Essential Lockdown Supplies For Home Schooling
With the UK in its third lockdown, we are now getting much better at preparing for these long stints of isolation. As such, I’ve gathered together a list of regular purchases that have helped my children with their ever-changing workload. Paper / Card Whilst printing worksheets and instructions is not an environmentally friendly option, some […]
How to Convert USD to BTC Without Problems – Do It with
Cryptocurrencies have already become a part of our reality. From the vague technology, clear only for financial geeks and market experts, they turned into a regular payment instrument. Today, you can invest, store money, or pay for goods and services by means of cryptocurrencies with ease. At the same time, conversions between regular currencies and […]
Common Health Concerns for The Family Dog
Dogs can bring so much love and happiness to family life, and once your family has shared their home with a canine companion, they will not ever look back. However, taking on responsibility for a canine requires a level of commitment from all the family, and you must know the warning signs to look out […]
Time To Review Your Family Finances
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us all in more ways than we ever thought. Isolation measures test our mental health as we keep separated on a daily basis and the economic impact from the outbreak to destroying the economy as businesses collapse, people are furloughed or even worse left with no job and no money. […]
Free Tutoring Sessions and Educational Live Streams at OneClass
With many parents across the world frantically trying to teach their children at home, it has become evident that some schools are more organized than others. Whilst some have easily switched to online learning using Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, and Zoom, there is still a large proportion that are still trying to set, view and mark […]
How to Pay Off Multiple Credit Cards and Lower the Debt You Owe
The average American has four credit cards. To some, having four credit cards is unthinkable. To others, it seems necessary. Like all things money-related, the way you use your cards is more important than how many you have. But, if you misuse your credit cards or you experience financial hardship, having four different payments can make […]
10 Perks of Living in LA
If you’ve never been to Los Angeles, you might have this mental image of a place full of sunshine and palm trees, where celebrities walk the streets, stylish fashion is a way of life, and everything is a party 24/7. You’d be wrong, though. poIt’s actually even better. We’re not going to lie, there’s nowhere […]
Essential Checks When Considering Influencer Marketing
With over 1.5 million views on YouTube and a combined follower base of well over 10,000 followers on social media, some might consider me an influencer, but I definitely don’t feel like one, I’m just a simple daddy blogger sharing my passion for technology and gaming. I created videos and wrote blogs consistently for years […]
Five Money-Saving Tips This Christmas
As we enter November, our mind starts to turn to thoughts of Christmas. Whether you are a new family or long-established Christmas host, this time of year can be expensive and it seems to be getting more expensive each year. Sadly, our wages do not seem to be increasing at the same rate. However, it […]
5 Painless Plumbing Basics Every Homeowner Should Learn
Plumbing sounds daunting, but it is something anyone who has managed, owned, or lived in a house has to do at some point. As a homeowner, you can try your hand to resolve a leaky faucet and call a professional when all else fails. What you are about to learn today is a handful of […]
Are You Considered High-Risk by Auto Insurance Companies – How You Can Deal with It
Do you have dreams of hitting the open road in the upcoming months and taking a relaxing road trip to neighboring cities, or to other states? Are you the type that just loves to get in your car and drive without any particular destination in mind? Then again, maybe it’s that your car makes your […]
7 Renovation Tips to Make your Home Baby Friendly
If you’ve got a baby on the way, that means you’ve also got a baby-proof home on the way. Baby-proofing is no small challenge, as it can be hard to catch every possible danger in your house. When it comes to making baby-friendly home improvements that can also increase your home’s property value, we’ve got […]
How to Store an Open Wine Correctly
You went home after a long tiring workday. All of the workloads are done, signed all the papers needed to be signed, filed all the documents, etc. You changed your clothes and went to the fridge to look for something to eat or drink. Then you happened to glance at your most favorite bottle of […]
Fathers Day Gift Guide
With Father’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to focus the 2018 Fathers Day gift guide on items for about £50 or under. The list mixes the latest technology with some classic ‘dad’ gear that middle aged men just need in their lives. Quiet Rebellion Socks – From £10 You would be surprised at how many pairs of […]
How to Prepare Your Home for Summer
Summer is coming, and while it’s likely you’re looking ahead to days on the beach, barbeques with friends, family vacations and some much-needed time off work, there is something you may not have thought about. Is your home prepared to cope with all the summer weather can throw at you? Obviously the sunshine and the […]
How to support a partner with maternal mental health issues
According to recent statistics, somewhere between 10% and 20% of women suffer from ‘perinatal’ mental health issues at some point in their pregnancy, or within the first twelve months of giving birth. Similarly, according to, women have a lifetime PTSD prevalence rate of 9.7%, compared to 3.6% in men. You may have heard of […]
Making Your House Family Ready
If you and your partner are on the verge of starting a little family together, you will have 101 things to do in order to ensure that your future together is as fulfilling as possible. One of the biggest tasks on this all-important to-do list of yours is readying your house for what lies ahead. […]
Easy Ways to Make Extra Money
Bringing in more income is something that people often struggle to do for several reasons. While some people feel as though there just aren’t enough hours in the day; others battle with not knowing what they can do to make more money. There are enough hours in a day, however, to boost your disposable cash […]
Ways to make the most of your well-deserved break
Thinking of taking a break and travelling? In today’s fast-paced society, it can be easy to merely spend days working and taking on more work. It can be easy to forget about yourself and your own well-being. Travelling can be one of the ways to disengage from the constant pressure and hard work of day […]
Gadget Emergency: How to Repair Your Broken Laptop
We’ve all been there: you’re using your laptop and it gets knocked or a glass spills and suddenly, it’s game over. You dry it off and try to turn it back on, but to no avail. If you have insurance or a warranty, you could get them fixed, but what if you don’t have any […]
How to Teach Your Kids to be Responsible
Every parent wants their children to grow up to be a responsible adult. Not only to contribute to society but also to make them better people. It is important that you try to teach them how to be responsible from an early age, then as they grow up, they will know what it takes to […]
How To Make Your Work Life Healthier
Work in the office and at the desk usually means hours of sitting and hardly any movement. This, in the long term, can be physically strenuous on the body itself, as daily sitting for hours is a burden. The lack of exercise mainly leads to problems with the cardiovascular system, which in turn makes long […]
How to keep the kids amused during a flight delay
Air travel means that in a few hours we can make a trip that would have taken our ancestors weeks or even months. But when your flight is delayed and you’re stuck in Departures, it can feel like your journey is taking forever. Sadly, not all of us can afford the cost of a private […]
Tips on Making Your Home Child-Friendly
When you have kids, often you have to readjust many things in your life, especially when it comes to your home. This is necessary because kids tend to be curious, full of energy and always on the move, so ensuring the house is as safe as possible is key. There are numerous ways that you […]
Summer DIY Projects For Dads
As it gets closer to summer, the sun is out more often and there is no excuse to be sat indoors watching the TV all day. Finding things to do in the sun can often be difficult but one way that many people pass the time is by doing some DIY. For those dads who […]