7 Super Useful Baby Things That Are Easily Overlooked
Before your little bundle of joy arrives, there are loads of things you need to prepare. As a dad-to-be, it is your duty to make sure that you have everything you need before you have a child. That in itself does not need to be a chore. There are loads of excellent things you can […]
Fantastic Ideas For Hosting A Kids’ Party On A Budget
Unless you work as a party planner, you probably get a little stressed out at the idea of organising a kid’s party. Where will you host the party? How many children should you invite? How will you keep the kids entertained? With the biggest worry being, how much will it all cost? But, there is […]
How To Tackle Difficult Issues With Your Kids
When you have something you need to discuss with your children, it can be difficult. Usually, you are the role of authority in the house. What you say goes and your children have to listen to and respect your opinions. When you have something serious to tell your little ones, though, you might not know […]
Keep Your Kids Occupied All Day Long: Tips and Tricks
Sometimes, you need a whole back catalogue of tricks up your sleeve to keep your kids busy. This could be for any reason; you have a lot of work to do at home, you’ve got somebody coming round to fix the boiler, or it could just be raining. Whatever the reason you need a whole […]
A Newbie’s Guide To Restoring And Archiving Old Photographs
Every family will have some old and cherished photos taken many generations ago. As time goes on, these pictures will get subject to damage from the sun, people mishandling them and so forth. Eventually, these photos will no longer look as good as they did the day they got taken. For the most part, people […]
Top Tips For Getting Your Kids Out In The Fresh Air
If your kids are like the millions around the globe who love nothing more than slouching around playing video games, you may be wondering what you can do to get them more active. While there are hundreds of great games that have a lot of educational value, nothing beats a good dose of fresh air […]
Top Video Games Of 2014: What Have You Been Missing?
2014 was one heck of an exciting year for the gaming world. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox Once consoles started to pick up speed after their 2013 launch and there was also some fantastic advancements in games as well. Outlined below are some of my favourite games of 2014. The following are ‘adult’ games, in that, most are […]
Easy Ways To Make Your Kids Love Science
It is hard to make kids take an interest in science. Many think that everything science-related is boring and difficult to understand. It doesn’t have to be. Science is all around us. If you want, you can help your kids to learn to love science. There are many cool things that you can do at home […]
Software Review: Photo Story Deluxe 2014 | PC
Photostory 2014 Deluxe is a fantastic slideshow creation tool with over 100 transition effects, 500 pieces of music and sound effects and an array of useful tools to give it creative flair. Going into this review my exceptions were pretty low, partly due to the cost and also being used to using the Adobe suite […]
Gaming Party With The LeapTV
Games not only have the power to entertain but to educate. Despite the press saying the contrary, I believe playing video games have an array of benefits such as improved motor control, awareness of 3D space, increased problem solving ability, and improved reaction times to name but a few. Whilst many mainstream games have not […]
Simple and Healthy Desserts the Whole Family Will Enjoy
Creating food that the whole family enjoys can be a struggle. However, the following desserts are guaranteed crowd pleasers. They are also healthy, meaning you don’t have to feel guilty when you set to work preparing them. Fruit dipped in sugar-free chocolate One fantastic option is to prepare fruit dipped in sugar-free chocolate. Sugar free […]
Have Fun and Stay Busy: Teach Your Kids to Draw
Teaching kids to draw is so much fun for everybody involved. It also gives you something productive to do when you’re feeling a little bored. Drawing will help your child to develop their creative skills, motor skills, and imagination. Drawing goes great along with subjects such as English, Maths, and Science. Teaching them this skill […]
8 Vital Things That All Dads-To-Be Should Know
When you first find out that you’re going to be a dad, you will likely find the news shocking. Many men don’t know how to react to such big news. When your partner tells you that she is pregnant, you’re whole world will change. Up until now, you have been an individual. You are about […]
Disney Princesses Re-Imagined
I might huge fan of technology but it is not only only love. I am also a massive Disney fan having seen all the movies, visited most of the parks and even attempted drawing them. Sadly I will never be as good as the professionals so I will have to stick to watching the movies […]
Book Review: Brave New World | Aldous Huxley
[dropcap size=big]I[/dropcap]t’s been an astounding 75 years since this book was written and yet it is still compelling, relevant and above all visionary. It tells the tale of a not too distant future where babies are not born, but manufactured. Each child is conditioned throughout their lives into their particular role in society and nothing […]