4 Reasons Watches Are The Ultimate Man Gadget
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, all men love gadgets. I’ve spoken about different gadgets before, but now I want to turn your attention to one in particular. I’m talking about watches. Digital watches, smart watches – you name it. In my opinion, the watch is the ultimate man gadget. I sense there are a […]
How to Make Your Man’s Birthday a Special One
It’s my birthday next month. I thought I should give you a little time to prepare. Men might not seem like they appreciate your efforts much of the time, but trust me – they do! These tips will help you to make your man’s birthday a special one. Enjoy: Ask for a list Whilst it’s […]
Is it possible to explore the Middle East with children?
Home to ancient civilisations and history, the Middle East offers enriching travel experiences. However, its ongoing sociopolitical unrest can discourage you from visiting, especially with children. Many misconceptions surround this part of the world; examples being that its locals oppress women, show hostility towards outsiders, and do not speak English. Such notions are exaggerated; and […]
Awesome Gadgets You Know You Want
All men love gadgets. You will struggle to find a guy that doesn’t lust after the latest technology and trends. Every year, it seems as though there are hundreds of new things on the market. If you want to stay up to date, though, you need to get your hands on the newest things. So, […]
How the internet is being utilised by modern investors
Thanks to the internet, investing in stocks, shares and property has never been easier to do. What was once the preserve of a small professional elite is now an option for anybody with a computer, and there are all sorts of helpful online tools to make it easier. Approached intelligently, it can be a great […]
Battle of the Keyboards Corsair vs. Cooler Master
When it comes to gaming Keyboards whether you’re a casual or expert gamer the equipment you have matters, because once you start gaming on a PC your keyboard becomes more than just a typing device it becomes a weapon, the difference between you winning and losing. So for those who want to experience PC gaming […]
Home Cinema Setup: How You Can Create Yours
Making the best use of every room in the house is important to me. It’s fun to decorate and renovate, but it seems pointless when you barely use a room. If you’re lucky enough to have a spare room, what do you do with it? You could leave it as a spare bedroom, but does […]
Simple Health & Fitness Tips for the Working Dad
You need to understand the value and importance of staying fit and healthy. As a working father, you might think this is difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Of course, you’re going to need a balanced and healthy diet. But there are plenty of other ways as well. Here is a list of a […]
Amazing Father & Son Bonding Ideas
It’s important to take the time to bond with your son. There are more opportunities than ever to be able to do that. Here are a few of the best father-son bonding ideas you could use. Video Games If you want to enjoy some father-son bonding time at home video games are a great way […]
Awesome Gifts Ideas For Dads
If you’re struggling to figure out what to get your dad for a special occasion, you’ve come to the right place. As a parent myself, I know what fathers want. Here’s a hint – it’s not socks. Men like all manner of things, and so there’s a whole host of cool gifts we would love. […]
Want To Make Cycling Fun With Your Kids? Check Out My Tried & Tested Methods!
The thing about cycling is that you will either love it or hate it. For the most part, people that get on a bike for the first time enjoy the experience. As a child, it’s an exciting prospect and a step closer towards being more independent. One thing that some parents struggle with is ideas […]
The Gadgets Every Dad Needs to Have
Being a father isn’t easy. You need to have the latest technology and gadgets on your side if you’re going to make a success of it! Here are the gadgets to seek out first. The Best Entertainment System Home entertainment systems have never been better than they are right now. For a lot of men, […]
Dad’s Guide To Healthier Eating
The ‘Dad’ body might be in right now, but it’s not healthy. Shedding those extra pounds could be the key to feeling like you did in your prime. Even if you aren’t overly bothered by your physique, aiming to eat a healthy balanced diet should still be a priority. It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy […]
The Dad’s Guide To Building The Perfect Home Cinema
After a hard day’s work, nothing beats sitting down and watching the latest films, live sports match or video game from the comfort of your living room. Correction, one thing beats it: doing it from the luxury of a home cinema. A home cinema is the ultimate form of relaxation and will also make your […]
Gift Ideas for Men to Suit Every Occasion
It can be notoriously difficult to buy gifts for men. There always seem to be fewer options for them, and they have everything need! But there are great ideas out there, and here are some of them for each occasion. Birthday When you’re looking for gifts for a man, there are some key options that […]
Here’s How You Can Use Technology To Help Improve Your Child’s Singing
As parents, it’s our job to support our children as they grow and learn. A big part of that comes from supporting them with their hobbies, like playing sports, learning a new language or singing If your child is a keen singer, then you probably want to help them improve, am I right? While you […]
Kids Leisure Activities: Check Out My Recommendations
Let’s set the scene. It’s now the summer holidays, and you’ve got the kids at home for a few weeks. The last thing you want them to do is laze around the house all day long! Sure, you could get them to be productive by running some errands for you. But, that doesn’t make for […]
Six Essential Camera Tricks To Capture Memories
As you and your family grow up, you always wish you had taken more snaps. There is nothing better than coming across a few family pictures and enjoying a nostalgic night in. Do you remember when this happened? Or what about when so and so said that to them? Your memory, like your body, can […]
Awesome Garden Party Tips For Summer
Planning an awesome garden party for your friends and family is an excellent way to get everyone together this summer. Making sure you plan everything well in advance should help to ensure you don’t overlook any of the essentials. At the end of the day, the way in which your party comes together will depend […]
Travel Apps Every Daddy Needs
Travelling with the kids in tow is not an easy task, especially when you are travelling solo. Many dads swear by using their iPads to keep kids calm when travelling, especially when going on long journeys. And, why not? As well as being a godsend for plane rides and car journeys, tablets and iPads are […]
10 Best Apps to Keep a Dad Organised
Every daddy geek has responsibilities. Responsibilities to family, to friends and to work and it’s hard to find time to fit everything in. Being organised is key to using your time efficiently. For me, my smartphone is an essential bit of kit for the running of my day-to-day life. I write on it, socialise on it, […]
Incredible Long-haul Family Holiday Destinations That Are Worth the Journey
Any journey with the kids that lasts longer than five minutes has the potential to turn into a nightmare. So if you’re going to trapped inside a metal box with them for several hours, the end destination had better be worth it. A long-distance holiday isn’t something to take lightly when you have young kids […]
Review: ShaveKit | Shaving Subscription Service
I need to shave. I have two young daughters and being a generally ‘cuddly father’, I often kiss and cuddle them only to leave sandpaper-like burns on their skin. They are soft and delicate and i’m… We’ll i’m a man who is also soft an delicate but I get pretty rough stubble. As such I […]
The Top 4 Cool Cars For Dads
We almost convince ourselves that a Jaguar sports car is a good idea. You begin to convince yourself that you can fit the kids in the back of a Ferrari. Trust us, you can’t! And you’ll get the silent treatment from your wife for the next two months. When it comes to your next car, […]
Find Out Why Microsoft Wants You To Buy The Lumia 640 Smartphone
It’s a well-known fact that the former mobile phone brand Nokia is now under Microsoft ownership. In its heyday, Nokia was, without a shadow of a doubt, the number one mobile phone brand worldwide. But, things weren’t looking so rosy for Nokia in the past few years since the smartphone revolution. With the advent of […]