6 Ways to Get Your Health Back on Track
Without good health, you won’t have the energy for your day-to-day life. That being the case, what is the solution? You need to get into a habit of choosing the beneficial alternative to everything that you do. For instance, instead of binge eating on chocolate and ice-cream while you watch the latest television series on […]
How to Help Your Kids Recover from a Cold
Being a parent means that you sometimes have to wear many hats. It could be anything from being a storyteller to becoming a personal chef for your kids. Another hat that you’re going to have to wear at several points in your child’s life is that of a doctor or nurse. This is because your […]
How to Fit in Exercise When You Have Kids
For most people, fitting in an exercise class or going to the gym is hard enough with work and living your day-to-day life. However, when you also have to deal with picking the kids up from school or getting them ready for bed, this can eat up all your free time. As parents, you also […]
Keeping Your Family Safe: A Guide
Nothing is more important to a parent than the health and safety of their children, as well as their spouse. For this reason, you will more than likely want to do everything in your power to protect your loved ones each day. It’s only natural to want to care for your family at all times, […]
Improving the Safety of Your Bathroom
Aside from the kitchen, the bathroom has the potential to be the most dangerous room in any home, especially in those that occupied by the elderly. Due to the fact you are dealing with water and slippery surfaces, a lot of the time makes the possibility of the falling over a real hazard to […]
Keeping Your Family’s Health On Track: A Guide
Maintaining one’s health is always easier when you do it as a family, as opposed to alone. If you are a parent with kids, you must start teaching them what it means to live a healthy and happy life from a young age so that they can become ingrained in the routine more easily. On […]
Should You Take Legal Action After an Injury or Possible Medical Malpractice or Not?
These days, you hear a lot of stories about people getting large compensation payouts after something bad has happened to them, either on somebody else’s premises, as a result of medical malpractice, or in their workplaces. If you are the victim of some kind of accident or medical failure, you may wonder whether or not […]
How To Make Your Work Life Healthier
Work in the office and at the desk usually means hours of sitting and hardly any movement. This, in the long term, can be physically strenuous on the body itself, as daily sitting for hours is a burden. The lack of exercise mainly leads to problems with the cardiovascular system, which in turn makes long […]
How to Cope with and Combat Back Pain So You Can Be More Active with the Kids
When you have young children, life tends to be pretty busy. The kids constantly want and need your attention, and you want to be able to engage with them and play with them. For those who suffer from back pain, playing with the kids can end up being an activity that leaves you in pain, […]
What to Do If an Elderly Relative Becomes Ill
When you get sick, you call into work and stay in bed. Hopefully, someone is at home to take care of you. Otherwise, you load up on medication and try to sleep the day away. When an elderly loved one becomes sick, however, it is often due to a plethora of health conditions. Being ill […]
5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence
As you get older and your looks start to fade a little, your confidence can be knocked slightly because you don’t look as young as you used to. Having confidence in yourself no matter what age you are is very important which is why we have come up with five ways that you can boost […]
5 Gadgets To Revitalise Your Life
Modern technology has the power to improve a person’s health and wellbeing. You simply need to discover the right gadget to complement your needs, whether that’s improving your health or staying in touch with your nearest and dearest easily. If you’re looking for a little technology inspiration, here are five gadgets to revitalise your life. […]
Helping Your Teenagers Through Tough Times
Notoriously difficult to understand and communicate with, teenagers can be a real handful to dads who’re hoping to get through to them to help them through the angst and disruption of puberty. Perhaps you remember how it was for you when your parents threw their hands up in dismay as made grumpy, adolescent-fuelled rants. […]
Don’t Leave It Until It’s Too Late: Tips For Getting Your Health Insurance Sorted Today
If you’re a busy father, then you may be putting off getting a new health insurance plan, changing plans, or upgrading a current policy. Remember, while your family may rely heavily on you, you ’re not superman. Bad luck can strike and leave you in a tight situation. Now, choosing the right coverage isn’t easy. […]
Up Your Game with These 6 Cycling Gadgets
There’s no denying that cycling can be an expensive hobby. A decent helmet, bodysuit, pair of gloves, and shoes will set you back a pretty penny or two. Luckily for those who love spending, you can spend even more on your favorite hobby thanks to modern technology. Jokes aside, some of these accessories can make […]
The Meaning Of Life For Busy Dads
Busy dads have a lot of questions, and I don’t just mean the awkward ones our kids pitch at us. They usually come to us late at night: should I apply for that new job? How am I going to pay for that car repair? Where should I take the family on holiday this year? […]
7 Stress Busting Solutions For Dads
Being a parent can be challenging, especially when balancing work responsibilities. Juggling these two worlds can often feel like a tug-of-war, with one side demanding late hours at the office while the other calls for early returns home. The professional realm demands constant online connectivity, whereas the personal one thrives on offline, unplugged moments. As […]
10 Ways To Be Self-Sufficient
What does being self-sufficient mean? Self-sufficiency is all about not having to rely on anyone else, including big corporations, for anything, or for as little as possible. It means doing as much as you can yourself for you and your family. It’s a great, natural way to live, and you can be as committed as […]
3 Athletes Your Children Can Aspire To
Athleticism is something we all want to encourage in our kids. While they won’t all necessarily become professional riders, dancers or gymnasts, there is a sport out there for everyone – and finding role models to aspire to will point them in the direction of a new hobby or even an athletic career. If […]
Children with Toothaches: How You Can Help
Tooth pain and discomfort is something that is commonly seen in little children. This can be associated with the growing years and the transition from milk teeth to permanent teeth. However, as parents, it is important that you are able to differentiate between pain that is normal and something that needs immediate attention. If you […]
Dads: There’s No Reason Not To Look Your Best
The health and beauty side of things is often taken to be a primarily female pursuit. But there is nothing that says that men should not seek the same kind of values from time to time. The truth is that men need to pay attention to their looks a little as well, and none so […]
Three Tough Realities About Gaining Muscle
When it comes to getting rid of your “Dad bod”, muscle gain is an obvious goal. With your weight under control, you can turn your attention to improving your overall physique, and enjoying the benefits of feeling stronger and healthier. There are, however, a few potential flies in the ointment. Despite the claims of a […]
Dad Health Hacks That Don’t Require Exercise
Life as a father is hard work. The kids never do as you say, work is a struggle, and the wife always wants more. There is never a dull moment in a dad’s life, which means there is never a quiet one, either. So, finding time to work out is not simple. Let’s face it […]
Fun Youth Sports Confer Long Term Psychological Benefits
Many parents expect and encourage their children to excel in academics. This emphasis may be so great that these children find no time for sporting activities. While the expectations of the parents and society might be realized in the short term, the pressure piled upon these children might have long-term psychological effects. Studies have shown […]
What On Earth Is Bubble Football? How Do I Join?!
In our busy and hectic lives, it’s easy to overlook the silly little things. When it comes to enriching our minds, we watch TV and play games. But, far too many people ignore their body’s enrichment. The result is boredom and tiredness, and even weight gain. Most sports are a little too slow-paced and boring […]