An Introduction to the IT Sector
The IT sector is one of the most important and quickly growing industries out there. If you’re curious about the history and current applications of IT, you’ll want to read on for an introduction to and history of the IT sector. Some Basic Definitions You Should Know According to About Tech, the words “information technology” […]
All A Dad Needs To Know About Looking After His Kids
Do you ever get worried looking after your kids? Particularly when your better half is away? We know you do and don’t worry, you’re not alone. Dad’s are constantly worrying that they are doing something wrong when they are looking after their children. Either they’re not watching their health or they’re forgetting to check they’re […]
Why a Fitness Tracker Is a Great Gift for a Teen About to Head to College
Fitness trackers – those watch type devices like the range by Fitbit – are becoming ever more popular, and there are now millions of them in use, with sales only predicted to rise as wearable technology becomes more ubiquitous. While the capabilities vary depending on the exact device you choose, they can range from simple […]
It’s All About Spider-Man
My secret is out. Sat at the dinner table this evening, the conversation turned to being scared. The bad guy in Kung Fu Panda was too much for my eldest, so to ease her woe, my wife told my children that I am scared of spiders. I had managed to hide it until now and […]
How Apple’s iPhone SE aims to claim the budget smartphone market
One of the most overlooked tech headlines in 2016 so far was the announcement that Apple would be releasing a so-called ‘budget smartphone’ – the Apple iPhone SE. This compact device aims to retake some of the most aggressive pricing strategies of Chinese brands by offering a smartphone that’s capable of all the expected tasks, […]
3 Quirky Gifts Every Dad Will Love
If you’re a Dad like me, then you’ll love buying quirky gifts for yourself. Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself, right? But, there’s a chance you’re reading this looking for some gift ideas for your Dad! Either way, all of the ideas in this post are awesome and will go down a treat, trust […]
Five Different Ways To Get A Yes To That Very Important Question
Will you marry me? No, that wasn’t me asking you. It’s the question that most guys have on their mind at some point in their life. That question that could send your life spiralling in a whole new direction or make you quite sad for quite a while. Depending on the answer. And the answer […]
From Fast & Furious…To Safe & Comfortable
I know there are many people reading that title, thinking it will never happen to me. I will never be so boring that a car is just a machine to get my family from A to B. Oh, believe me, you will. As soon as you have kids your perception of cars will start to […]
What You Want from a Car as a Father
As a father, buying a car is not a straightforward task. There is a lot that has to be taken into consideration. Here are the key things that you should look for in a car. Good Style You might be a father, but you’re still a man. And that means that you are probably going […]
Dad’s Birthday Wishlist
Okay folks, here’s the deal. Every year we open our new pair of socks, and we put on our best smile and say thank you. But, that’s not what we really wanted. So, to save you the trouble (and my fake smile), I’ve written up a killer list of present ideas. Obviously, this is my […]
Enjoy The Golf Holiday Of A Lifetime With These Tips
If you are a golf enthusiast, you need to enjoy a golf holiday at some point in your life. Normal holidays are great, and there is nothing like enjoying the sun, sea and sand with the family. But, sometimes you need to take a break from family life. When you get the time, you need […]
Have More Mobile Fun With The Kids
As a busy Dad, you just can’t wait to get time to jump on the bike and hit the trail. Maybe you like to run, surf, swim, or kayak? Whatever you enjoy doing, it’s probably something to do with getting outside and feeling the wind on your face. It makes you feel more alive! It […]
Dad’s Birthday? Why Not Get Him One of These Gifts
Let’s be honest, we all know that trying to buy gifts can be a nightmare sometimes. Buying for parents can be particularly difficult! If your dad’s birthday is on the horizon, you need to start considering gift ideas. The problem is that you might not have a clear idea of what you want to get […]
Great Cars for All Type of Dads
As a dad, having the perfect car to drive your family around in is essential. It needs to be safe, reliable and spacious enough to carry everyone inside. Here are the cars to consider if you’re a parent looking for an auto upgrade. Country Dad: Land Rover Discovery Sport Space is often a problem if […]
Make Your Home A Smart Home With These Top Tips
because technology makes life far more relaxed and laid-back. The obvious question is: ‘how do you transform your home into a smart home?’ Well, you will be glad to hear that it is not as difficult as you may think. It is expensive to a degree, but it is well worth it if you have […]
Taking Your Kids To A Cold Country: Here’s Everything You Need To Know
So you’ve decided to treat the kids to a winter trip away, and the whole family is incredibly excited. The only problem is that you’ve never been to such a cold country before, and don’t know how to keep yourself and your kids safe and warm. Trust me, it’s crucial that you get this right. […]
Fantastic Tech Ideas That Will Help Your Driving Experience
Driving is such a fantastic experience and can prove so important in your life. So you need to make sure you make the best of your driving experience. There are so many different facets to driving, and you need to address these. For example, you’ve got to look after your car when you’re out on […]
Food Tech Review: UFit High Protein Drinks [With Competition]
I am so happy to be working with UFit at the moment, as I am fascinated with meal replacement solutions. I know it sounds geeky but it’s true. Lunches annoy me, sandwiches can get boring quickly and when trying exciting new combinations (like cheese, pepperoni, and olive), the costs start to increase. I then went […]
Daddy Geek Featured on Argos
I was particularly chuffed this week after having one of my ‘Black Friday’ hints and tips appear on the Argos website in the run up to the big day. Only five bloggers were chosen for this and I was one of them. So if you want to see my tip you will have to head […]
Dear Santa, Please Leave These Goodies in My Stocking This Year
I’ve been a good boy this year (mostly), and I think most other dads would agree that they have too. So I’m surely on Santa’s nice list and have some of the presents I want coming my way. A lot of people seem to have problems buying for their dads, husbands and boyfriends. We often […]
Dad Deserves A Life Too!
As a Dad, providing a better life for the wife and kids is always your priority. Seeing smiles on their faces makes you the happiest man in the world. You couldn’t ask for anything more out of life. Nevertheless, it’s important that you take some time to invest in yourself too. The family might be […]
What About Daddy Time?
As a father, life can be incredibly hectic. Between work and the family it is difficult to get a spare moment to yourself. That’s why when you do get that precious alone time, you need to make sure you are optimising it. Don’t waste those precious moments of silence by tackling those jobs you’ve been […]
Home Tech That Has Made My Life A Lot Easier
My readers know how much I love tech. I think the name of the blog gives it away to be honest. But, perhaps what they don’t know is how useful I find technology when dealing with common problems at home. It certainly makes my life easier. On a daily basis I use the latest tech […]
Brilliant Situations To Use Membrane Keypads
As you know, I am a lover of technology. I use it in my life a lot, and I like to talk about it. And the other day I was thinking about membrane keypads (we’ve all done it). These have been around for years, but they’re rarely used anymore. Or so I thought. When I […]
Daddy Geek’s Gift Guide For Christmas
Well, it’s about time we started looking towards Christmas. It’s a time for family, for giving, and of course, dropping massive hints about the things we wouldn’t mind finding in our stockings. So, whether you are buying for a gadget-obsessed dad, or just looking for some inspiration for your present, read on. These are my selection […]