Simple Ways to Upgrade Your Computer
There will inevitably come a time in your computer’s life when it’s performance slows; memory fills up to bursting, and the user experience just isn’t what it used to be. Rather than splashing the cash and going out to buy a whole new machine; you can upgrade your current one with a few simple steps. […]
Techie Parent Project: Setting Up The Perfect Home Cinema
When you’re a big fan of tech, you may find yourself looking to embark on different techie projects from time to time. Some of them are going to be just for you, things that you’re enjoying doing on your own, while some of them are going to be more about the family. If you’re currently […]
How To Make Your Budget Stretch When Buying An Engagement Ring
There are a lot of things in life that are going to cost. Aside from the everyday costs that come with living, there are some pretty big expenses that you’ve come across as you go through life. There’s the cost of car ownership, home ownership, your wedding, and then a step before that, the engagement […]
Cult Trends You Need To Introduce To Your Kids
Back in the day, you were quite limited in what you could watch on TV and films had to be seen in the cinema or rented on video to be able to be enjoyed. Today, we’re spoiled with all the different channels available, on-demand viewing and of course Netflix and other subscription services that have […]
Is It Time To Add Another Baby To Your Family?
Having a baby and growing your family is one of the single best things in life. A new baby brings so much joy and promise to a family, and whether this will be your first baby or you already have your own little tribe, you might be thinking about bringing another little one into the […]
The iPhone is Ten Years Old
Around 15 years ago I was a PC user, happy to mock Mac users for paying over the odds for machines that were simply a lower spec than PC’s of a similar price. I laughed at the fact they thought they were arty and niche and continued with my Windows XP beast. A few years […]
5 Fantastic Experiences To Celebrate Your 40th
With my 40th birthday fast approaching, I am becoming acutely aware that friends who have already hit the forty mark are celebrating in bigger and more extravagant ways. Forty is fast becoming another milestone similar to 16, 21, 50 or retirement (the actual age is currently under debate). With this milestone comes the responsibility to […]
How To Make Sure Your Kids Are Safe Drivers
For every parent, the thought of the child they once taught to ride a bike getting behind the wheel of a car is a frightening one. Whether you have sons or daughters, or a combination, trusting that they will be sensible on the roads and take the responsibility of being in control of a […]
Alien Covenant A-Box Unboxing Video
OMG! I just unboxed the Alien Covenant A-Box and it’s awesome!. This limited edition box is the first from To see what was inside watch the unboxing video or see the photos below Subscriptions range from 1 month to a year and cost £29 + shipping for one month or £26 + shipping (per […]
Lunchbox Rescue: Calsway Snack Boxes
The Calsway concept is a simple one, create great tasting snacks that are packed according to calories and not weight, so those weight conscience snackers can keep tabs on what they eat without using crazy charts or apps. Calsway boasts that they hand-pick the highest quality products for your ‘in-between’ meals and mix them according […]
The Vital Life Skills to Teach Your Kids
As a parent, you need to take care of your children. That’s your job. But part of that process means getting your children to the point where they don’t need your care! Paradoxical as it may sound, it is, in fact, the ultimate aim of parenting. Everything we do as parents works towards our kids […]
Dad Day Out: Fun Things To Do To When You Have Some Time Out
Having a family and becoming a father is without a doubt one of the best feelings and things you can do. It consumes you more than you ever would realise, right from the moment you hear that you are expecting. However, sometimes you need some time out and some space. Mostly like a mother needs […]
Father’s Day Gift From My Daughters (and Wicked Uncle)
Before we go into this amazing content, I wanted to share the context. Wicked Uncle is an online toy store that prides itself on putting fun first. The huge range of toys offer good clean fun and are free from licensed characters. Whilst I think Barbie and Spiderman are great, I don’t feel that they […]
A-Box to Introduce Their First Premium Subscription Box VS
A-BOX, Inc., the premium movie and entertainment subscription mystery box company, have introduced their first subscription box VS. Customers that sign up to the A-Box subscription service will have a monthly box which contains authentic, licensed or exclusive items focused on relevant brands to get movie/gaming fans enthusiastic for the movies featured. They also have […]
5 Bits Of Tech For Every Travelling Businessman
When you first started your job, you probably believed your employee when he or she looked you in the eye and told you that frequent travel was a perk of the job. However, a few months down the line and you’ll be convinced that they confused the word ‘perk’ with ‘flaw’. Okay, maybe that is […]
3 Essential Tools For Digital Road Warriors
For many of us, having the right tech for the job is simple. It’s provided for us by our employer and sits dutifully at our desk at work, waiting for us to use it. A lot of us, however, lead a more nomadic work life. The world is our office and we need to be […]
Finding The Time To Perfect Your Golf
The idea of golfing is fun – the idea of actually being good at something is fun, but if you’re a parent you don’t have much time to get good at, well, anything except being a parent. You’ve got a lot on your plate and a lot to do – one day you’ll need to […]
Your Broken Electronics Can Still Be Put To Use
When an electronic appliance breaks, the first reaction that many of us will have is to throw that broken gadget in the trash. In fact, many landfill sites are now full of broken TVs and computers and phones. In many cases, whilst they may be broken, such appliances can often be reused either profit or […]
Lighting Tech: The Needlite
Light is an essential element in everyday life, like many of the plants and creatures on the planet sunlight determines our sleep cycles, our melatonin levels and is a clear indicator to our body as to when to rest. The recent studies of Seasonal Effectiveness Disorder highlighted the effects that lack of natural light has […]
3-D printing: What is it used for?
You may or may not have noticed that 3-D printing is everywhere at the moment. From car parts to phone cases, fashion accessories and even essential medical equipment, it’s safe to say is has taken the technology market by storm and is definitely a new favourite in the gadget world. Although the first 3-D printer […]
5 Key Components For A Killer Games Room
Whether you’re currently renovating your home, or you’re just looking for a space to create for your kids or the whole family to have fun in, a games room can be a really great addition. With the summer break coming up, you may be worrying about how you’re going to keep your kids entertained for […]
Planning The Perfect Family Holiday
Even just the thought of planning a vacation when you’re a parent can be exhausting. It’s hard to pick up on the excitement when you are mainly thinking about the cost of it all, plus a whole host of other things. If you are planning on going abroad, this in many cases is something that […]
Tech Review: WD 8TB My Book
I have a growing collection of Western Digital ‘My Books’ around my house. The small black monoliths are packed full of everything from half-finished games to a near day-by-day photo record of my daughters’ lives. Outside of that, I store my channel videos, game capture footage, and clips that might just be useful one day. […]
Movie Themed Subscription Box Company Launches First Box
The highly anticipated A-Box launched today with a cool Alien themed A Box. Those familiar with subscription box services such as Loot Crate or My Geek Box will be familiar with the concept. For those new to the idea, A Box is a monthly subscription service that sends out a box packed full of themed […]
Pester Power vs. Parental Providing
There are two competing instincts when it comes to providing for our kids. The first instinct is the most basic one: the desire to provide. It’s something that is ingrained in us from the moment we welcome our children into the world. We want to give them everything, keep them safe, do everything that we […]