Essential Tips for Buying Your Perfect Lobster
Lobster remains a sophisticated and versatile staple of any seafood feast. Whether you opt to steam the lobster whole and serve it with sides and dips or utilize its various parts for an assortment of delicious meals such as lobster dumplings, you’re sure to be well satisfied. But quality lobster comes at a price. Research […]
How to Store an Open Wine Correctly
You went home after a long tiring workday. All of the workloads are done, signed all the papers needed to be signed, filed all the documents, etc. You changed your clothes and went to the fridge to look for something to eat or drink. Then you happened to glance at your most favorite bottle of […]
Food For Thought: Tech We Can Expect In Restaurants By 2020
The new year always gets people thinking about the future, whether it’s their personal lives or their business. For restaurant owners, however, it might not seem like technology is all that important. After all, on the surface, things haven’t dramatically changed in the industry for many years. But just as there was calm in the […]
Subscriptions and Online Services Could be Crippling Your Finances
As a tech-loving father of two, I have many subscriptions that include Netflix, Amazon Prime and even Disney Life. Couple that with broadband, phone contracts, Xbox Live and Spotify, I have a constant stream of outgoings leaving my account on a regular basis. Back in the days of CDs, I barely bought an album per […]
Tips for a Brilliant Family Barbecue
Britain is warming up at last! After a dismal, wet winter and the ravages of the Beast from the East, the sun has now started shining, the birds are singing, and the grass is starting to grow. Summer is just around the corner, and Dads all over the country are looking forward to getting the […]
5 Exciting Ways to Use Beer in Cooking
For beer lovers, it can be exciting to know that you can use beer in your cooking. While most of us may be familiar with beer-can chicken, our knowledge of beer cooking is perhaps not as extensive as it ought to be. The truth is there are other creative ways of incorporating beer into your […]
Lunchbox Rescue: Calsway Snack Boxes
The Calsway concept is a simple one, create great tasting snacks that are packed according to calories and not weight, so those weight conscience snackers can keep tabs on what they eat without using crazy charts or apps. Calsway boasts that they hand-pick the highest quality products for your ‘in-between’ meals and mix them according […]
5 Awesome Tools To Help Dads Save Time In The Kitchen
When you have kids, you know that the days of spending hours of creating complex, delicious meals are gone – for the next 15 years or so, at least. All of a sudden, the cooking process becomes a rush to get that food on the table, regardless of whether your kids actually eat it or […]
10 Reasons Why Your Family Should Be Going Vegetarian
If you’re a family of meat eaters, becoming vegetarian might be something of an alien concept to you all! After all, who can imagine life without burgers, steaks and bacon in it? But, here’s the thing. Going vegetarian isn’t just some weird fad or diet idea that other people are trying out. It’s a practical […]
Tech Review: The Sprializer | Food Tech
I was sat in the office one day, when a colleague sat down eating what I thought was pesto pasta with baby tomatoes. It looked delicious. Then she dropped the bomb by telling me that the spaghetti was ‘spiralized’ courgette. She then went on to say that vegetable spaghetti was her secret weapon for getting her […]
Dad’s Guide To Healthier Eating
The ‘Dad’ body might be in right now, but it’s not healthy. Shedding those extra pounds could be the key to feeling like you did in your prime. Even if you aren’t overly bothered by your physique, aiming to eat a healthy balanced diet should still be a priority. It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy […]
Awesome Garden Party Tips For Summer
Planning an awesome garden party for your friends and family is an excellent way to get everyone together this summer. Making sure you plan everything well in advance should help to ensure you don’t overlook any of the essentials. At the end of the day, the way in which your party comes together will depend […]
Dinner Time Battles: Helpful Hints For Getting Your Kids to Eat Properly
Your kids may love the idea of living on pizza for the rest of their lives. Who can blame them? Pizza is delicious. But, you need to make sure that your kids are eating properly. No one is saying that the odd ice cream or burger is not okay. On the contrary, having a little […]
Why You Should Keep Your Kids Away From Fizzy Drinks
Most adults will understand that fizzy drinks are not suitable for small children. There are many reasons for that, some of which we’re going to mention in just a moment. With the amount of alternatives on the market today, there is no reason your children should consume products from the likes of Coca-Cola. You only […]
Healthy And Fun Family Living
Health and fun. These are two words that we want to ensure that our children understand. Ensuring that our children grow up as healthily as possible and have lots of fun in the process is every parent’s goal. I’ll be the first to admit that I am a soft touch, my children get a chocolate […]
Fussy Eaters? How To Make Mealtimes Simple For You And Your Kids
We all know that kids can be a handful from time to time. One of the hardest parts of the day tends to be mealtimes. When children don’t want to eat something, it can be an absolute nightmare. When you are trying to settle your kids down so that they will eat, you might find […]
Simple and Healthy Desserts the Whole Family Will Enjoy
Creating food that the whole family enjoys can be a struggle. However, the following desserts are guaranteed crowd pleasers. They are also healthy, meaning you don’t have to feel guilty when you set to work preparing them. Fruit dipped in sugar-free chocolate One fantastic option is to prepare fruit dipped in sugar-free chocolate. Sugar free […]
The Only Way to Cook an Exquisite Pork Fillet
Pork fillet is one of the most delicious cuts of meat out there. It isn’t always cheap either, which means you need to do it justice when you cook it. You don’t want your money to go to waste, and you probably want the people you’re feeding to enjoy themselves too. Let’s take a look […]
The Best Easter Eggs This Easter
Easter eggs have been in the shops for several weeks now. The shops are always ten steps ahead of the buyer when it comes to making purchases for the next celebration available. As soon as we bid farewell to valentines day, Easter eggs began to line the shelves all ready to tempt the more organised […]
Review: Upbeat High Protein Dairy Drink
Diets are really tough and keeping track of what you eat and drink can be difficult. I have been dieting since January and since then I have tried both Weight Watchers and Slimfast. Slimfast brought me out in an itchy rash and Weight Watchers always seemed to leave me hungry. I needed something new. Then, […]
February Diet | Week 7 | Temptation Strikes
The thought of a night out in London with friends set off alarm bells in the calorie-counting part of my brain. With each Gin and Tonic weighing in at around 100 calories each I knew Saturday would not be good for my diet. As such I told myself that after that after lunch I would […]
February Diet | Week 6 | Getting Bored
My resolve is weakening and the whole diet thing is getting very boring, very quickly…. Six pounds lost in six weeks meaning in order to reach my target weight of 11st 3lb I will need to be on this diet for yet another six weeks at least. My motivation is waining and whilst I am […]
February Diet | Week 5 | Teeny Tiny Titbits
[dropcap size=big] T[/dropcap]his week was pretty uneventful as I kept to my Slimfast shakes and indulged a little at the weekend with a large roast dinner. My wife has been more supportive at the weekend by getting me a couple of Weight Watchers soups to eat, so not to ‘diet’ in front of the girls. […]
January Diet | Top Five Food Fantasies
u [dropcap size=big]D[/dropcap]iets do strange things to you. Food used to be something that was just there, ready to be eaten, enjoyed and created. Nowadays, it seems to permeate my thoughts and take over my mind. I seem to check the calorie count of everything I touch, pizza menus catch my eyes, and the crinkle […]
January Diet | Week 3
[dropcap size=big]C[/dropcap]risps, pizza and a burger are not the meals one expects to see on the menu of anyone supposedly on a diet and yet each and every one passed my lips. As you can assume, the mini break to Aldeburgh did nothing for my diet. The weekdays seemed to go OK as I went […]