8 Vital Things That All Dads-To-Be Should Know
When you first find out that you’re going to be a dad, you will likely find the news shocking. Many men don’t know how to react to such big news. When your partner tells you that she is pregnant, you’re whole world will change. Up until now, you have been an individual. You are about […]
Apple iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 Announced
Pre-orders begin today! That was announcement from Apple yesterday when they unveiled the iPad Air 2 for £399 for the 16GB WiFi model. Weighing less that a pound this new slimmer and lighter iPad measures only 6.1mm. Inside it’s tiny shell the iPad Mini 2 boasts a second generation 64-bit A8X chip which offers a […]
The Only Way to Cook an Exquisite Pork Fillet
Pork fillet is one of the most delicious cuts of meat out there. It isn’t always cheap either, which means you need to do it justice when you cook it. You don’t want your money to go to waste, and you probably want the people you’re feeding to enjoy themselves too. Let’s take a look […]
Tech Review: Honestech VIDBOX for Mac
[Video Review For the Vidbox For Mac at the bottom of this page] A million years ago I went through a phase of trying to get on game shows and TV shows. I think it all stemmed from when I was 8 years old and my class was filmed starting a popcorn-making company from our […]
Protect Your Family With These Amazing Pieces of Technology
It’s only natural that you worry about your family and want to protect them as best you can. But it can be tough to find a balance between being protective and being overbearing and paranoid. Luckily, you no longer have to follow your family everywhere if you want to make sure they’re safe, thanks to […]
Crafting Ideas to Keep Kids and Dads Out of Trouble
Mum has left the building, and it’s time for daddy day care. In these situations, you never quite know who is going to get into the most trouble. It’s great to spend time with the kids on your own. When you get these moments with your kids, you want to make it as fun as […]
The Best Places To Take Your Kids On The Holiday Of A Lifetime
If you’re looking for some perfect family vacation ideas for 2015, you’ve come to the right place. Presuming your children are around the age of ten or older, they will be mature enough to enjoy your next break. Also, they’ll also have the brain capacity to remember it for the rest of their lives. That […]
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Out Now
It’s that time of year again when we all get edited about the new iPhone. The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is now on general release starting at £539 and £619 respectively. The new iPhone 6 enjoys a 4.7 inch Retina HD display with a 1334 x 750 resolution, giving it 38% more viewing area […]
Awesome Travel Accessories For Getting Out And About With Kids
Getting about when you have children is often something of a challenge. Especially if you have several infants or toddlers. It seems as if they have to take supplies for every eventuality. And, on top of that, you have to struggle with pushchairs, car seats and stopping your little ones from running off. Somehow you […]
The Best Gadgets for Kids Birthday Parties
Every occasion is an opportunity to try out new tech and gadgets. Even at children’s birthday parties you can try out new toys, from simple things like balloon pumps to disco lights and karaoke machines. You can get gadgets that will make food and drink more fun, liven up your party games and activities and […]
Get Out In The Garden With Our Top 5 Paddling Pools Under £30
The British summer time is here. The murky skies are now giving way, on Occasion to blue sky and some glorious weather. Every Brit loves to enjoy the summer to the full, and when there is a family involved nothing gives quite as much joy and fun as a splash in the water in the […]
Tech Review: Watchbot IP Camera
Temper tantrums, comedy falls and insect chasing dogs, don’t sound like moments that bring you closer to your family but they do, and for that I have to thank The Watchbot. Webcams sounded like a good idea back in the nineties, but they failed to make an impact. More recently, the likes of Skype, FaceTime […]
Tech Review: Elgato Game Capture HD
If you plan on pursuing a career in video game journalism or like me you just want to share your love of video games with the world then you will need a game capture device to do it properly. The new Xbox One and PS4 does have video recording and editing functionality which is great […]
Bikes, Trains & Automobiles | The latest in Toddler Travel Toys
Spring is definitely making an appearance and now is the time when parents begin to think of ways to keep their little ones entertained outside. Our children love being outside and on a recent trip to a Toys r Us my two children seemed to the most exciting part of our visit, not the toys within […]
Tech Review: The Lumi Potti
Having looked into the different pieces if tech that could aid potty training our daughter we decided that the most useable product to meet our needs would be the Lumi Potti. Our daughter was now more or less dry during the day and it seemed that she needed little encouragement to use the toilet now. […]
100 Days of Dieting
It has now been over three months since I started my diet. Over the past 100 days I have spent weeks on Slimfast shakes, weight watchers soups, and even been electrocuted by a slender tone belt. The Bad There has been many times that my resolve has weakened and I delved into the children’s chocolates, […]
Review: Shoeps – The Future of Shoe Laces
Being a reviewer of both technology and innovation I am lucky to be able to sample the latest gizmos and gadgets. I see the new ways designers solve problems and make life easier. However, it is not always tablets and smart watches, every so often I get a high-tech solution to low tech problem. I […]
Disney Princesses Re-Imagined
I might huge fan of technology but it is not only only love. I am also a massive Disney fan having seen all the movies, visited most of the parks and even attempted drawing them. Sadly I will never be as good as the professionals so I will have to stick to watching the movies […]
The Best Interactions For Children in Zoo Tycoon
When it come to Xbox One games for children, the choice is pretty limited. Zoo Tycoon is one of the few games that entertain my girls, whilst also introducing them to the gesture and motion control that the Kinect offers. Whilst I do not foresee my one and three year olds building a Zoo from […]
The World of Double Buggies
Our daughters were born eighteen months apart. Our eldest is now 3, but when we were expecting our second daughter a double buggy suddenly became a necessity, and it turns out it is still one of the best buys and most used items in the house. When we began looking for a double buggy our […]
Pre Orders Now Available For the LTE enabled Microsoft Surface 2 in the UK
Until now, Microsoft’s LTE-equipped Surface 2 was only available in limited regions. The new tablet is now on the UK Microsoft Store for £539, with deliveries being made around the May 8th. After this date Microsoft have said that eager consumers can also find the Surface 2 (4G) on the high street and large retailers. […]
Spring forward: Sleep Aids For Children
For many, the thought of the clocks going forward brings a mixed bag of feelings. Many are happy that finally we are out of the clutches of winter and the days are getting longer. This is coupled with the feeling of loss of an hours sleep which is quickly forgotten and once summer is here […]
Review: Upbeat High Protein Dairy Drink
Diets are really tough and keeping track of what you eat and drink can be difficult. I have been dieting since January and since then I have tried both Weight Watchers and Slimfast. Slimfast brought me out in an itchy rash and Weight Watchers always seemed to leave me hungry. I needed something new. Then, […]
Message Your Children With Toymail
Kickstarter really is the most popular and successful way for budding inventors to get their new ideas for gadgets and gizmos onto people’s radar. Any new invention can gain traction, publicity and eventually backing. Those lucky enough to back the more popular projects can not only be the first to get one of the new […]
Tracking Technology for Children & Toddlers
We all know parenting is tough and whilst we can keep track of them when in the home, it’s when they are out and about we worry. With all the horror stories in the news, I’m sure we have all thought about tracking our children. I have outlined a few devices below that allow parents […]