Father’s Day Gift Guide
I’ll never forget the summer of 2013… As an new father with two baby girls it was father’s day, MY day and my gift was a small box, just bigger than a pack of matches. My imagination thought it might be a USB stick, watch, memory card, or possibly cuff links. However, upon opening I […]
Camping Tips Everybody Can Use!
Camping is a brilliant activity that can be done any time of year, but is especially fun during the summertime. Whether you want to camp with family, friends, or both these helpful tips can make the difference when it comes to having a wonderful time. Take a look and see what you think! Stay At […]
Awesome Activities That Will Get Your Kids To Sleep Like A Dream
Are your little bundles of joy so full of energy that bedtimes are more of a nightmare and then dream? Then why not try some super energy consuming activities to wear them out. Roller skating You can go rollerskating in a purpose built park, or you can try it out on your street beforehand. If […]
How You Can Travel to Paris with Children and Save Money
Paris is a wonderful and romantic city. Even if you’re not there for the romance, it is full of history and amazing sights for all the family to see. Like most big cities, it can be a little pricey to visit. When you are traveling with children, it can make things even more expensive. But […]
10 Reasons Why Your Family Should Be Going Vegetarian
If you’re a family of meat eaters, becoming vegetarian might be something of an alien concept to you all! After all, who can imagine life without burgers, steaks and bacon in it? But, here’s the thing. Going vegetarian isn’t just some weird fad or diet idea that other people are trying out. It’s a practical […]
Making Your Lifestyle A Little Healthier As A Parent
When you’re a parent, your health is not just about you; it’s also about your family. If you are not fit and healthy, they could be the ones that suffer. So, here are some top ways to make your lifestyle a little healthier when you’re a parent. Cook the Family Meals When you are responsible […]
Work from Home Dads – A New and Growing Trend
Over the past several decades, society has done some radical flip-flopping so that customs that were once prevalent are no longer the norm and those that were on the fringes have become the new norm. Today no one thinks anything of moms going out to the office every day while dads stay at home to […]
Great Car Gadgets Every Dad Needs
Let’s face it. When you’ve got one or more children in tow, you won’t have much time to devote to “geeking up” your car. Especially if you’ve got babies or toddlers to look after! The thing is, some geeky gadgets could help both you and your offspring have a better time on the road. The […]
Top 5 Coffee Drinking Countries by Quantity Drunk
Coffee is a global drink that is enjoyed by people of all cultures. In fact, aside from tea it is the second-most popular beverage in the world. With thousands of brands and varieties available, it’s not surprising that everyone has their own preferences pertaining to the strength of the roast and the mixture of added […]
Tech Review: Vizor Virtual Reality Headset
Being a gadget-loving father, I have seen many gizmos come and go. I was around during the last two Virtual Reality booms and sadly, they both fizzled into oblivion. In 1989, the term ‘Virtual Reality’ was coined, and by the early nineties there was a handful of VR terminals and a hit movie (The Lawnmower […]
Clever Ways To Get Your Kids More Active
When you’re younger, it’s important to not waste the summer season. It’s the best time of year to get outdoors and get active, and this is key to a healthy lifestyle. For parents, this means encouraging our children to head outdoors, and play in the sunshine. Sadly, with the rise of the gaming scene and […]
Tech Review: Olixar 3-in-1 Lens Kit
I’m becoming a camera ponce… As a fan of both photography and video production it can be a little frustrating only having a mobile phone camera when something epic happens. Whether is something magical such as your daughter’s first experience toasting marshmallows, or something scary, like finding a giant spider in the garage, the shots […]
Awesome Ideas to Keep Your Kids Entertained
Keeping your kids amused and entertained is an important task for any dad. And, it can sometimes be a stressful one as well. So, what you need to do is make sure you do what’s necessary to keep them amused. Here are a few excellent ideas that will help you keep the children stimulated this […]
Tech In Sport: Gadgets That Help You Up Your Game
Technology is changing everything these days, from the way we work to the way we entertain ourselves. And, it’s also the way we train ourselves and get fitter, stronger, and better at a sport. No matter what your game is, or how old you are, you can use gadgets to up your game. Here are […]
Easy Ways to Prevent Sleep Problems in Kids
Getting rest is extremely important, whether you’re a child or an adult. That’s why parents need to make sure that their kids are given the opportunity to rest through the night in comfort and security. If your kids are unable to get adequate amounts of sleep, their health and focus could suffer, so check out […]
An Introduction to the IT Sector
The IT sector is one of the most important and quickly growing industries out there. If you’re curious about the history and current applications of IT, you’ll want to read on for an introduction to and history of the IT sector. Some Basic Definitions You Should Know According to About Tech, the words “information technology” […]
All A Dad Needs To Know About Looking After His Kids
Do you ever get worried looking after your kids? Particularly when your better half is away? We know you do and don’t worry, you’re not alone. Dad’s are constantly worrying that they are doing something wrong when they are looking after their children. Either they’re not watching their health or they’re forgetting to check they’re […]
Get the Perfect Home Cinema Setup Today
There’s little else out there that will make your kids think you’re any cooler. Getting a great home cinema is the best way to experience today’s entertainment. Whether you and your kids are playing the latest video games or watching films both new and classic, this is the best way to do it. A “home […]
Why an RV Might be the Perfect Investment for Your Family
Vacations can be priced these days, and you might not be able to afford to fly abroad every year. So, it becomes necessary to look for vacation alternatives. And there are loads of ways you can do this, but one of the best ones is to go for an RV. Check out some reasons why […]
5 Shocking Comebacks In Gaming
If the video game industry can teach us anything, it’s that in entertainment no idea is ever truly dead. As new systems and consoles have emerged over the decades, we’ve seen countless rebirths of old games, twists on existing concepts, and continuations of forgotten franchises. And when you think about it, it’s a miracle that […]
Why a Fitness Tracker Is a Great Gift for a Teen About to Head to College
Fitness trackers – those watch type devices like the range by Fitbit – are becoming ever more popular, and there are now millions of them in use, with sales only predicted to rise as wearable technology becomes more ubiquitous. While the capabilities vary depending on the exact device you choose, they can range from simple […]
It’s All About Spider-Man
My secret is out. Sat at the dinner table this evening, the conversation turned to being scared. The bad guy in Kung Fu Panda was too much for my eldest, so to ease her woe, my wife told my children that I am scared of spiders. I had managed to hide it until now and […]
How Apple’s iPhone SE aims to claim the budget smartphone market
One of the most overlooked tech headlines in 2016 so far was the announcement that Apple would be releasing a so-called ‘budget smartphone’ – the Apple iPhone SE. This compact device aims to retake some of the most aggressive pricing strategies of Chinese brands by offering a smartphone that’s capable of all the expected tasks, […]
3 Quirky Gifts Every Dad Will Love
If you’re a Dad like me, then you’ll love buying quirky gifts for yourself. Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself, right? But, there’s a chance you’re reading this looking for some gift ideas for your Dad! Either way, all of the ideas in this post are awesome and will go down a treat, trust […]
Five Different Ways To Get A Yes To That Very Important Question
Will you marry me? No, that wasn’t me asking you. It’s the question that most guys have on their mind at some point in their life. That question that could send your life spiralling in a whole new direction or make you quite sad for quite a while. Depending on the answer. And the answer […]