4 Gadgets that Make Exercise More Fun
Not many people exercise for the sheer fun of it; it’s usually more to do with health and trying to re-shape your body. However, with the right gadget, you can make your workout a bit more fun, while also getting some help with your exercise routine. Here are some gadgets you might want to put on your wish list.
Apple Watch
While there are lots of smartwatches out there, some of which are designed for tracking exercises such as the Fitbit, the Apple Watch is probably one of the best at helping you during your workouts. If you’re someone who soon gets bored of your fitness routines, the Apple Watch has a huge number of different apps to help you work out, so you can just download another one. Some popular choices include:
- Strava – great for tracking runs or bike rides.
- MyFitnessPal – this calorie tracking app counts your steps and tells you how many calories you’ve burned.
- Sworkit – offering a host of different workouts, you can choose cardio, yoga, stretching, or strength, then set how long you want to work out for to get a personalized plan.
- Endomondo – if you’re someone who likes to work towards a goal, then this app allows you to set challenges and try to smash them, giving you many useful stats along the way.
Swimbuds SYRYN underwater MP3 player
Swimming is a great full body exercise that’s low impact, but if you’ve ever done laps in your local pool, you’ll know how boring it can be after about 10 minutes. The SYRYN underwater MP3 is a tiny device that clips to the back of your goggles and has waterproof earbuds so you can listen to your tunes in the water. Listen to Bridge Over Troubled Water, Under the Sea, or even non-aquatic themed songs while you get a workout.
GoPro Hero 7
If you’re going to be doing some fun, adrenaline-pumping outdoor sports, then strap on a GoPro so you can play back the most exciting moments. GoPro isn’t just fun, it can also help you with your sport of choice, as you can play back videos and see whether you’re making common snowboarding mistakes or whether you made the right choice on the pitch. Some coaches have started using GoPros to help with training athletes, so you’re in good company.
BowFlex Smart Dumbbells
Lifting weights is not the most exciting exercise in the world, and it’s often hard to know whether it’s working or not. However, strength training is important, especially for men as they age. BowFlex’s range of smart dumbbells can connect to your phone via Bluetooth, which monitors every lift so that you can count reps, calories burned, and total amount lifted. Need help with your workout? The app has many different training plans and instructional videos, so you don’t waste your time or risk an injury by lifting incorrectly. This system is great for those who don’t have a lot of space for exercise equipment, as the weights simply clip together, so they’re neat and compact.