A Father’s Guide to Essential Superfoods and Supplements for Middle Age Men
Last year a managed to complete a triathlon, but it was hard and my muscles and joints did not thank me for it. As I approach middle age, I need to prioritise my health and well-being more than ever. With the demands of work, family, and various responsibilities, staying healthy is so important. Thankfully, I’ve […]
Review: REM-Fit Memory Foam Mattress
As a father of two daughter who don’t sleep well, I truly appreciate a good night’s sleep, I recently embarked on a quest to find a new mattress that not only fits my budget but also provides the comfort and support needed for a restful night. With the market flooded with advertisements for popular brands […]
Everything You Need to Know About Life Insurance
As a father of two who knows a lot about tech but very little about insurance, I recently had to start thinking of Life Insurance. I wanted to make sure that I can provide for my family even when I’m are no longer around. That is where life insurance comes in. As I’m not selling […]
Training for a Triathlon
Training for a triathlon is a challenging and rewarding experience that requires a combination of physical and mental preparation. I recently signed up for a Triathlon and my research found that many people my age do the same thing to stay healthy and have a goal to work towards. During my research, I discovered some […]
Review: Pizuna Linens Cotton Sheet Set
Regular readers will know about my recent interest in sleep and more accurately the importance of sleep. I have written a lot about the benefits of sleep, as well as looking at the amount of time adults spend in bed each year and the results are truly fascinating. One part of the sleeping process that […]
The Health Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep
It may come as no surprise that I have many projects on the go at any one time. Blogging, working, parenting, and self-improvement all have various micro-projects that I need to juggle in a given day. In my quest to become more efficient I would read and listen to the advice of others for life […]
Adults Spend More Than 34 Days In Bed Per Year
The average UK adult spends over 34 days a year in bed awake, playing games on their phone, watching TV and more UK adults spend an extra 16 hours in bed each week awake, equating to almost 35 days each year Playing games on a mobile phone, watching TV/movies, and thinking/worrying are some of the […]
The Toughest Parts of Ending a Long-term Relationship and How to Deal with Them
The end of a relationship can be an emotional rollercoaster, and it isn’t always easy to think straight or feel optimistic about the future. Even if you’re relieved that the relationship is over, that doesn’t mean that you won’t still have to face awkward interactions with your ex or that things will be easy for […]
How to Start an Online Medical Supply Business in 4 Steps
Now could be a perfect time to get into the medical supply business. Contrary to what many people may think, getting into this type of business is not that difficult and it doesn’t require that much of an initial investment. You can further drive your costs down by keeping everything online. This would allow you […]
What Martians Want
Anyone who has read ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ by John Gray will understand the many differences between men and women and how these two alien species react to the world in different ways. In essence, it follows the story of two alien species, the action-driven, emotionally absent men of Mars and […]
Cycling Equipment for Beginners: A Guide
Road cycling is both an effective way to improve and maintain your fitness and a fun and relaxing pastime. Cycling can be included as part of your daily life as a way to get from A to B, and it is also a great way to explore new areas. Another attraction is that once you […]
Ergotron WorkFit-T Stand Up Desk Converter
Now working from home is commonplace across the world, I needed to up my home office game. I had seen standing desks around and I must admit that whilst the theory behind standing up whilst working was sound, my opinion of the people adopting this new way of working was less than positive. I tended […]
What Is the Highest Paying Nursing Job?
People decide to pursue a nursing career for a variety of reasons. Some find their calling in helping people in the time of need and making their lives better. Others are fascinated by growth prospects – while other industries experience massive shortages, especially because of the coronavirus pandemic, nurses are always in demand. Last but […]
Does my family need a pulse oximeter?
No matter how close you are adhering to your quarantine guidelines, many of us are looking for anything that will help give additional insight. Rapidly proving to be a popular piece of kit, pulse oximeters are gaining in popularity across the market – promising help at an affordable price point. But what exactly is a […]
How to stay focussed as a writer
Writing for a living isn’t easy. Whilst plenty of people have a way with words and can craft a nifty sentence, story or character, the key to being a successful writer boils down to focus and self-motivation. You’re so often left to your own devices; vulnerable to the temptation of procrastination. You start writing – […]
Tips On Supporting A Loved One Going Through A Difficult Time
Do you have a partner, daughter, or friend that is going through a difficult time? It is always upsetting to watch a loved one struggling, whether this is a mental health problem, drink and drug addiction, illness, or any other kind of issue. You will be desperate to help in any way that you […]
Three Simple Ways To Add Hemp To Your Life
If you say the word ‘hemp’, most people will instantly assume you mean cannabis – but actually, although they look remarkably similar, hemp is a completely different strain of plant, and very misunderstood. Unlike cannabis, hemp contains very little THC – the compound which has psychotropic effects and makes you feel ‘high’ – but […]
The Surprising Benefits of Exercising in Cold Weather
Working out has many benefits, but sometimes we find it hard to go to the gym or do any other workouts. Besides lack of motivation and inadequate time, people also cite bad weather as a reason for not working out. But do you know that exercising in cold weather is a great idea and has […]
What are the differences between CBD and THC for Medical Uses?
Lately, the topic of medicinal cannabis is on everyone’s lips. Every time we see more pharmaceutical companies are interested in research and the different uses that can have both in health and in other areas. But, do you really know the difference between THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol)? Although culturally cannabis was very badly seen, […]
How to support a partner with maternal mental health issues
According to recent statistics, somewhere between 10% and 20% of women suffer from ‘perinatal’ mental health issues at some point in their pregnancy, or within the first twelve months of giving birth. Similarly, according to CFAH.org, women have a lifetime PTSD prevalence rate of 9.7%, compared to 3.6% in men. You may have heard of […]
Three Common Childhood Illnesses and How to Treat Them
When you are a parent, you know only too well the long nights of looking after a child who has a temperature, a heavy cold, or a vomiting bug. As adults, we have learned how to cope when we feel ill, but children may sometimes feel afraid, especially if they think they might be sick. […]
How Dads Can Get Back Into Shape This Year
Being a dad is a tough job, but that doesn’t make it any less rewarding. The only issue is that between parenting and your career, it can be incredibly difficult to focus on other crucially important areas of your life – your health, primarily. You can be a better dad, partner, and employee by getting […]
How to Talk to Your Children About Drugs
The subject of drug addiction can be a tricky one for parents to discuss. You may worry about lecturing your kids or making them feel uncomfortable. However, it’s important to educate them from a young age about how addiction can impact their own life, as well as others around them. Maybe you have played out […]
How To Chill Out As A Parent
Everyone needs to be alone sometimes, and when you’re a parent that alone time is even more important (and even more precious) than ever before. Spending some time alone, away from the stresses and strains of normal life, means that when we return to that normal life, we return refreshed and happier, and more able […]
How to cope if your child is suffering from addiction
For parents, knowing that your child is fighting with addiction can cause a variety of negative emotions. It is also difficult knowing just how you can help. The symptoms can often make the problem even more difficult to address. Secrecy and theft can make it very challenging to keep aware of the issue, and […]