Fathers Day Gift Guide
With Father’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to focus the 2018 Fathers Day gift guide on items for about £50 or under. The list mixes the latest technology with some classic ‘dad’ gear that middle aged men just need in their lives. Quiet Rebellion Socks – From £10 You would be surprised at how many pairs of […]
5 Simple Ways to Make Your Car Look Good without Spending a Fortune
There are so many reasons to upgrade your car’s finish. You may want to modify it to fit your lifestyle, make some long-overdue repairs after owning the car for several years, or you simply want to make it look different. No matter the kind of ride you own, it’s totally possible to make it a […]
How to Prepare Your Home for Summer
Summer is coming, and while it’s likely you’re looking ahead to days on the beach, barbeques with friends, family vacations and some much-needed time off work, there is something you may not have thought about. Is your home prepared to cope with all the summer weather can throw at you? Obviously the sunshine and the […]
Online poker etiquette: All you need to know
Believe it or not, there is such thing as online poker etiquette. In the same way that live poker has its own set of rules to help the games run smoothly and be enjoyable for its participants, in the online version, there are still rules in place to create a pleasant atmosphere. Although poker online […]
All Aboard for Alliteration, Assonance, and Consonance!
Some of the most common parts of speech and writing are alliteration, assonance, and consonance. They’re so common, in fact, that you often don’t even notice them when you read or say them! Let’s look at these three writing devices, and what is unique about each of them. What is Alliteration? Alliteration occurs when the […]
How to support a partner with maternal mental health issues
According to recent statistics, somewhere between 10% and 20% of women suffer from ‘perinatal’ mental health issues at some point in their pregnancy, or within the first twelve months of giving birth. Similarly, according to CFAH.org, women have a lifetime PTSD prevalence rate of 9.7%, compared to 3.6% in men. You may have heard of […]
7 steps to take to improve the security of your home
A burglary takes place once every 18 seconds or so in the United States. That adds up to around 200 burglaries an hour, 4,800 per day, 33,600 a week and an astonishing 1,747,200 a year. Many of us will experience at least one break in during our lifetimes, a horrible experience which can have long-lasting […]
Making Your House Family Ready
If you and your partner are on the verge of starting a little family together, you will have 101 things to do in order to ensure that your future together is as fulfilling as possible. One of the biggest tasks on this all-important to-do list of yours is readying your house for what lies ahead. […]
How To Help A Parent Age Gracefully
Watching a parent grow old can be difficult, especially when they start to lose their independence. Much like they looked after you when you were young, this is a time when you must look after them to make sure that they can age gracefully and get the support that they need. So, how can you […]
How Technology Can Help You Live a Greener Life
We live in a time of technological advancements. How many of you reading this have a smartphone and never leave home without it? There are a wide variety of other types of technology you can use to your advantage, especially if one of your aims is to live a more eco-friendly life. Climate change is […]
Three Common Childhood Illnesses and How to Treat Them
When you are a parent, you know only too well the long nights of looking after a child who has a temperature, a heavy cold, or a vomiting bug. As adults, we have learned how to cope when we feel ill, but children may sometimes feel afraid, especially if they think they might be sick. […]
3 Surprising Places that Your Dog Can Get Fleas and Ticks
If you have a pet dog, you probably know how important it is to take preventative measures to protect him from parasites. There are insects and other pests in the world that love to prey on dogs, and since they spend so much time outside and being active, they are often at risk of coming […]
7 Tips for Inspecting Used Cars at Dealerships
Many of us will find ourselves walking around the parking lots of a used car dealership at some point in our lives. The reality is that although these vehicles are second hand, it is possible and easy to find used cars that are still in excellent condition. When buying a used car, it is important […]
How to build your Very Own Gaming Computer: The Basics
Building a computer is not as hard as you think. That’s the first thing you should know. Sure it will take a little time, and you have to do your research, but once you’ve built it you’ll have a powerful gaming machine that you know inside out, and a swelling sense of pride at how […]
2019 Gift Wishlist for Dad
What to buy for dad, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve wondered about that. But fear not, from my extensive research and a lifetime of buying awesome gifts, (if I do say so myself) I’ve compiled a comprehensive wishlist for dad that is bound to give you some ideas. I’ve also divided them […]
6 Tips To Help You Have An Awesome Road Trip With Your Partner
A road trip is a great way to bond with your loved one whether you are going to Patagonia, South America or just around your state or county.. It can be an ultimate adventure as a couple. Whether you and your spouse are going for a spontaneous getaway or a laid back camping trip, it […]
The Advantages of Introducing Your Dog to New Experiences
As a responsible dog owner, of course, you want your dog to be well-behaved and obedient. It can be difficult to think of your dog as lacking in confidence, but put yourself in their shoes and imagine the world from a place so close to the ground. Everything must seem so much bigger, louder, and […]
7 Medical Careers in Demand in 2019
While the medical profession is one of the oldest careers in history, it is still one of the main employers across the world. Despite the recent fiscal restraints that have been placed on economies all over the world, the healthcare industry still hires medical professionals at a high rate. Medical jobs are almost always in […]
How to use video walls in your home [Infographic]
Tech in our homes is becoming one of the biggest trends in recent years. A mix of fast-paced technological advancement combined with more affordable tech means that every year more and more people are adding smart features to their homes. And as the smart home industry matures it’s only a matter of time before the […]
Easy Ways to Make Extra Money
Bringing in more income is something that people often struggle to do for several reasons. While some people feel as though there just aren’t enough hours in the day; others battle with not knowing what they can do to make more money. There are enough hours in a day, however, to boost your disposable cash […]
10 Helpful tips for first time dads
If you’re soon to become a Dad for the first time, the excitement of waiting for your son or daughter to be born will almost certainly be mixed with overwhelming feelings due to the sheer volume of information that you’re receiving left, right, and centre. Worse still, the tips from one person will often contradict […]
How Dads Can Get Back Into Shape This Year
Being a dad is a tough job, but that doesn’t make it any less rewarding. The only issue is that between parenting and your career, it can be incredibly difficult to focus on other crucially important areas of your life – your health, primarily. You can be a better dad, partner, and employee by getting […]
4 Steps You Need to Take in the Aftermath of a Workplace Accident
If you’re ever unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident at work, then you should know that there are a few all-important steps that you need to take in the aftermath of the event. By taking them, you will protect your health, your finances, and maybe even your job in the long run. To […]
How to Decide Where To Go For A Guy’s Getaway
Guy’s getaways needn’t be just reserved to stag dos and all-out birthday celebrations. Booking a holiday with your mates is a great way to talk about something other than work, and take in a bit of culture while you’re out there. While we’re on the subject of culture, here’s some advice for picking which country […]
Car trends to watch out for in 2019
2019 is here and it’s brought with it a whole host of new car trends. Just like most consumer products, car trends move with seasons – so what’s potentially on the horizon for the year to come? Here are Money4yourMotors’ top predicted car trends for 2019. Further growth of the electric car market End of […]