Jewellery Gifts for Him That Speak Volumes
In a world where expressions of love, appreciation, and celebration come in various forms, few can match the timeless allure of jewelry. While traditionally associated with women, the realm of jewelry has expanded to embrace men, too. Gone are the days when jewelry was solely a feminine indulgence; today, it also serves as a symbol […]
8 Style Tips for Men
Every man wants to look their best, yet many shy away from fashion and style as it can be such an intimidating and large area to enter. While it is true that it can be a large and complicated area, there are still a few simple style tips that any man could follow to improve […]
How to Buy Underwear for a Man
Choosing the right mens underwear is not easy, especially when you’re buying for another person. There are a lot of things you need to think about to avoid purchasing men’s underwear which is unsuitable or inappropriate. You need to pick a style that is comfortable and which the person you are buying for is going […]
Three Fashion Tips for Fathers to Look Sharp and Great
There is an abundance of fashionable fathers around, and currently, the world has a number of male style icons who are doting parents too. In order to get that much-desired gaze or even to have a personal satisfaction regarding fashion, you need to maintain certain decorum; otherwise, you might go awfully wrong. Here are some […]
Clothing Tips for Geek Dads
Dad’s aren’t usually known for being fashion icons unless they’re famous and rich enough to have an army of image consultants following them around all day and managing their wardrobe. If you can’t afford to employ someone just to make sure your socks don’t clash with your tie, then never fear! It’s never been easier […]
Brushing Up In The Looks Department
Get it? It’s because a lot of the time men take a lot of pride in how their hair looks, both on top of their head and anywhere else. Everyone likes to look good, and your personal style is going to differ from person to person, so don’t be worried if you don’t fit the […]
How to Look Like a Cool Dad
Taking your kids out to the park or to parties is always tough. Girls and boys under 18 will always be your greatest critics when it comes to your dressing style and hair. If you want to impress your offspring, as well as their friends, you need to look the part. Unfortunately, the definition of […]
The Future of Fashion – Five Ethical Clothing Companies That Make a Difference
We’ve all heard the horror stories when it comes to the fashion industry. Sweatshops, child labour, illegal furs and damaging ecological footprints, have plagued the news. Whilst many of us say that it upsets us, we soon forget about it as it feels a world away. In most cases, this is true. Only around 10% […]