weekdays seemed to go OK as I went […]