3 Ways to Stay Up to Date on the Latest Tech Trends
With technology advancing exponentially every few years and new devices reaching the market continually, it can be hard to keep up with everything that’s happening in the tech sphere, especially if you’re not in-tune with the right media sources. Being aware of the latest tech trends not only helps you come up with better gift […]
Clothing Tips for Geek Dads
Dad’s aren’t usually known for being fashion icons unless they’re famous and rich enough to have an army of image consultants following them around all day and managing their wardrobe. If you can’t afford to employ someone just to make sure your socks don’t clash with your tie, then never fear! It’s never been easier […]
5 Tips on Expanding Your Business Using Virtual Offices
If you happen to be a small start-up business or even a small to medium enterprise (SME), you have not completely grown to your full potential yet. While growth is on every business owners mind, you have to be smart about the decisions you make now as they can affect your future profits and revenue. […]
5 Exciting Ways to Use Beer in Cooking
For beer lovers, it can be exciting to know that you can use beer in your cooking. While most of us may be familiar with beer-can chicken, our knowledge of beer cooking is perhaps not as extensive as it ought to be. The truth is there are other creative ways of incorporating beer into your […]
Travelling? 5 Total Game Changers for Holidaymakers
Going on holiday is something that lots of us look forward to but there can be a few extras that end up increasing the cost of the deal and spoiling things. The good news is that there have been some recent changes that are great for holidaymakers travelling to Europe and beyond. Here are five […]
10 Ways To Be Self-Sufficient
What does being self-sufficient mean? Self-sufficiency is all about not having to rely on anyone else, including big corporations, for anything, or for as little as possible. It means doing as much as you can yourself for you and your family. It’s a great, natural way to live, and you can be as committed as […]
3 Athletes Your Children Can Aspire To
Athleticism is something we all want to encourage in our kids. While they won’t all necessarily become professional riders, dancers or gymnasts, there is a sport out there for everyone – and finding role models to aspire to will point them in the direction of a new hobby or even an athletic career. If […]
7 of the Most Innovative Apps in the World
If you’re a big technophile, you’re probably well-acquainted with the most popular apps in the world. WhatsApp, Airbnb, Uber – you’re a seasoned user. In which case, some of the lists that claim to boast ‘the most innovative apps in the world’ certainly fail you. It’s 2018; stop telling us to book holidays on Airbnb! […]
How To Save As A Family For Your Vacation
All your family members are looking forward to a grand vacation. Unfortunately, the most amazing vacations are usually the most expensive. Saving money for a wonderful vacation is possible if you start early. Below are a few ways to get extra money for your next family vacation. Involve Your Children While you are doing your […]
Promoting Your Small Business on a Budget
The British have a rich history full of invention and discovery, so it’s no surprise that self-employment is a staple of British business. Traditional self-employed roles like the local painter and decorator still flourish, but their numbers have been swelled by an army of homeworkers making use of communication technologies to run new Internet-based small […]
The Best Hobbies For Dads And Kids To Do Together
A hobby gives us a break from the ‘daily grind’ and allows us to do something we really enjoy. After all, the thing that puts food on the table and pays the bills might not be as much fun as we’d like; so there has to be something else. Sometimes, though, the choice between enjoying […]
What Kids Can Learn From Pets
If you want to ensure your kids learn all the most important life lessons as soon as possible, and in a practical rather than theoretical way, get them a pet, especially a dog or a cat. While the two animals have very different worldviews – dogs tend to focus on making their owners happy while […]
4 Hobbies To Get Your Kids Involved In
Get Your Kids Enjoying Being Outside There is a wealth of entertainment to be found outside of the house. Spark your kid’s interest in doing something both creative and practical by getting them out of the house and involved in the garden – the garden is brimming with possibilities. It is both interactive and stimulating, […]
How to Prepare Your Family for Emergencies
If you are in charge of running a busy household, it is likely that you spend a lot of time managing your stress levels. This is especially likely if you are responsible for taking care of young children. The most effective way for you to deal with your responsibilities is by planning ahead. Although it […]
The Easiest Ways For Lazy Dads To Get Fit
Do you consider yourself to be a lazy dad? Maybe you were fit before you had kids and you let things slide when they were born. Maybe you’ve never really been fit, but you’d like to set a good example for your children. There are so many reasons you should get off the couch and […]
The Bored Dad’s Guide to Starting a New Wave Garage Band After 40
Remember growing up listening to your Walkman (and later Discman) at full volume, daydreaming about being the leader of your very own band? Although sensibility may have gotten into the way of things, you can still jam with your buddies and perform live on stage in your spare time. Plenty of other geeky dads have […]
6 Symptoms of Erb’s Palsy that Parents Should Look For
Erb’s Palsy or brachial plexus palsy is not a congenital disease, but a result of an injury to the infant’s brachial plexus nerves during a particularly difficult delivery. Unfortunate as it is, this can even lead to complete paralysis of the affected arm if not detected and treated in time. If you suspect that your […]
All I Want For New Year Is …
With all the Christmas festivities a thing of the past, our focus can quickly move to the new year and what we plan for ourselves, our families, and the next twelve months ahead. Love it or hate it I think many people like the idea of having a chance to draw a line on the […]
How to Become an Online Influencer
Influencer marketing can become a profitable business if you do it right. However, you will have to carve your place in the industry to become a leader in a niche. You will also have to be patient when growing an online following, as it can take time to build a strong, loyal audience. Find out […]
5 Tips for Promoting Your Brand While on the Road
Taking a road trip is almost always enjoyable, but it doesn’t have to be all fun and games either. In fact, an extended journey provides the perfect opportunity for a vacationing entrepreneur to gain valuable brand exposure. With that said, here are five things you can do to promote a product or brand in grand […]
Children with Toothaches: How You Can Help
Tooth pain and discomfort is something that is commonly seen in little children. This can be associated with the growing years and the transition from milk teeth to permanent teeth. However, as parents, it is important that you are able to differentiate between pain that is normal and something that needs immediate attention. If you […]
Doing More with Less Space in a Tiny House
When you’re all about being minimalist by making use of a smaller living space, it doesn’t mean you will never want to own anything. Certainly, you will have embraced the idea that less is more, but it’s also the quality of the items rather than how many you own that is what matters. Quality over […]
Tech Investments For Your Teenagers
The festive period is here in full force, and, hopefully, you’re kids have already got their presents awaiting them under the tree (or in Santa’s sack). Whether you’ve got young children, pre-teens, or teenagers; their Christmas lists seem to get longer each year, and it can be difficult to keep up with what to buy […]
General Gift ideas for Dads
Buying a gift for your dad can be especially difficult if he doesn’t like sports or doesn’t follow any shows. As much as you love your dad, he may also get overlooked in the holiday season, especially as we are all guilty of putting our children first in some instances. So why not make a […]
How to Get Your PC Game Ready!
Having been usurped from the living room by family members wanting to watch the television, you may be wondering just how you can continue your gaming in the comfort that you have become accustomed to. Rather than continuing the argument as to why you should have control of the TV, you need to retreat and […]