2019 Gift Wishlist for Dad
What to buy for dad, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve wondered about that.
But fear not, from my extensive research and a lifetime of buying awesome gifts, (if I do say so myself) I’ve compiled a comprehensive wishlist for dad that is bound to give you some ideas.
I’ve also divided them into sections to help your creative juices find their path to an epic idea.
You’re welcome.
Something Luxury
Luxury gifts are such a slippery slope.
In general, the line between gifts and clutter is very blurry to say the least.
But when you start looking at more luxury and/ or expensive gifts you run the risk of furnishing your receiver’s home with a super glorious, expensive white elephant.
Not ideal.
So make sure you air on the side of caution here and buy very carefully.
Here are some luxury gift ideas that could give you a win.
A Fancy Cigar Box
Cigar Boxes don’t have to be insanely expensive in order to be luxury, you could always opt for a personalized cigar box instead.
It has the same effect but is far less expensive.
Premium Booze
If your dad likes booze, chances are that he likes fancy booze and he will likely never buy this himself.
This though, is the kind of gift that is best presented with a pretty bow around it rather than wrapped.
Man Essence
Most dads don’t generally buy aftershave, shaving gear or perfume for themselves, or at least not before hell freezes over anyways.
That makes it a great option for a gift, plus it doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive.
Something Necessary
Dads seem to be allergic to buy the things they actually need for some unearthly reason.
It doesn’t matter how holey those socks get or how tattered the jeans are, it’s much more fun to buy things that hold no monetary value whatsoever.
Like some weird drone that can spy on the neighbours.
Yeah, I don’t know either.
Clothes/ Socks
If your dad has a physically demanding job like a mechanic or construction or maintenance, chances are his work clothes, overalls, or whatever he wears on a daily basis is bound to be worn.
And what a great gift wouldn’t it be to have someone take care of those things while you’re working so hard.
Workout Gear
Not all dads love working out but the ones that do, take that shit seriously.
Workout gear is a majorly cool gift, especially if you get something that he couldn’t get for himself.
Like a new sports watch, maybe?
Shoes just wear down so easily, whether it be workout shoes, work shoes or anything in between.
I mean they carry our entire weight for the whole time we wear them, that’s kind of crazy if you think about it.
Anyways, it’s a gift that will definitely be appreciated.
I mean is my dad the only one who religiously wears one?
I’m sure if he could wear a belt with his pjs, he would.
Great gift for sure.
Something to Collect
The older we get the more we like our little trinkets and collections, right?
Or that’s what I’m told at least.
My dad collects all sorts of stuff like fishing lures, perfume, boats (they don’t work though – sigh)
And odds are your dad is bound to be working on a collection of his own.
Books, maybe?
I’m definitely a book collector myself, but not a dad though.
In any event, here are some ideas for collections for your dad:
I’m not talking about collecting Rolexes here, you can do something quirky or unusual too.
Like collecting the weirdest looking watches for your dad.
Or punk rock watches.
Whatever you think would suit him.
I’m not a huge weapons person but they don’t have to be hunting knives, although those can be a great collection too (and after all, collectors don’t necessarily use their collections for practical uses).
You can do amazing cooking knives, or ancient chinese knives.
Get creative.
Coins are really fascinating.
There’s so much rich history in these small little, everyday objects.
You should get some sort of guide to get you started with helping your dad to collect coins.
Hobby Stuff
Fishing, hunting, camping all of those hobbies give you a great starting point for helping your dad build his collection.
I personally love hobby related collections because unlike most of the other types of collections, these will definitely get used.
My mom is a Marilyn Monroe fan, and she collects all things Marilyn Monroe – cups, posters, paintings, you name it.
She adores anything we give here that is Marilyn.
If your dad has an interest, or obsession with a specific historic figure and/or era, that’s definitely a great place to start.
Something Cool
Gadgets and gizmos, is there actually anything dads love more than something they can tinker with?
If there is, I don’t know about it.
Here are some awesome things you can buy for your dad and/or his awesome things:
Multi-tools are the ultimate tinker toy, but in a cool twist, they’re actually also super useful.
More than useful, in fact, they’re multi useful, hence the name.
But be warned though, these things can be a little (a lot) tricky to buy.
So I’d highly recommend starting with a multi-tool guide.
A Man Stand
A man stand is an organizer for man stuff. No not that kind of stuff.
It’s like a charging station/ safe haven for his wallet, watch, keys etc.
It’s an awesome gift or co-gift with any of the above.
A Tailgate Speaker
A super cool accessory for any guy (or guy dad) who loves a good tailgate.
There is quite the variety in price and quality and/or functionality so make sure you read the specs properly.