Being a dad is a challenging job that requires a lot of patience. You’re constantly being called on to help out around the house and attend to your responsibilities as a parent and an adult. The trouble is that you often forget about taking care of you.

Although you may shrug it off as no big deal, it is very important to your wellbeing. If you’re not attending to your needs, then it makes it difficult to help others out. Do yourself a favor and focus on you for once. It’s likely you’ll feel better and will have more energy. See six ways to boost your health and happiness.


Get Involved with your Kid’s Activities

Show interest in what your kids are doing in their lives by making it a point to attend their activities and games. They’ll love you for it and appreciate the effort you’re putting forth to be there for them. This is a great way to get closer to your kids and find out more about who they’re hanging out with and what they enjoy doing when they’re not in school. Getting more involved in their activities will put a smile on both of your faces. Building stronger relationships with your kids will instantly lift your spirits.   

Have Work-Life Balance

Working too much or not enough starts to take a toll on your health. It’s all about finding a balance that makes you feel productive and engaged, but not overwhelmed. Ask your company about their work from home policies and set boundaries at work and home, so you’re not being walked all over. Taking charge in this area will have you feeling like a whole new person. You’ll stop dreading going to work and will enjoy your evenings at home with your family more. It’s time to stop complaining and start asking for what you want.

Understand your Finances

Do whatever it takes to learn about and understand your finances. It’s better to be informed than to be in the dark about where your money’s going. Set a budget and discuss spending habits with your spouse. Get on the same page, so you’re not constantly arguing about money. Not communicating or being knowledgeable about your bills is a recipe for disaster and you put yourself at risk for big penalties. If you are faced with a sticky situation regarding your taxes and the IRS, instead of panicking, contact a professional who can help at


Practice Self-Care

One reason you may not be feeling like yourself is because you aren’t taking care of your needs. Practice self-care by getting a proper amount of sleep, eating right and exercising. These are activities that are proven to improve your health. It’s not selfish to put yourself first and take care of you. The results from doing so are well worth the little bit of extra effort it requires on your end to get in a better place. The healthier you feel, the easier it’ll be to attend to the needs of others. Remember that it’s all about priorities, so start making the person in the mirror your number one concern. 

Manage Stress

Make it a point to manage your stress if you want to be happier and healthier. Slow down and understand what’s bothering you and what changes will help you get to a better place. Meditate, practice deep breathing and remove toxic people and situations from your life. Your mental and physical wellbeing will improve when you manage your stress properly. A lot of stress is unhealthy and will start to take a toll on your mind and body.

Unplug from Technology

Not that technology is bad, but everyone needs a break from it once in a while. Staring at a screen all day and night will mess with your sleep and causes you to isolate. Find a new hobby, get outside and enjoy nature and spend time with your family. There are many benefits to breathing in fresh air and practicing gratitude for the beautiful scenery right outside your front door. Be mindful of how much time you’re spending connected to your devices and jump at opportunities to unplug and socialize with others. 



If you feel like you’re in need of an energy boost, try implementing a few of these ideas to get you started. Avoid settling and give yourself another chance to feel better by making lifestyle changes that will help improve your wellbeing. These are six ways to boost your health and happiness.

About The Author

Gadget lover, gamer, tech obsessed daddy blogger - Loving husband, father of two girls and dog owner