Five Amazing Dad Breaks To Escape the Winter Chill
Christmas is exhausting. The shopping, the planning and the travelling are enough to turn a person atheist, just to escape the craziness of the festive season. Yet, there are so many happy moments and memories made, that despite the drain of your physical and mental well-being, it all seems worth it. But once all the […]
Simple Gifts For Fathers
In an ideal world, in which money was no object, fathers around the world would be treated to supercar experiences, the latest technological wonder, a super lightweight bike or a set of golf clubs worthy of the gods. However, down here in the real world, gifts need to be somewhat smaller in scale. However, do […]
The Best Modern Final Fantasy Experiences – Ranked
Final Fantasy is a wonderful video game series with a rich history. Every entry into the collection is met with usual critical acclaim by reviewers, fans and newcomers alike. This is because the games have a famous amount of polish, both from a storytelling and art direction perspective. For newcomers to the series, it can […]
4 Valuable Lessons to Teach Your Children
Raising a young family is an enormous responsibility. To be successful in your role as a parent, you need to think carefully about the example that you are setting for your children. Although it is impossible to get everything right, you still need to aim high. There is no greater feeling in the world than […]
The Best WordPress Gaming Themes for 2017
Have you ever wanted to run your own gaming blog? Maybe you enjoy writing reviews of the games you have played, or writing walk-throughs to help your fellow gamers complete a game. Or maybe you enjoy reading what others have to say so much that you want them to hear your voice as well. If […]
Why It Can Be a Good Idea to Let Your Child Write for Your Blog
Creating good blog content can involve a lot of approaches. Some find that making their blog posts very personal can have a big impact – for instance, showing themselves and their families using products they are reviewing can add greater value to their descriptions of their experiences. If you have a successful blog and work […]
How to Help Your Child Buy Their First Home
The housing market in the UK is one that has been quite volatile for many. To top it off, as we near the end of the year, the house prices only seem to be rising and demand is increasing, causing a shortage in homes. While there was a momentary slowdown last year, thanks to Brexit, […]
Why Every Geek Needs a Garbage Disposal
We geeks are simple creatures in many ways. It doesn’t take much to peak our interest and to draw our attention. We also love to take any and every opportunity that comes our way to expand our collection of lifestyle accessories. We are the fabled early adopters of new technologies and it was people like […]
Christmas Gift Ideas for Those on a Budget
It’s that time of year again! Christmas is looming nearer, you’re still as broke as you were last year and you have no idea what to get your mum, brother, great-uncle or Secret Santa. There’s huge pressure to buy people expensive gifts intricately wrapped in tissue and glittery paper with a bow on top, but […]
Tips to Get Your Car Ready for a Family Road Trip
Winter is one of the most magical times of the year. So, there’s no reason why you can’t take to the open road and enjoy a family road trip this holiday season, even if it’s cold and snowy outside. The US is home to hundreds of national parks, miles of coastline and small towns that […]
Gift Ideas for Big Kids
Is your Dad a big kid at heart? Perhaps you are after a gift that is both personal and quirky – just like your Dad! If so, then it can often be difficult shopping for someone who is up to date with the latest tech trends, but is also young at heart. Sure, you may […]
Geeky Tricks to Help You Sleep Better At Night
Are you having problems sleeping at night? Well, I also went through the same. Interestingly, for something we spend almost our entire lives doing, we still can’t seem to get a good night’s rest. Luckily, I found that you only need to follow some few tips for you to enjoy quality rest, sleep faster and […]
8 Reasons Your Small Business Needs to Use a Windows Server
You should be proud – your business has grown to a point where you think you need to run your own server. Congratulations on your success! Now, to decide which one. There are many servers on the market, but for a small business, a Windows server is an excellent option. Windows servers offer a great […]
The Benefits of Theatre for Children
Theatre is wonderful, but it’s just for the grown-ups, right? Who in their right mind would take a child – especially a pre-school age child – to the theatre where they have to sit still and quiet and concentrate for possibly hours at a time? If that’s what you’re thinking, it’s time to think again. […]
5 Smart Tips for Your Child’s Bedroom Makeover
So, the time has come to update your child’s bedroom. Given the rate that kids grow and adapt, it’s inevitable that they will outgrow their surroundings and need an update once in a while, but redecorating an entire room is something that most parents dread. In the age of smartphones, tablets, and round-the-clock entertainment, keeping […]
Keys To Being A Successful Parent
There’s no playbook for being a great parent and each family and person is different. There’s no point in trying to copy another strategy exactly. What you can do is study up on what it takes to be a good father and be grateful you’ve been given this opportunity. Accept that you’re going to make […]
Game Of The Year Contenders For 2017
Technically, this year isn’t over yet, and many aficionados are probably going to wait until the countdown on New Year’s Eve to release their Game of the Year lists, but we’re jumping the gun a little on this one. Right from the start of the year, we launched with some fantastic games. In the first […]
Dads: There’s No Reason Not To Look Your Best
The health and beauty side of things is often taken to be a primarily female pursuit. But there is nothing that says that men should not seek the same kind of values from time to time. The truth is that men need to pay attention to their looks a little as well, and none so […]
3 Interesting Ways to Use Screen Recording
Assuming you aren’t particularly interested in creating instructional guides or tutorials, at first glance you may dismiss screen recording as not being all that relevant to your needs. Nothing could be further from the truth however, and as much as one of the most popular ways in which screen recording is used is to create […]
Why You Can Visit Las Vegas With Kids
If you hadn’t previously considered putting ‘Las Vegas’ and ‘children’ in the same sentence, then think again. In fact, Las Vegas is the ideal destination for enjoying an action-packed vacation with the whole family. Not to mention, there’s fun to be had for Mom and Dad when the sun goes down. Breathtaking scenery, hundreds of […]
6 Fun Things to Do with the Kids
It can often be a struggle for many parents to spend quality time with their children, as their days will be filled with work, school, cooking and cleaning. Yet, it is important to set some time aside to enjoy some quality time together. So, if you are looking for some great activities, check out the […]
Brushing Up In The Looks Department
Get it? It’s because a lot of the time men take a lot of pride in how their hair looks, both on top of their head and anywhere else. Everyone likes to look good, and your personal style is going to differ from person to person, so don’t be worried if you don’t fit the […]
How to Capture Your Childrens’ Childhoods
Being a father is a wonderful thing. You get to watch your children laugh and grow, and hopefully become great adults who achieve all their dreams. The problem is, though, that you blink and they’re all grown up! That’s why you need to document their childhood while parenting. It’s not enough to just take too […]
3 Special Present Ideas for Your Child this Christmas
It’s coming to that time of year when you can feel the money in your wallet is not going to be there that long. You can feel that inner panic stirring as you think about what to get your children for Christmas. You want them to love the gifts that you choose, but equally, you […]
Three Tough Realities About Gaining Muscle
When it comes to getting rid of your “Dad bod”, muscle gain is an obvious goal. With your weight under control, you can turn your attention to improving your overall physique, and enjoying the benefits of feeling stronger and healthier. There are, however, a few potential flies in the ointment. Despite the claims of a […]